My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 671: Sudden attack and reasons

Although Cai Wenjie knew that the people in front of him were all clones, the spirit of unconditionally protecting their own safety and coming to save him at all costs was so touching. Google search reading

"Okay, now is not the time to reminisce, let's leave here first"


Soon, Cai Wenjie and his team met the group of soldiers above.

"Is that Colonel Cai Wenjie? I am the person in charge of the safety of this building. Thank you for protecting the civilians. If possible, can you help us solve the safety of this building?"

When the soldiers saw a large group of people running up, they almost opened fire. Fortunately, Cai Wenjie and his team were wearing tactical flashlights. Under the illumination of the light, they finally distinguished whether they were people or zombies.

Then, they also found Colonel Cai Wenjie who was surrounded by people. It seemed that he was not hurt, which made the squad leader of these soldiers feel relieved.

Then they asked Cai Wenjie and others to allocate some manpower to rescue the rest of the civilians and eliminate the night demons and zombies that broke in.

"This request is reasonable, I agree."

Cai Wenjie had no reason to refuse the request from the other side, so he nodded and agreed.

"Tong Yuan! You take the guards and solve the threat of this building with them, and then help them evacuate the rest of the civilians."

"Yes! Complete the task resolutely!"

In the end, Cai Wenjie took a squad of guards and driver Liang Long and a large group of civilians to continue climbing the net, while the remaining guards and soldiers formed a temporary team and continued to go down.

The road above has been opened, and Cai Wenjie and his team did not encounter any danger and successfully reached the top of the building.

Now on the helipad on the roof, in addition to a transport helicopter parked, there are other transport helicopters in the sky waiting.

"Let the civilians evacuate first, and the rest of the people are on alert!"

Cai Wenjie did not board the transport helicopter to evacuate immediately, but let his transport helicopter leave for the civilians to leave first.

This is not because Cai Wenjie is a saint, but the current situation is basically no threat to him, so it doesn't matter to him whether to evacuate early or late.

In addition, there were not many civilians, so three transport helicopters could take all the civilians away with one round trip.

The remaining guards began to maintain order on the scene, stuffing civilians one by one into the transport helicopters. The transport helicopters had a lot of space, and could directly transport more than 20 people at a time.

"Don't worry, everyone, if this one doesn't work, switch to another one, don't squeeze"

There were old people and children in the crowd. For their safety, the guards had to use some tough measures to pull out those who tried to squeeze others and force their way onto the plane, and let them wait in line obediently.

Basically, the first transport helicopter was full of the elderly, women and children. As a vulnerable group, they must be the first group to evacuate in this situation.

After the first transport helicopter took off, other transport helicopters that had been waiting on the side saw the opportunity and landed quickly and accurately on the apron.

Father Gu\u003c/span\u003e "Let the women go first! The men wait a while"

Under the command of the guards, the civilians quickly boarded the helicopters, and in less than ten minutes, all the civilians safely evacuated the building.

"Okay, now it's time for us to leave here...! It's the Night Demon! Get out of the way!"

Just as Cai Wenjie was about to take the other guards away from here, a dozen Night Demons suddenly appeared in his sight and glided quickly in the air. It seemed that they were the target.

As soon as he saw the Night Demon, Cai Wenjie issued a warning, and then directly took out a Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle from his system space, and pulled the trigger directly at the gliding Night Demon.

The bullets of the anti-material sniper rifle were like a punishment from heaven for the Night Demon. Under Cai Wenjie's precise shooting, soon an unlucky Night Demon received a bullet in the face, and his head was like a broken watermelon, which was horrible to look at. And because it was in the air, his body fell directly from hundreds of meters high and broke into a meat pie.

The guards also used their own weapons to attack the swooping Night Demon.

In just a few seconds, at least three Night Demons were hit in the body and were forced to fall from hundreds of meters high and turned into meat patties one after another, but at least ten Night Demons successfully landed on the roof, trying to fight with Cai Wenjie and the guards at close range.

If ordinary soldiers were approached by Night Demons, they might really be killed by Night Demons, but Cai Wenjie and his guards were not ordinary people.

Any soldier in the guard company is at the level of a king of soldiers in ordinary troops, and everyone is wearing exoskeleton armor and the latest developed weapons and equipment. In this case, even if the guards have no weapons in their hands, they can fight Night Demons one-on-one without losing.

There is such a saying

"Seven steps away, the gun is fast!

Within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate!"

Facing the Night Demons rushing straight at them, the guards immediately gathered together and fired with their weapons.

The faster the Night Demons rushed, the faster they died. Because they did not deliberately aim at the Night Demons' heads, but fired volleys and strafes within a general range, the bodies and limbs were hit the most.

The Night Demon can withstand one or two rounds of bullets, but it cannot withstand a barrage of bullets. The 7mm armor-piercing bullets directly break holes the size of fists in the body of the Night Demon. If it unfortunately hits the limbs, it will be lost directly. The limbs, if accidentally hit the cervical vertebra, will be directly paralyzed to the ground.

In the end, more than a dozen night demons all fell to the ground. Although some were still alive, they had all lost the ability to move. No matter how unwilling they were, they could only scream on the ground, unable to cause any harm to anyone.

"It's strange, where did so many night demons come from? The air defense capability of this base is a bit weak."

In fact, what Cai Wenjie didn't know was that the night demons who attacked the base area today were the largest group ever, five times as many as usual.

The lair of these night demons is actually a high-rise building not far from the base. This building is at least 800 meters high. It was funded and built by a wealthy businessman before the end of the world. At that time, this high-rise building was the tallest building in the world. 9 tall building.

When the apocalypse occurred, at least 600 people were trapped in this high-rise building. Most of them broke in when they were seeking refuge. Unfortunately, these 600 people were killed by a strange mutant zombie. That is, the Night Demon was infected and turned into a new generation of Night Demon, which is now the Flying Night Demon.

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