My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 645 Supporting the Stadium

Unexpectedly, turning on the searchlight was the beginning of a battle. A large number of zombies were awakened by the sudden light, and the sentinels immediately sounded the alarm after seeing the dense zombies.

First, there was a small-scale battle between the sentinels and the nearby zombies, and then it expanded. Soldiers from the entire stadium joined the battle. At the same time, the magnetic storm coils and light prism towers left by Cai Wenjie also joined the battle. Various bullets, electric currents, and light were scattered, directly knocking down the nearest zombies like cutting wheat. The zombies had a numerical advantage. Even if they lost almost a few hundred zombies in just a few seconds, it was just a drizzle for the entire zombie group.

Although mutant zombies only accounted for about 10% of so many zombies, it was also an astronomical number. Soon, hundreds or thousands of mutant zombies in the zombie group rushed to the stadium, trying to climb the stadium's walls or break open the gates to run in.

Naturally, the soldiers would not give the mutant zombies any chance. They immediately took out various heavy weapons or howitzers, anti-material sniper rifles and other weapons to stop the assault of these mutant zombies.

The few defense towers also set their targets to attack mutant zombies first.

Fortunately, the soldiers changed their shooting targets in time. These mutant zombies did not break through the people's defense line and were smashed into pieces by various bullets and shells. They were dead.

However, even if so many mutant zombies died, there were still more mutants coming up.

"Squad leader! Ammunition reserves are in urgent need!"

"Me too! No bullets!"

"Got it! Xiaohu! Take two people to move the ammunition boxes downstairs!"

"Yes! Squad leader"

Soon, the soldier named Xiaohu and two soldiers hurried to the ammunition depot.

At this time, many people were already carrying ammunition in the ammunition depot, preparing to send it to each squad for replenishment.

When Xiaohu and others arrived here, the entire ammunition depot was basically emptied. Fortunately, the three of them arrived in time, and there were still more than a dozen boxes of ammunition in the ammunition depot that had not been taken away.

"It's OK, move it away!"


Originally, there should be logistics soldiers here who are responsible for the allocation of ammunition, but now the situation is urgent. Not to mention the logistics soldiers, even the kitchen team has to take up weapons to fight, so naturally there is no one here to help.

When Xiaohu and the other two picked up as many ammunition boxes as possible and rushed back, the drone troops that set out first arrived above the stadium.

Since Cai Wenjie felt that his air force was too flawed, he urgently expanded the drone reserves. The drone troops that originally had only a few have now expanded to three squadrons of drones, that is, 36 drone bombers.

Each drone bomber carries 8 100KG aerial bombs, which can be dropped at low altitude or directly at high altitude.

"The target corpse group has been found, and each crew begins to drop freely"


Soon, 36 drone bombers quickly adjusted their formation, like wild geese, forming a triangle formation, and dropped a large number of aerial bombs on the ground.

The power of each aerial bomb is enough to blow all zombies within a radius of hundreds of meters into pieces. As long as the drone flies over, there are broken limbs and arms. The shock wave of the explosion not only blows the zombies to pieces, but also blows large and small holes in the entire ground. As the broken limbs and blood rushing up to the sky with the explosion are enough to turn the entire hole into a pool of blood.

The whole scene is simply like hell on earth. Ordinary people will definitely vomit when they see this scene, and they will never eat meat for a long time, and they will never even look at it.

When the drone bomber dropped the bomb and started to return, the second batch of armed helicopters and transport helicopters arrived in the sky.

Similarly, the armed helicopters equipped with various machine guns and missiles also began to exert their power as ground killers. The power of large-caliber machine guns is not something that zombies can resist. A machine gun shell can cut a zombie into two pieces. If the zombies around are relatively close, they can also be easily taken away.

There are also rockets from armed helicopters. The power of this thing is not much different from the aerial bombs of unmanned bombers. When the dense rockets were fired, a large number of zombies were turned into minced meat.

It can be said that the periphery of the stadium is now a meat grinder. The broken limbs and arms and large and small pits filled with blood can be seen everywhere, which is really creepy.

In a very short time, a large area of ​​open space was cleared outside the entire stadium. The soldiers in the stadium can also take this time to rest for a while and replenish ammunition.

The several containers transferred by the transport helicopters are all the ammunition urgently needed by the stadium. The soldiers took advantage of the gap that the zombies had not yet filled up and quickly opened the containers to distribute the ammunition.

And take advantage of the precious time to solve physiological problems and needs, that is, go to the toilet and eat.

Because the entire stadium was bombed with potholes, it takes a little time for the zombies to come over, but it is enough.

In less than three minutes, the soldiers inside the stadium had solved their physiological problems. In order to save time, some soldiers usually ate while going to the toilet. Although this was unhygienic, in the current situation, if they didn't do this, they would have to fight on an empty stomach. Which one should they choose, hunger or hygiene? Everyone knew it in their hearts.

After several armed helicopters had emptied their ammunition and missiles, they pulled up without hesitation and began to return to the Xinguang gathering place for supplies.

At this time, the zombies who were unable to move due to the large number of bullets and missiles climbed up again and continued to run wildly towards the stadium.

As zombies, they had no fear, and would not give up attacking because of the potholes on the ground. Even if zombies were tripped by the bodies of their long-dead companions from time to time, or fell directly into the blood pits blown out by aerial bombs or missiles, they could not stop their progress.

"Zombies are coming again! Everyone get ready! Fight!"

A large number of bullets began to burst out from the walls of the stadium again, hitting the zombies that were approaching quickly, and a large number of zombies fell to the ground again and closed their eyes forever.

But this time, there were more than just these at the stadium. There were more than just ammunition in the containers that the transport helicopter had just brought.

"Ready! Fire!"

The flag bearer of the mortar team in the middle of the stadium waved the flag vigorously, and the entire mortar began to exert its power again, but unlike before, the shells fired by the mortar this time were slightly different from before.

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