My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 608 Lijia Village

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Just as the family was spending the night laughing, several meteorites fell into a small village a few kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place.

This small village has been swept by the soldiers of the Xinguang gathering place several times. Normally, there should be no zombies or mutant creatures.

But, perhaps because of the loud noise made by the meteorite, several black shadows suddenly appeared in the originally very quiet village. The staggering figures were definitely not living people.

Several zombies who came out of nowhere were staggering towards the meteorite that was emitting white smoke.

And as these zombies got closer and closer to the meteorite, their bodies were changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The originally grayish skin began to become red and swollen, as if it was burned by high temperature, without blisters.

Moreover, the closer they were to the meteorite, the more obvious the burns became. When the zombies were only about three meters away from the meteorite, they could no longer see their original appearance.

The bodies and faces of each zombie were severely dehydrated, and it was as if they had been splashed with several liters of strong sulfuric acid. The external skin tissue had completely dissolved, and even the internal muscle fiber tissue began to slowly dissolve.

When the zombies were about one meter away from the meteorite, they could no longer move. The muscles of their entire legs were completely dissolved, leaving only the pale legs exposed. Without the support of muscle fibers, how could the zombies stand up? They all fell to the ground and could not move.

In less than three minutes, these zombies were left with only a few skeletons, and all the flesh and blood in their bodies had evaporated completely.

However, if someone could carefully observe these meteorites, they would find that the originally black meteorites now had a dark red luster.

It was as if these meteorites had life.

The next day, Cai Wenjie, who had escaped from Xiang Xue's octopus state, simply washed up and left home without even eating, preparing to go to the military camp to gather a platoon of people.

As for what to do? Of course, it was to investigate the meteorites that fell yesterday. I don't know why Cai Wenjie couldn't sleep well last night. This was the first time. You know, I was completely relaxed at home, and this situation would not happen.

After thinking about it, it was probably because of the meteorites last night. Since seeing those meteorites, Cai Wenjie's heart unconsciously began to be alert, even thinking about it when sleeping, so Cai Wenjie came to the military camp early in the morning, ready to lead the team to investigate those meteorites in person.

"Song Yichen, you came at the right time, immediately arrange a platoon of people to prepare for battle, I want to investigate the meteorites that fell yesterday"


As soon as Cai Wenjie entered the gate of the military camp, he met Song Yichen's company who rushed back to eat after morning exercise.

After instructing Song Yichen to send a platoon of soldiers to follow him, Cai Wenjie entered the military camp.

When the meteorite fell yesterday, the Kirin system had already calculated the direction of the fall, so Cai Wenjie only needed to find the meteorite according to this direction.

Cai Wenjie came to the operations room and went to the computer to input the data given by the Kirin system. According to the data, the computer quickly displayed the location where the meteorite fell in reality.

"Is this... Lijia Village? It's OK, it's quite close."

After confirming the location where the meteorite fell, the troops outside were also ready to attack.

When Cai Wenjie walked out of the military camp, the first platoon of the second company, the platoon leader Ji Liangjie had already prepared for the attack with his platoon of soldiers.

Because this was an emergency mobilization, these soldiers did not eat breakfast, so each of them received a military ration, which was an emergency dry food such as compressed biscuits, and quickly replenished energy when they had time.

"Report to the commander! The second company, the first platoon, should have 33 people! The actual number is 33! Please give instructions!"

"Well, at ease!"

Cai Wenjie looked at the soldiers who had gathered in a short time in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and then said.

"Let me make a long story short. At about 9:30 yesterday, several meteorites fell near us. In order to avoid any accidents, our task today is to recover those meteorites. In case of any accidents, everyone cannot take off the mask throughout the whole process. You must always pay attention to contact with meteorites. Do you understand?"


"Okay! The target is Lijia Village, eight kilometers away! Let's go!"


The soldiers quickly boarded the prepared transport trucks. Because they were not going to fight this time, they only prepared two military transport trucks and a transport truck specially used to transport meteorites.

Cai Wenjie also prepared to take the transport truck with the soldiers.

After all, it was only eight kilometers away, and it would take only a few minutes to get there by car.

Ten minutes later, three trucks stopped at the entrance of Lijia Village, but no one rushed in.

The moment the troop transport truck stopped, the soldiers jumped off the truck in an orderly manner and set up a battle line at the entrance of the village.

After all the soldiers were on guard, Cai Wenjie jumped off the truck.

Ji Liangjie approached Cai Wenjie and reported the situation immediately.

"Report to the chief, it has been a week since the last cleanup of Lijia Village. There is a high possibility that there are lone zombies in it. Should we clean up Lijia Village first and then..."

"You make sense. In this case, let's check Lijia Village to confirm its safety first, and then recycle the meteorite."


At any time, safety is one of the most important indicators, so Ji Liangjie's proposal is very good.

Soon, a platoon of soldiers, except for Ji Liangjie and Cai Wenjie who stayed in place, formed a group of two soldiers and began to clean up Lijia Village in a group.

Lijia Village is not big. There are only 20 houses in the whole village. Even if we calculate it based on the most basic family of three, there are only more than 60 people in the whole Lijia Village. Of course, the actual situation is even less than this.

After all, there are basically no young people in the countryside now. Only some elderly people are left in the village to continue living. If the children live well in the city and are filial, they will take the elderly to live there. In this way, it is good to have 30 people in the whole village.

These are the situations before the end of the world. Now, there is no one alive in the entire Lijia Village. Some of them have turned into zombies and were eliminated in the previous clearing operations, or wandered out of the village and disappeared.

Soon, the soldiers searched Lijia Village and confirmed that there were no zombies hiding in the village, and then came back to report.

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share it on Facebook and there may be a surprise]

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