My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 610 Strengthening the Tank Battalion

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Cai Wenjie immediately stopped the director of the institute who wanted to say hello, then took an isolation box and placed it in front of the director.

"This is an unknown creature that is suspected to come from an alien planet. It fell from yesterday's meteor shower. Please study these creatures first and make a brief report. I will stay here for safety reasons. These soldiers cooperate with your research."

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie opened the isolation box in front of him and showed the contents in front of the director of the institute.

"Don't worry, this is a suspected alien creature that has lost its vital characteristics. Let's study the corpse first and then study the living body to avoid any accidents."

The loss of life characteristics that Cai Wenjie mentioned was actually the unlucky guy who was blown to pieces by a rocket. The entire isolation box was filled with pieces, without a complete body.

The director of the research institute was not too surprised by the tragic situation in front of him. To be honest, when they were studying zombies and mutant zombies, what they encountered was not much worse than this. He was used to this kind of minced meat.

However, when he heard that the contents of the box were actually suspected alien creatures, he immediately became interested. He patted his chest and said that he would definitely give Cai Wenjie a research report as quickly as possible.

"Don't worry, chief! Please give me an hour. I will give you a simple report first. Please wait."

With that said, the director of the institute immediately asked others to move these isolation boxes to the laboratory and isolation cabins inside, and began to conduct a series of inspections on these suspected alien and unknown creatures.

Cai Wenjie didn't waste the one-hour waiting time. In line with the idea of ​​reporting anything, he directly dialed Zhao Yunpeng's number.

The call was answered quickly.


"It's me, Cai Wenjie"

"Is there something wrong with Lieutenant Colonel Cai? Is it about those Tianbing Mecha X matters? Don't worry, I'm ready to go. I'll be at your place at about three o'clock in the afternoon. Don't be anxious. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. "

"That's not it. Guess what I found today?"

"Hold the grass! No! Lieutenant Colonel Cai, you have found something valuable again! This is too outrageous. Are you a treasure-delivery boy..."

Hearing Cai Wenjie's strange tone and answer, Zhao Yunpeng said directly and speechlessly, these days, he first captured the alien fighting beast O'Byrne alive, broke into foreign research institutes, etc., and then he actually had other gains. This made Zhao Yunpeng have to lament Cai Wenjie's good luck. ♦♦  ♦♦

At the same time, Zhao Yunpeng was also a little curious about what extraordinary thing Cai Wenjie had discovered this time.

"Stop being so pretentious, Lieutenant Colonel Cai, hurry up and tell me what you discovered this time. By the way, do you want me to wait outside the chief's office now? I'll save you the time and make the trip again after departure."

"Perhaps you really need to go there, because I discovered a suspected alien creature today..."

Cai Wenjie was not trying to show off. He spoke in a serious tone about yesterday's meteor shower, the meteorite eggs discovered today, and the creatures hatched from the meteorite eggs, without any concealment.

On the other end of the phone, when Zhao Yunpeng first listened to Cai Wenjie talking about suspected alien creatures, he felt that he was having fun with him, but the more he listened, the more something was wrong, especially when Cai Wenjie described what happened in detail, his instinctive feeling It turned out that Cai Wenjie did not lie to him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cai, this matter is too bizarre and beyond the scope of my handling. I will go to the chief now. You can explain it to the chief yourself."

After Zhao Yunpeng heard what Cai Wenjie said, he immediately said to go find the chief and don't let him hang up the phone.

Cai Wenjie listened to the sound on the other end of the phone and knew without asking that Zhao Yunpeng was running as fast as he could, and his destination was naturally the office of the top person in charge of the northern theater.

Zhao Yunpeng ran all the way to the chief's office. During the process, he encountered many pickets and did not stop. It was not until he came to the office building where the chief was located that he was stopped by the sentry on guard. Then he breathlessly explained the purpose of his visit.

"I'm sorry! Comrade, please show your ID and register! And please turn off your mobile phone."

"Right now, right now! No! The phone can't be turned off. I have important things to report here, so the phone can't be turned off. I've already registered. Can you let me in?"

After the sentry on duty looked at the registration form and Zhao Yunpeng's ID, he did not let him go directly. Instead, he chose to use the phone in the sentry to dial the number of the chief's office where Zhao Yunpeng wanted to see.

"Report to the chief! This is post No. 1. Someone wants to see you... Yes! Understood!"

After the sentry asked for instructions, he let Zhao Yunpeng in. They all acted in accordance with the regulations. Naturally, Zhao Yunpeng had no choice. Fortunately, after a few minutes of delay, he finally met the leader he wanted to see and told him the purpose of his visit. After explaining clearly, he handed his phone to the old chief.


After another detailed explanation, Cai Wenjie could clearly feel that the leader opposite seemed very excited?

"Great! Lieutenant Colonel Cai, you are truly a blessing! I didn't expect that you could even pick up alien creatures. This is such a surprise."

"Chief, it is not clear whether it is an alien creature..."

"It doesn't matter. It only takes a simple inspection to determine whether it is an alien creature. I will arrange a transport helicopter to go to your place now. Lieutenant Colonel Cai, you must keep an eye on those alien creatures and don't lose them. This matter is too big and must be submitted to the central government for decision."

The other end of the phone paused and then continued.

"By the way, it seems that I have to congratulate Lieutenant Colonel Cai in advance. You are likely to be promoted because of this matter. In fact, even if there is no such thing, you will be promoted by the end of the year just by living with the alien beast, but now it is estimated that you don't have to wait until then."

"Ah, that's good."

Hearing that he was expected to be promoted again, Cai Wenjie didn't feel much. After all, no matter how much he was promoted, he could only move around in this small area. The benefit of the promotion was probably that he could expand the army blatantly.

Hearing that the other end of the phone seemed to be in low spirits, the old chief immediately guessed what Cai Wenjie was thinking, and he continued with a smile.

"In addition to this promotion, I can support a reinforced tank battalion. Are you satisfied?"

Satisfied? What a joke! I'm so satisfied!

An ordinary tank battalion must have at least 30 tanks. If it is a reinforced battalion, the number of tanks can exceed 50!

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share it on Facebook and you may get a surprise]

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