My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 624: Jade Maiden Sect

Just when Chen Xiao was about to go to accompany his wife and daughter, he suddenly heard a scream that shouldn't have happened.

"Ah! Zombies are coming in! Run!"

Similar screams continued, and Chen Xiao instantly understood what was happening. He immediately drew his sword and came to the street.

At this time, many people holding swords or other cold weapons had gathered on this street and started a close-range fight with the zombies.

Fortunately, there were not many zombies that broke in this time. With the concerted efforts of everyone, some of the zombies were suppressed in a small alley.

"Hold the shield! Don't let them escape! Spear! Pierce them for me! Aim at the head!"

The person directing the battle on the scene was a person wearing Jinyiwei uniforms, and almost all the people fighting were wearing Jinyiwei uniforms.

These people wearing Jinyiwei costumes were all professional martial arts actors who came to the filming city before the apocalypse. They just happened to play the role of Jinyiwei before, so when they were trapped here, they spontaneously came together to form a force, which is also the largest organization outside Changjianmen.

All of them have certain martial arts experience, and with the cooperation over a long period of time, they can quickly respond to emergencies.

Now they not only suppress the zombies in one place, but also investigate what happened to the zombie invasion.

In short, there is a small group that can't think of it. In order to retaliate against a large group like them, they secretly dug a dog hole under the city wall when no one noticed them, and then attracted the attention of the zombies and put them into the city through the dog hole.

Fortunately, the zombie invasion was during the day, so it was quickly discovered by others and notified them, which avoided a large-scale zombie invasion.

All the people in the small group were also arrested by them and locked up in the cell waiting for sentencing. Now they just need to deal with the zombies invading the city and then deal with the dog hole.

The leader of the Jinyiwei who was commanding the battle immediately stepped forward to talk to the leader of the Changjianmen after seeing Chen Xiao, the leader of the Changjianmen, come out.

"Leader Chen, the situation is urgent now. I hope that your Changjianmen can help us eliminate the zombies."

"Of course, don't worry, General Li, I will arrange for disciples to help you eliminate the zombies."

"Thank you very much, then, Master."

After that, the general flag of the Jinyiwei continued to command other Jinyiwei to surround and kill the zombies here.

Looking at the departing Jinyiwei general flag, Chen Xiao also summoned the other hall masters and disciples of the Changjianmen and began to search quickly along the street.

Because this is a film and television city, there are more or less walls in every place. People can keep the zombies out by closing the door after escaping to a certain building. Of course, some buildings with rough workmanship are not good. The wooden door is just a thin layer of wood. Let alone blocking zombies, it is estimated that even a dog can't be blocked.

However, for the safety of his family, Chen Xiao still left more than 20 disciples in the palace to protect his wife and daughter.

Even so, Changjianmen still has hundreds of disciples who are capable of fighting, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Soon, Chen Xiao led people to a building that looked like an ancient restaurant. The interior of the restaurant was actually a restaurant. Basically, if you want to improve your food, you have to come here to eat, not for anything else, but because the chefs here are very good.

But now, not only people go in to eat, but even zombies break in to feast.

Hearing the screams coming from the inside of the restaurant, Chen Xiao immediately led half of the disciples in, and the remaining disciples were led by other hall masters to other places to eliminate zombies.

"Remember not to be impulsive when you encounter zombies! You must work together in two or three people, don't give zombies a chance to get close, and don't take it lightly. You must chop off the heads of zombies to completely kill them. Do you understand!"


"Okay! Save people!"

After that, Chen Xiao took the two disciples around him and took the lead to run upstairs. There was nothing else on the first floor except a few corpses with broken heads.

After reaching the second floor, Chen Xiao saw the two zombies on the table eating the flesh of living people. Perhaps they were too absorbed in eating and did not notice Chen Xiao and others behind them.

After seeing the zombies eating people, Chen Xiao frowned and shouted angrily.

"Evil creature! Watch out for the sword!"

Chen Xiao took a running start and jumped up. He held the long sword in reverse and stabbed it into the zombie's head. The other two disciples did not stand there to watch the show. They took a few steps forward and stabbed the other zombie with a sword from the left and right.

The two zombies left this world forever before they could figure out what happened.

However, the noise here also alarmed the zombies in other corners. They paused in their eating and turned to look at Chen Xiao and the others.

In addition to the two zombies just killed, there were eight zombies on this floor. Now that these zombies found the three fresher ones, they immediately abandoned the flesh in their hands and turned around to pounce on the three without hesitation.

At this time, the disciples below also rushed up and began to attack the zombies in twos and threes.

Although they did not know the Jinyiwei's mandarin duck formation, the three of them had clear division of labor, and for a while the zombies could not break through their defense, and the three of them also relied on close cooperation to continuously injure the zombies.

However, at this time, the corpses that were attacked by zombies and had part of their bodies eaten were also transformed into zombies by the virus and began to stand up shakily and attack the disciples of Changjianmen.

However, fortunately, these newly transformed zombies were unable to launch any effective attacks on the disciples because they were missing arms and legs. They were easily beheaded by the disciples and closed their eyes forever.

While the zombies on the second floor were suppressed by the disciples, Chen Xiao led his disciples to the third floor.

This restaurant has four floors in total, but the top floor is a private room that only people of noble status can use. Ordinary people can't use it at all, so there is no one on the fourth floor.

When Chen Xiao led people to the third floor, he found a group of tough girls holding benches and chairs and even fighting zombies with bare hands.

These girls are disciples of the Jade Girl Sect, which is the third largest force in the city. The disciples in the sect are all female, without a single man, and even their pets are female.

The head of the Jade Maiden Sect is also a woman, and a great beauty. However, she is also a woman who has practiced her martial arts to the highest level. Although she cannot fight ten people at once, she can still fight five people at once.

Her original intention of establishing the Jade Maiden Sect was to protect the women in the city from being bullied by others. After all, it is the end of the world and those despicable behaviors are inevitable. Those who understand will understand.

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