My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 664 Statistics

The day passed quickly. Cai Wenjie had a rare opportunity to relax in his own home for a whole day, relieving a lot of the stress and energy he usually accumulated.

So the next day, Cai Wenjie appeared in the conference room full of energy.

The conference room was already crowded with company and platoon-level officers. They gathered today to discuss the next way out, or the future development of the Xinguang gathering place.

"Everyone is here, let's start the meeting, Xiao Liu"

"Yes! Chief!"

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜]

An officer who looked relatively thin stood up, walked to the projection, and played the PPT he made.

"Hello, chiefs, I am the person in charge of this meeting. Without further ado, please take a look!"

Xiao Liu, whose real name is Liu Xian, is Cai Wenjie's assistant secretary. He is basically responsible for data reporting and other things for the entire Xinguang gathering place.

Liu Xianxian paid a military salute to the officers at all levels present, and then got straight to the point.

“First of all, let me report the various data of our new light gathering place.

The current population of our Xinguang gathering place is 96,541, of which young adults account for 68% of the total population, middle-aged and elderly people account for 22%, and children account for 10%.

Secondly, we now have more than 60,000 tons of grain reserves, which can sustain the entire Xinguang gathering area for one year without restraint. If an equal distribution system is used, it can last for one and a half or two years.

As for the ground forces of the army, we now have two infantry battalions, one armored battalion, one artillery company, and one transportation company.

Among them, there are a total of 846 infantry soldiers, 20 armored vehicles, 40 infantry combat vehicles, 28 tanks, 36 Sky Soldier mechas, 1 Sky Soldier mecha, and 160 transport trucks.

80 mortars of various types, 40 howitzers and...

As for the Air Force, we now have a flight formation composed of unmanned bombers, a transport helicopter squad, and an armed helicopter squad.

Among them, the largest number of unmanned bombers reached 144, followed by 60 reconnaissance drones, 4 armed helicopters, and 12 transport helicopters..."

Liu Xian's report was very detailed, and everyone listened very carefully.

Cai Wenjie nodded from time to time. To be honest, he only had a rough idea of ​​how many soldiers and armored vehicles he had, and did not have a detailed understanding. Only after Liu Xian's report did he have a clear number.

After Liu Xian reported various data in detail, he immediately explained the current situation.

"Commanders, our current population and military strength have reached the upper limit. If we want to continue to expand our army or accept more people, we must go out of the Xinguang Gathering Area, or open up a new gathering area.

However, the manpower and material resources required to open new gathering places are too great. Rather than opening new gathering places, it is better to directly renovate old gathering places, such as stadiums or airport gathering places.

But if you do this, it will inevitably weaken the defensive power of the New Light Gathering Area, so you must choose carefully. I personally do not prefer this method.

I personally think it would be better if we invest a lot of manpower and material resources to build a new city, because YJ City has now become a ruin, and it would cost too much to repair the city. Instead of doing this, it is better to build directly around it. A new city centered on the New Light Gathering Area will not only solve the problems of population and land expansion, but will also not weaken the defensive power of the Shining Light Gathering Area."

Liu Xian's words were recognized by most of the officers below. They also felt that instead of dividing their troops to build a new gathering place, it would be better to make the Xinguang gathering place bigger and stronger and turn it into a real city. Can gather the place with new light, no! It should be said that Shin Kong City is the center and spreads its influence to the surrounding areas.

At that time, wouldn't it be great to directly absorb all the small gathering places in the surrounding areas, and easily obtain a large number of people and materials, and continue to contribute to Xinguang City?

The meeting lasted for a total of three hours. Almost all future development paths were conceived and simulated. Among many plans, how to expand the population and land in the future was also determined.

After discussion, the plan to expand the Xinguang gathering place into a city will be officially implemented in one month, that is, in mid-March.

According to the plan, with Xinguang Gathering Area as the center, all places within a radius of fifteen kilometers will be included in Xinguang City, and a city wall about 10 meters high and two meters wide will be built every five kilometers to separate the entire city. Wrap it up to isolate it from unexpected situations that may arise in the future. For example, if zombies attack the city and the first line of defense is completely destroyed, everyone retreats to the second line of defense, that is, to survive within the second city wall and not be wiped out by the group.

In the plan, the inside of the first city wall was used to grow food and crops, while the inside of the second city wall was where the army was stationed, and the third and last city wall was the living area where ordinary people lived.

In this way, people's life safety can be protected to the greatest extent and ordinary people can be protected from zombies.

After the meeting, Cai Wenjie did not leave directly, but stayed where he was, waiting for someone.

To be more precise, it is waiting for news from a person.

Within ten minutes, Cai Wenjie's communication device rang, and the person who called Cai Wenjie was none other than Zhao Yunpeng, who provided Cai Wenjie with a DF missile.

"Are you okay, Colonel Cai? How powerful is the DF?"

"Very cool, that missile helped me a lot, I really don't know how to thank you"

"Haha, as long as it's useful, we are old acquaintances, don't say thank you or not, besides, you eliminated that group of zombies for the sake of other living beings, right? I also want to thank you for eliminating that zombie tide on behalf of the people around you"

After the two complimented each other for a few times, Zhao Yunpeng finally told the reason for contacting him.

"When are you going to come?"

"I'll go today instead of another day."

"Okay, I'll send you the coordinates of my location, just follow them."

"Okay, got it, see you later."

After hanging up the call with Zhao Yunpeng, Cai Wenjie tidied his clothes, said hello to his family, and walked straight to the airport.

For safety reasons, the mutual escort team this time consists of three transport helicopters and two armed helicopters, one of which is Cai Wenjie's plane, and the other two are the guard team's planes.

If everything goes well, we should be able to return to the Xinguang gathering place today.

Of course, this is impossible. Cai Wenjie estimates that he will have to stay for about a day.

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