My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 629 Chimpanzees and Monkey Groups 1

Fortunately, although there was an accident, surprisingly no one died. Even the two train drivers jumped out of the train at the last moment and fell on both sides of the track. Then they ignored their scarred bodies and struggled ran to both sides.

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Zhao Yunpeng and other personnel were in the middle and rear of the train, so even if a quarter of the train was missing, Zhao Yunpeng and others were not harmed.

The only thing damaged in this accident were a dozen tanks mounted in the front half of the train. As for the artillery shells needed for the mechas and tanks, they were all in the back half of the train, so no more damage was caused.

"Quick! Check if there are any injured people, and loosen the connector of the 15th carriage to avoid secondary damage!"


After the accident, Zhao Yunpeng immediately jumped out of the carriage, and then began to check whether the soldiers in various places were injured and the damage to the tanks. He also ordered the connectors of the train cargo boxes to be loosened to prevent the potholes from expanding again. While continuing to pull the car down.

At the same time, Zhao Yunpeng also immediately contacted Cai Wenjie.

"...that's just the way it is."

Zhao Yunpeng explained what happened to Cai Wenjie in detail, and then made a request for support.

"I understand. I'm going to support you now. For safety reasons, you'd better stay on the train and don't get off. I'll talk about the rest after I get there."

"Okay, please."

After hanging up the phone, Cai Wenjie sighed helplessly, and then ordered the convoy to change direction and rush to where Zhao Yunpeng was.

Almost half an hour later, Cai Wenjie arrived at the scene of the incident with a large number of transport trucks, cranes and other engineering vehicles. Looking at the scene in front of him, Cai Wenjie sighed again. After all, these were his weapons and equipment. A quarter of his wife is gone. If you say you don't feel bad, you'd be lying. Moreover, these will be Cai Wenjie's main equipment in the future.

Feeling distressed? It's just heartbreaking.

At this time, Zhao Yunpeng came to Cai Wenjie with an apologetic look, and then said.

"You're finally here. I'm sorry that this was all my fault. Although I want to compensate you for your losses, I can't. I'm really sorry."

Zhao Yunpeng, who felt that he owed Cai Wenjie, now wanted to kneel down and kowtow to him to apologize, but this could not compensate Cai Wenjie for his losses...

Cai Wenjie clearly saw Zhao Yunpeng's embarrassment. In order to comfort his future informant, Cai Wenjie said the words "it doesn't matter" against his will.

"Forget it, let's just let this matter go. The most important thing now is to pull the remaining mechas and tanks back, and then find a way to lift out the tanks that fell in the potholes. You can go back and recover first. If there is any Remember to tell me if you want to compensate me."

"I'd better stay and help. After all, there is strength in numbers, and if I go back like this, I guess the chief will definitely pull out a piece of my skin."

Zhao Yunpeng might be afraid or guilty, but he wouldn't go back just like that even if he was beaten to death.

"Well, well, then you can stay and help, at least fish out those tank rows from the holes."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie took Zhao Yunpeng and started to walk towards the pothole. Now there are cranes or other engineering vehicles next to the pothole. They are detecting various data of the pothole and waiting to confirm that it will not happen again. After the collapse, the tanks began to be fished out.

A tank weighing dozens of tons requires two medium-sized cranes to catch it.

At this speed, it would take almost half an hour to fish out a tank, and there were at least a dozen tanks that fell, so it was impossible to leave this place in a short time.

"It looks like we have to spend the night here. To be on the safe side, I'd better call in an infantry company to protect this place."

It would be dark in a few hours. For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie used communication equipment to mobilize soldiers from the Second Company from the Xinguang gathering area for field garrison.

Plus the tanks and mechas here,

This is probably the safest place in the world.

When the first tank was lifted up by a crane, the entire tank's turret had been bent, the tracks fell off, and one of the wheels was missing. The engine was also damaged to a certain extent and could not move independently, nor could it fire the tank gun. The only thing What was movable was a heavy machine gun above the tank. The tank had to be pulled back for repairs immediately.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie had exchanged a large garage for repairing the tank, so Cai Wenjie was not too disappointed.

The tank that was fished out was immediately returned to the Xinguang gathering place by Cai Wenjie, and was pulled to the garage and repairs began.

There is no way, we can't continue to waste time after fishing it out. Rather than doing this, it is better to just lift one and repair the other quickly.

After it was completely dark, the engineering team here hoisted out two tanks. At this speed, they would definitely not be able to finish hoisting them all today, and some tanks were pressed at the bottom. They wanted to lift out this tank. , it will take at least two hours.

At this time, I am anxious and there is no solution, so I can only wait slowly.

In order to pass the time, Cai Wenjie personally led his security company and began patrolling the surrounding area. The place where Cai Wenjie was now was in a wilderness, with no villages around and only a forest on the left and right sides.

So Cai Wenjie could only lead the troops to patrol between the two mountains. He did not find any enemy along the way, but encountered a few hungry small animals. These animals were not infected with the virus, so Cai Wenjie did not order them to be killed.

After simply driving away the small animals, there were no more accidents.

But just when Cai Wenjie was about to finish patrolling and return to the camp, a group of dark figures were running forward at full speed, as if there was a powerful monster behind them hunting them.

Cai Wenjie, who discovered this situation, immediately hid with other guards, and then put on night vision goggles, wanting to see what kind of people dared to run around in the jungle at night.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't look, Cai Wenjie was shocked when he saw it. It turned out that this group of black shadows were not people at all, but a group of monkeys. This group of monkeys were covered with black plastic bags, swinging wildly on the trees, and quickly running forward.

Behind these monkeys, there is a black shadow following them. The real face of this black shadow is actually a chimpanzee. In the hand of this chimpanzee, there is even half a monkey corpse. When the chimpanzee is chasing the monkey, he will put the monkey corpse in the innermost part and chew it from time to time.

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