My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 647 Evacuation

It took half an hour for all the defense lines to be set up. ♦♕  ♦ඏ

At this time, the third wave of drone bombers were also ready to attack.

"Okay, since everything is almost ready, let's move the battlefield! Order! All the troops stationed in the stadium, immediately abandon all unnecessary supplies, and immediately break out to the Xinguang gathering place! The drone bomber group and armed helicopters are responsible for covering the troops' evacuation!"


Cai Wenjie had never planned to defend the stadium from the beginning. After all, the stadium had no defenses. Once the troops ran out of ammunition, they could only be besieged to death. Instead of doing this, it would be better to directly transfer the troops to avoid being wiped out.

Then, after the troops were almost evacuated, guide the zombies to the defense line where Cai Wenjie was, slowly consume the number of zombies, and after a certain amount of zombies were consumed, use the mobility of the armored forces to guide the zombies to other directions, so that the Xinguang gathering place can be protected from a major war.

However, Cai Wenjie also knew that this was just an ideal scenario. In reality, there were too many unexpected elements, and it was very difficult to achieve the expected goal.

So Cai Wenjie also set a backup plan. If they failed to stop the zombies here, they would retreat directly to the Xinguang gathering place and use the defense tower there to resist the zombies' attack.

In any case, Cai Wenjie had to find a way to eliminate some of the zombies here, otherwise if so many zombies attacked the Xinguang gathering place together, he would not have any confidence in defending it.

On the other side

When Cai Wenjie's evacuation order was issued, the defenders in the stadium immediately began to prepare for evacuation. Except for those defense towers that could not be taken away, all other things that could be taken away were packed up.

Fortunately, there were several transport trucks in the stadium, so basically there would be nothing that needed to be abandoned.

After the soldiers packed up the supplies and boarded the vehicles, the highest officer in the stadium immediately contacted the armed helicopter by radio.

"Our unit is ready to evacuate, please give instructions"

"Understood! We will escort you all the way"

After receiving the message, the helicopter pilot immediately drove the helicopter to cover the sides of the stadium entrance and exit. At the same time, the drone bomber came over the stadium again and carried out a third carpet bombing on the surrounding zombies.

As for the zombies at the gate of the stadium, they need to deal with them themselves.

When the highest commander of the stadium saw that the zombies on both sides of the road were almost blown up, he immediately ordered a breakout.

The infantry fighting vehicle at the front immediately blew up the gate full of zombies with a rocket, and then rushed out first, followed by other armored vehicles. ♦♦  ♦♦

Among them, the Type 99, as the main battle tank, was assigned the task of covering the rear by the team, so the tank was at the end of the convoy. When the drone bomber and the helicopter ended the bombing, it was time for them to go on stage.

Because they were covering the evacuation of the ground forces, the drone bombers and armed helicopters were trying their best to cause chaos to the zombies, and at the same time, they were sweeping the road ahead of the convoy to prevent the convoy from being trapped in the zombies and unable to move.

After the efforts of the three parties, the ground forces successfully drove away from the stadium and rushed straight to the direction of the Xinguang gathering place. At the same time, the three tanks that were the rear guard also fired shells at the rear from time to time while advancing alternately, little by little preventing the zombies from approaching.

At the same time, the tanks used ejection devices to lay a large number of anti-infantry mines on the road that the zombies had to pass through, including a large number of incendiary bombs. As long as a zombie accidentally stepped on the mine, these traps would be triggered, turning all the roads nearby into piles of fire.

Not long after the convoy left the stadium, the drone bomber formation consumed all the bombs again and began to return automatically.

As for the armed helicopters, although they also consumed all the ammunition, they did not retreat directly, but turned on the high-power speakers installed before departure to make noise interference to the zombies below.

A large number of zombies listened to the noise in the air, screamed at the sky frantically, and stretched out their arms desperately pointing at the sky, as if they could pull down the helicopter in the sky.

After seeing the zombies below being attracted, the helicopter slowly moved in the opposite direction, preparing to guide the zombies to a place where no one was.

Unfortunately, the driver's idea still failed, because when these zombies found that no matter how they screamed or stretched out their arms, they could not reach the flying things in the sky.

After having a certain degree of judgment, these zombies also gave up the action of continuing to scream at the sky, and instead followed the large group to continue moving in the direction of the Xinguang gathering place.

This momentum is probably ready to cross the entire city.

The unbelieving drivers made a loud noise for the second time, and then descended a certain altitude, trying to give these zombies some hope so that they would not give up so quickly.

Unfortunately, these zombies may have learned their lesson, and directly ignored the helicopter in the air, and moved in the direction of the convoy with a firm gaze.

Seeing that they could not control the movement of the zombies, the armed helicopter gave up the useless effort and turned around to return.

At this time, the ground troops also joined Cai Wenjie's main force, but Cai Wenjie did not let them stay there, but ordered them to return directly to the Xinguang gathering place.

Not long after the ground troops left, the zombies following the convoy also came here.

Cai Wenjie had nothing to say about this group of zombies, and directly ordered to open fire.

With Cai Wenjie's order, all tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and howitzer vehicles began to exert their power, directly turning the zombies that had just appeared into a pile of bloody meat.

The vanguard of the zombies suffered heavy losses, and countless zombies were blown to pieces by the dense artillery fire. Even those who were not killed on the spot had their internal organs and brains shattered by the subsequent shock waves, causing bleeding from all seven orifices to death.

This is not over yet. Compared with the battle on the stadium side, Cai Wenjie has more advanced equipment and artillery, as well as a steady supply of ammunition, so even if there are more zombies, there is no way to break through the defense line in a short time.

"It's almost done. Let the mecha troops attack from the side. Remember not to get too caught up in the zombies. Just fight your way out and rush out."


Since getting the Tianbing Mecha X, Cai Wenjie has trained a group of qualified drivers as soon as possible, and has also fought with scattered zombies.

But scattered zombies can't show the full performance of this mecha at all. Today, we can use these zombies to test the limits of the Tianbing Mecha X.

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