My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 602: Chase

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

After ending the communication, Cai Wenjie ordered the soldiers to blow up this harmful research institute after collecting all the research information here.

As for himself, he returned to where he was and continued to help fill the hole.

Nearly an hour later, with a huge explosion, Dr. Chiba's underground research institute was directly destroyed. The research institute, which was covered by a large amount of rocks and land, returned to its original appearance.

At this time, Kusuo Saiki and others who were sent by Cai Wenjie to capture Dr. Chiba also successfully caught up with Dr. Chiba and others.

The two people from Country R who escorted Dr. Chiba originally saw a dozen unidentified people approaching and thought that soldiers from Country Z had discovered them. They were ready for battle and had time to hide Dr. Chiba. A safe place, but when they saw that the person coming was Kusuo Saiki, they couldn't help but get excited.

"Captain Saiki! So you're fine! That's great!"

"Captain Saiki! Dr. Chiba is safe. I'll let her out immediately."

Seeing these two of his subordinates still faithfully completing the tasks he assigned them, Hatake Minami's emotions became complicated for a while.

"Yamashita, Damu, you two have done a good job. I am very pleased. I will ask the chief to give you a chance to be resurrected later."

The sudden sentence confused these two people. The two people who had not figured out what it meant suddenly discovered that there were several people in Kusuo Saiki's team who should not be here.

"Misuhiko! Hirono! Aren't you two already dead? And Soichiro! Aren't you already..."

Seeing their teammates who were supposed to die in battle standing not far away and staring at them without saying a word, these two people noticed something was wrong, no matter how slow they were.

"Impossible! You guys have been dead for a long time, how could you be standing here! Who are you! Hmm!"

Soon enough, Kusuo Saiki took out a dagger and thrust it directly into the heart of the R man named Yamashita, and then twisted it again.

Another R countryman named Damu was also stabbed several times in the back by others. The last knife was inserted directly into his heart. There was no hope of survival.

Looking at the two people who were gradually dying, Saiki Kusuo said to the others.

"Put their bodies away. When I get back, I will ask the chief to give them a chance to resurrect."


Dr. Chiba, who was hiding in a dark place and peeked out to observe, was so frightened by this scene that she didn't dare to breathe. She covered her mouth tightly in an attempt to prevent herself from making any sound.

It's a pity that Saiki Kusuo found her without much effort at all, because this hiding spot was arranged by Saiki Kusuo himself. He knew exactly where to hide people and where not to hide people, so he knew it at a glance. Dr. Chiba was spotted hiding in a dark place.

"Dr. Chiba, I have discovered you, please do not resist. Our leader really wants to see you, so come with us weirdly."

Saying this, Saiki Kusuo led the others and walked straight to the place where Dr. Saiki was hiding.

The footsteps of Saiki Kusuo and others became increasingly clear as the distance shortened from far to near. Dr. Chiba covered his ears in fear, and his whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

"Found you~"

Suddenly, Saiki Kusuo's fierce face appeared less than thirty centimeters away from Dr. Chiba, which made Dr. Chiba scream in fear.

But soon, she couldn't scream anymore, because Saiki Kusuo pinched his neck hard, preventing her from making a sound. Fear, suffocation, and the desire to live surrounded Dr. Chiba's mind for a moment.

"Please, don't..."

Saiki Kusuo also didn't want to kill Dr. Chiba, so he quickly let her go.

"Dr. Chiba, our leader wants to see you, please come with us."

As he spoke, Saiki Kusuo suddenly thought about it, then squatted down, pinched Dr. Chiba's chin, looked left and right, and then pulled open Dr. Chiba's square eyes, revealing Chiba's chin. The true face of Dr. Ye.

"Dr. Chiba, I have to say that you are very beautiful. It's a pity that I can't tell you wearing such big glasses."

I have to say that Dr. Chiba's appearance is indeed outstanding. He is not stunning, but he can be called charming. And because he is so scared that he is about to cry, he can also be called charming.

Hearing what Saiki Kusuo said, Dr. Chiba thought he was going to do violence to her. His eyes showed fear unconsciously, and his body began to tremble again.

"Don't worry, Dr. Chiba, I won't do anything to you, but I think our leader should lack a confidante. For the sake of our future, I think Dr. Chiba, you should sacrifice yourself. After all, we are all from R country, so our status here is a bit embarrassing."

As a senior agent of country R, ​​Saiki Kusuo has naturally acquired a lot of knowledge, so he knows very well that the people here have a natural hatred for them. If he wants to resolve this hatred, it is impossible unless they all die. To resolve, so for their future, he felt it was necessary to do some special means.

For example, offering a beautiful woman to please your boss.

"I remember Dr. Chiba, she is still a single woman, right? Don't worry, you will have a soul mate soon. I hope you will not be disrespectful and take him away!"


It was obvious that Saiki Kusuo's last words were addressed to other people. Soon two people came out to hold Dr. Chiba and started to rush back.

Just when they were about to return directly to the research institute, Saiki Kusuo turned around and looked at Dr. Chiba who was being held up. To be precise, he looked at the uninteresting clothes on Dr. Chiba. After thinking for a while, he Decided to take a detour and go somewhere else.

His target was of course a certain clothing store. Although most of the buildings were turned into ruins due to the earthquake, there were always a few buildings that were still strong, so Saiki Kusuo quickly found a clothing store.

He first led a few team members to quickly check whether there was any danger in the clothing store, and then asked the people behind him to carry Dr. Chiba into the clothing store.

"Dr. Chiba, although you are very beautiful, the clothes you are wearing are too plain. Although the conditions are limited, I hope you can dress up a little here."

After saying that, Saiki Nanxiong led others out of the clothing store, and then patrolled around to prevent anything from disturbing Dr. Chiba inside, and also to prevent Dr. Chiba from escaping.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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