After listening to the explanation of the disc system, Cai Wenjie thought for a while, and then decisively asked the disc system to collect blood and DNA samples.

"Commander has logged in, please issue a new order!"

"Target Xinguang gathering place, full speed ahead!"

"Order received, start connecting to satellite, coordinates locked, start cruising!"

Cai Wenjie deliberately did not provide coordinates, but the disc system has already connected to the satellite by itself and locked the location of Xinguang gathering place, which made Cai Wenjie feel a little surprised.

I didn't expect this disc system to be so easy to use. Cai Wenjie is sure that these 20 transport planes will definitely play a huge role in future battles.

In the temporary apron, 20 transport planes and other helicopters took off and ascended almost at the same time, and formed a unique formation to fly in the direction of Xinguang gathering place.

The transport unit was very fast. At that time, in order to take care of the helicopter formation behind, it could only deliberately slow down and fly in a leisurely manner, waiting for the helicopter formation behind to catch up.

After flying for about an hour, an armed helicopter suddenly found something strange on the ground.

"Report! A distress signal appeared on the ground"

After the helicopter pilot controlled the helicopter to land at a certain height, he clearly saw a huge SOS.

And many survivors were found around the SOS. Judging from their ecstasy, it was probably the first time they saw so many helicopters.


"Hey!!! We are here!"

"Hey!! Look here! Look here!"

"Quick! Fire flares!"

"The flares are all used up! Fire! Use fire!"

"Quick! Ignite! I have gasoline here! Find something to burn!"

The place where they were was actually the top floor of a large shopping mall, and they were the staff in the mall, as well as the crowd who rushed to buy supplies here before the zombies appeared, and the adventurers who wanted to try their luck and find supplies here after the end of the world.

After the zombies appeared, these people did not follow the army's advice to evacuate to the gathering place. Instead, under the leadership of a mall manager, they forcibly closed the mall and forcibly expelled most of the people, and then took over the mall.

In the first half of the month, they lived a very comfortable life, with endless food, water, snacks and other things every day.

But after a long time, the power in this area had to be cut off because no one maintained it.

The power outage was not a big deal, but after the power outage, everything in the vegetable area, fresh meat area, and frozen area quickly rotted. Although they rescued some vegetables and fruits in time and planted them on the roof, they had no way to deal with meat and frozen products.

In order not to waste the food during those days, they ate meat and frozen food every meal. When others became thin because they could not eat enough food, they gained weight instead.

But the problem is that no matter how much they eat, they can't eat all the things in the warehouse. Although some people have tried to use salt to make fresh meat into jerky or bacon, the yield rate is less than 10% due to lack of experience, and the 10% is preserved because of the use of a large amount of coarse salt.

Gu Wei\u003c/span\u003eIn fact, so far, their food is enough to support them for a year or more. According to common sense, they shouldn't be so anxious.

But in recent days, at night, they have discovered a very terrifying thing, that is, there are more and more zombies nearby, and even if they hide well at night, there will still be zombies trying to break through the door of the mall.

If they hadn't blocked all the entrances and exits and all the windows with wooden boards or other things in advance, the consequences would be disastrous.

The current situation is that not only ordinary zombies try to break through the door, but even those mutant zombies come and roar from time to time. If those mutant zombies don't have the ability to fly, they would have broken in for a midnight snack.

However, the lack of flying ability does not mean the lack of climbing ability, especially for those clawed zombies. As long as they want, they can use their claws as a price to climb to the roof regardless of everything, and then do whatever they want.

Fortunately, this group of people are well concealed and have not been discovered by the mutant zombies, but they know that it is impossible to avoid the detection of mutant zombies every time. Although they are a little reluctant, they still hope to take refuge in a safe place, such as the recent Xinguang gathering place.

Although they have lost power, there are still antiques in the mall, radios that use No. 1 batteries. They use this radio to keep an eye on the news outside, so they are not unfamiliar with the Xinguang gathering place. After all, there will be some exciting news from there every short time, such as the previous alien fighting beasts, aliens, or the recent million corpse tide.

In order to encourage people, the official often reports some good news, and recently only Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place has performed well, so the official has basically been introducing the Xinguang gathering place in recent times and encouraging gathering places in other places to learn from the Xinguang gathering place.

While promoting the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie was inevitably mentioned, as if the official wanted Cai Wenjie to play a cameo role as people's spiritual pillar.

So Cai Wenjie's name is not only circulated in the army, but also heard by many survivors in the civilian world.

Back to the topic.

After people lit the fire, even Cai Wenjie noticed it.


"Report to the chief! The pilot of the No. 1 armed helicopter reported that there is a group of people below sending a distress signal."

"? How can there be people in such a place?"

It's no wonder that Cai Wenjie thought so. You know, there are mountains and forests all around, and the nearest village is at least fifteen kilometers away. That sick person would live here.

But the problem is that the reality is like this. Not only are there people, but also a large-scale shopping mall has been built, covering an area of ​​about fifteen standard football fields, and it is an eight-story shopping mall.

"Forget it, anyway, since you see it, then help it."

"Yes! I'll be right..."

"Wait a minute! Don't land directly yet, let the armed helicopters clean up the zombies around, especially don't let the mutant zombies survive."


In the end, Cai Wenjie decided to leave two armed helicopters and three transport helicopters to help go to the Xinguang gathering place.

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