My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 649: Combustion Accelerant

The vanguard of the zombie army was very fast, because it was a vanguard composed of a group of speed-type mutant zombies.

Because it was just a vanguard, there were not many zombies, at most about 600 zombies.

Although these speed-type mutant zombies moved very quickly, they were also the most fragile zombies.

Without Cai Wenjie taking action, these mutant zombies were blown to pieces by the mine array that had been buried long ago.

The mine array contained anti-infantry mines with added drugs and amounts. One mine was enough to blow the entire zombie into pieces, not just break its legs.

Even if there were 600 mutant zombies, facing this kind of mine array, they could only hate the northwest, and then the whole army was wiped out.

Cai Wenjie blew these 600 zombies into pieces without firing a single shot.

It was so easy that it seemed like a child's play.

However, this mine array is almost useless. Due to time and terrain, only two thousand mines of this type are buried. Some mines are triggered again when the zombies that were blown away fall to the ground, so many mines are wasted in this way.

"While the zombies behind have not come yet, rearrange the mine array and don't waste it."


As the order was issued, a group of engineers holding shovels quickly ran out of the gate, and then dug a small pit in the mine array to lay down new mines.

Because these mines are buried very shallowly, the buried place can be seen with the naked eye, so there is no need to worry about accidental injuries. After all, anyone can see the location of the mines, and no one will be stupid enough to deliberately step on the mines, except zombies.

The engineers buried the mines very quickly. After all, they didn't need to bury them too deep. They just needed to produce them on the ground and then lay down the mines that had been set up long ago. So in less than ten minutes, at least five hundred mines were buried.

"Okay, let them come back, the second wave of zombies is coming soon"


As expected by Cai Wenjie, when the last engineer returned to the Xinguang gathering place, he saw a group of zombies running wildly at the end of his sight, approaching the mine array at a very fast speed.

However, they came quickly and died quickly. When the engineers laid the mines, they deliberately buried most of the mines in the center, where the zombies were most crowded. The mines buried here would definitely be stepped on, unlike those buried a little further away, which were ignored.

When the first zombie rushed into the mine array, he was lucky not to step on the first mine, but perfectly stepped over the mine and continued to run wildly in the direction of the Xinguang gathering place.

However, the zombies behind were not so lucky. After missing several zombies in a row, the first mine was stepped on by an unlucky fat zombie.

Immediately, an explosion occurred. These mines were not the kind that would explode after stepping on them and moving their feet, but mines that would explode directly as long as they were touched.

Therefore, the fat zombie who unfortunately became the first victim was in a very miserable state. His entire lower body and two arms were blown away, leaving only half of his chest and a head.

Few other zombies that touched the mines basically had a good end. They were either blown to pieces or lost all their mobility like the fat zombie. Only a head and half of the upper body were thrown to other places and disappeared.

While the zombies were passing through the minefield quickly, the mortar position behind the Xinguang gathering place also began to attack.

"Mortar team, target the first preset point, five shots at high speed, fire!"

In order to hit the target more accurately, the mortar team had already stepped on the point in advance and recorded the required data. Now they can accurately cover the target according to the preset data.

There are three such preset points in total, and the distance of each preset point is at least 100 meters, all of which are prepared to deal with the zombie tide.

The distance between the minefield and the gate is 500 meters, 400 meters is the first preset point, 300 meters is the second, 200 meters is the third, and the last 100 meters are all kinds of barbed wire, chevaux de frise, and the like. If the zombies want to pass through here, they must pay a huge price.

After the minefield consumed almost 2,000 zombies, the zombie group finally broke through the range of the minefield. Then the zombie group had to face the overwhelming mortar attack. A mortar shell could take away more than a dozen zombies, and with a little luck, dozens of zombies were possible.

Because the density of the zombie group was too small, the small ones were basically crowded with zombies. In this case, it was very reasonable for a mortar shell to take away a group of zombies.

Not only the mortar attack, the first preset point and the other two preset points were equipped with a large amount of solid liquids. The functions of these liquids were very simple, but don't underestimate them.

These are the latest combustion accelerants developed by the Xinguang Gathering Place. Once you are contaminated with a little bit of them and then ignited, you will have no chance to escape the flames unless you are burned to ashes. Even if you fall into the water, you will not be able to extinguish the flames and will be burned to death.

This sounds like a white phosphorus bomb, but in fact it is much more ruthless than a white phosphorus bomb. If you are contaminated with a white phosphorus bomb, you can save your life by cutting off the part contaminated with white phosphorus. However, if you are contaminated with this kind of combustion accelerant, you will not even have the chance to cut your body, because the combustion accelerant has a very powerful combustion effect. In just three seconds, the flames will spread to the whole body. After ten seconds, the flames will directly penetrate the head and burn the brain, giving you no chance to become a zombie, and you will be burned to death.

However, the production of this accelerant is not high. So far, the accelerant produced by the Xinguang gathering place is at most 15 liters, and now all of them are placed in three preset points, waiting to be triggered.

A large number of mortar shells streaked across the sky and hit the zombies at the preset points. At the same time, the accelerants installed at the preset points were also hit and exploded.

A large amount of accelerants caught fire in the empty hands and then fell on the heads and shoulders of the zombies. The accelerants that fell to the ground immediately began to burn, and the zombies were quickly eliminated amid their painful howls.

The first preset point turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. As long as the zombies dared to step into the sea of ​​fire, they would be burned to ashes, and even their ashes would not be retained.

Zombies with a certain degree of judgment naturally would not bow down and die. The zombies closest to the sea of ​​fire all stopped their steps and froze in place. However, the zombies behind or in the back row did not know what happened in front. They continued to move forward quickly and bumped into the backs of the first row of zombies, pushing these first row of zombies into the sea of ​​fire.

The zombies who bumped into their own kind and pushed them into the sea of ​​fire also froze in place like the first row of zombies when they saw the sea of ​​fire so close.

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