My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 596 Research Base

After the battle was over, Cai Wenjie left only a small number of people to clean up the battlefield, while the others went back to fill the pit.

As for why there was a blood plague heart under the pit? Cai Wenjie was also troubled by this.

To be honest, if it weren't for the earthquake, Cai Wenjie probably wouldn't know until his death that there would be such a swollen blood plague heart in the giant pit, and once so many blood plague hearts were given time to develop, the future would definitely be a disaster.

"No! The more I think about it, the more wrong it is! We must find out where these blood plague hearts came from."

The more Cai Wenjie thought about it, the more frightened he became. He simply went directly to the edge of the giant pit and began to carefully observe the situation below.

However, because of the repeated missile attacks, the bottom was already a mess. It was impossible to see anything by just observing with the naked eye here. It was necessary to observe closely.

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie turned around and took out a reconnaissance drone, and then used the controller to control the reconnaissance drone to fly slowly under the giant pit.

The height of the pit is about 13 meters, which is about the height of a five-story building in an old community. The reconnaissance drone has a long flight distance, so there is no need to worry about the signal being bad.

With the camera of the reconnaissance drone, Cai Wenjie carefully observed the wreckage of the Heart of the Plague that had been blown into countless pieces of meat. After careful investigation, he did not find anything strange.

Just when Cai Wenjie felt helpless, the camera of the reconnaissance drone began to shake with some strange wind sound.

"At this time? Ventilation vent!"

Cai Wenjie controlled the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to fly around the bottom and soon found a hole that was about three meters high and two meters long. However, this hole was mostly blocked by a large amount of meat. If you don't look carefully, you can't find this hole at all.

Because this place was also filled with the meat of the Heart of the Plague, Cai Wenjie didn't find it at the first time. Only after careful observation did he find clues and find it here.


After discovering the cave entrance, Cai Wenjie immediately controlled the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to fly forward to the cave entrance, but after entering the cave entrance, the light became obviously dim, and it was a little difficult to see the scene inside.

Fortunately, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was also equipped with a high-power strong light and night vision device. Cai Wenjie directly pressed the switch button of the strong light, and the dark cave was illuminated as if it were daytime. ♬♦ ♦♧

With the help of the strong light, Cai Wenjie finally saw the inside of the cave.

The cave was very spacious. Except for the flesh and blood remains of the blood plague heart that had lost its vitality on the ground, this was an ordinary cave, but it was a little deep and a little unclear.

Driven by curiosity, the reconnaissance drone began to fly slowly inside, but perhaps because it was too deep, the signal of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was not very good, and the picture was not clear when it was transmitted, but the structure inside could still be seen clearly.

As the reconnaissance drone continued to go deeper, the space of the cave became larger and larger, and even at the last section of the passage, some kind of light was found.

Feeling that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, Cai Wenjie ignored the increasingly poor signal transmission screen and continued to move forward until he broke through the other side of the light. Here, Cai Wenjie saw a building that should never appear underground.

A huge space made of metal, and about five meters above this space, there is a huge observation window composed of countless reinforced glass, tempered glass and bulletproof glass, and the passage for the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to enter this area is like a deliberately dug hole.

If you look more carefully, you will find that there are no natural pits here and there, which are all man-made products.

In other words, this is an underground research institute of a certain organization or a certain vision, and those blood plague hearts are not formed naturally, but created artificially by a certain organization or unknown force.

It has been said before that the blood plague heart can be formed naturally or created artificially, as long as the conditions are met, and the eight blood plague hearts just now were artificially created, but it seems that they were deliberately released.

At this time, several figures appeared in front of the huge observation window, and they also discovered the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying in the experimental site.

Cai Wenjie, who was controlling the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, also discovered this. It was obvious that the people on the opposite side were very disgusted with the intrusion of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. The people behind the observation window pressed some kind of mechanism button on the surrounding device. Several fixed machine guns suddenly appeared in the originally smooth metal walls around, firing fatal bullets at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft controlled by Cai Wenjie.

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was not equipped with weapons, but Cai Wenjie did not watch the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft being shot down. He controlled the reconnaissance aircraft to evade while recording the current location of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

"Southeast direction, 421 meters away, 9 meters from the ground..."

Cai Wenjie tried his best to evade the bullets while recording the current position data of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. After Cai Wenjie finished recording the position, he gave up the meaningless struggle. The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was soon beaten into a hornet's nest, fell to the ground with sparks and exploded.

"Guards! Gather the troops immediately. Except for those who came out of the Xinguang gathering place, everyone should move quickly to the southeast 450 meters away!"


After Cai Wenjie gave the order, he threw the remote control in his hand into the pit in front of him. Each drone remote control can only be bound to one drone. If the bound drone is damaged or cannot be used anymore, the remote control that comes with the drone will be completely useless and can only be discarded.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to break my things, I will make you pay for it."

Of course, this is just Cai Wenjie's angry words. The main reason is that these people seriously threaten his personal safety, and he must take action to solve it. It goes without saying that those who can study the Heart of the Blood Plague are not good people, so Cai Wenjie has no psychological burden to deal with them.

Soon the troops assembled again. It was less than half an hour after the peace, and something happened again. If it were ordinary people, they would have been impatient and swore, but they were professionals, so no one said anything nonsense, just did what they should do, gathered and waited for the next instruction or order.

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