My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 582 Thinking about the future

Hua Lan'er was afraid. She was not afraid of her own safety. He was afraid of whether Cai Wenjie would have any accidents. read

You must know that Cai Wenjie has the final say in the entire Xinguang Gathering Area now. This does not mean that Cai Wenjie is an oppressive landowner or a local emperor, but that Cai Wenjie is the absolute backbone of the entire Xinguang Gathering Area, the hope and support of everyone. People can live a carefree life here because Cai Wenjie sits in the Xinguang gathering place.

As long as Cai Wenjie is around, everyone will be happy. But if something happens to Cai Wenjie, the consequences will be disastrous.

So Hua Lan'er was very worried about Cai Wenjie's safety, and was a little dissatisfied with the plan of this major counterattack. That's why she wanted to know the follow-up plan of this major counterattack. What would happen to the cities that were captured?

Regarding Hua Lan'er's question, Zhao Yunpeng said that it really stumped him. After all, he was only the commander of a transportation company. How could he know what the leaders were thinking.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

"Officer Hua Laner, right? With all due respect to the country's plans, this is not a place where I can have a hand, but I can only express my guesses on this point. These can only represent my own opinions. What else can you say? Want to hear it?"

Hua Laner still nodded after hearing this. Even though Zhao Yunpeng said that he was just the commander of a transportation company, he belonged to the transportation company in the northern theater. Zhao Yunpeng would definitely have his own connections, and he might still have a chance. He has been in contact with the higher-ups, so he will definitely have his own understanding. Hua Laner doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

Seeing Hua Lan'er nodding, Zhao Yunpeng thought for a while and was ready to speak out his thoughts. Anyway, he said it just now. It was just his own thoughts and it shouldn't violate the rules.

"In this case, I will show my shame.

I think the main purpose of the major counterattack issued by superiors is not to recover the city.

Not now anyway

I think the main purpose is to eliminate zombies and mutated creatures in the city on a large scale

You also know that zombies will run around as long as there is a little movement, right?

As time goes by, the zombies that originally gathered in the city will begin to spread in all directions around the city.

Especially those mutant creatures, such as zombie birds or zombie rats.

Once these mutated creatures spread around the city, it will be a disaster.

So I think there is definitely a preemptive reason why the superiors are launching a major counterattack now.

Instead of waiting for the zombies to spread, it is better to use weapons of mass destruction to annihilate them while these zombies and mutated zombies are gathered together! "

Having said this, Zhao Yunpeng secretly looked at Hua Lan'er's expression, then coughed and continued.

"Also, considering the combat effectiveness of the troops, you must know that our soldiers will die every day in this apocalypse. The longer the time goes on, the greater our casualties will be. At the same time, the combat effectiveness will decrease even more, even if new ones are added. Soldiers still need time to train, and they cannot form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Therefore, while the combat effectiveness of the large army can still be guaranteed, the sooner we can launch a counterattack, the better. As for other reasons, I am not so sure."

In fact, Zhao Yunpeng's guess is correct. The two points he mentioned just now are actually one of the reasons considered above, but the biggest reason is because the virus mutates so fast. I don't know why it started in about ten days and a half. , the speed of virus mutation is getting faster and faster, and the virus inhibitors that were obviously released not long ago are now almost losing their original effect, and they are almost unable to suppress the current mutated virus.

According to the speed at which the virus mutates, it won't be long before the current virus inhibitors completely lose their original effect. Once infected, there will be no hope of salvation.

Therefore, before the speed of virus mutation goes out of control, it is necessary to eliminate all infected organisms as much as possible, extract samples of these organisms, and create the latest virus inhibitors.

Among them, the virus samples of alien fighting beasts are even more precious. After all, this kind of creature can be said to be a certain degree of artificial creature. Although there is no way to control the actions of these alien fighting beasts, this mutation technology still has great reference value. In the future, it may not be possible to develop a controllable Alien Fighting Beast. Even if the Alien Fighting Beast is not developed, new anti-Alien Fighting Beast weapons can be developed for the Alien Fighting Beast.

Anyway, it is a truth, this thing is of great research value!

Looking at the thoughtful Hua Lan'er, Zhao Yunpeng felt that he had finished what he had to say, and it was almost time, so he was ready to leave here and return to the war zone.

"It's almost time, I should go back, take care!"

After saying this, Zhao Yunpeng did not hesitate at all and directly commanded the transport helicopter to leave the Xinguang gathering place with the cage holding O'Byrne.

On the other side, Cai Wenjie also received a message from Zhao Yunpeng, which said that O'Byrne had been received from the Xinguang gathering place and was returning to the war zone.

After receiving the message, Cai Wenjie just glanced at it and never paid attention to it again, because he was thinking about a big thing now.

Conquering the city now is just a matter of time. Tomorrow at the earliest and the day after tomorrow at the latest, the area south of the city will soon fall into my hands. It is time to think about what happens after the city is conquered.

Now the Xinguang gathering place is on the right track. If we succeed in taking down half of the city tomorrow, will we move our family to the city? Or continue to develop in the Xinguang gathering place?

Cai Wenjie personally still hopes to continue to develop in the Xinguang gathering place. After all, although the city has been taken down, there are still some loopholes in the security issue. It is impossible to confirm the safety 100%. Moreover, after nearly a month of tossing, most parts of the entire city have more or less some damaged places, and it is impossible to repair them in a short time.

Thinking about it this way, it is better to continue to develop directly in the Xinguang gathering place.

However, moving to the city is not only bad, there are still some good things, such as the large place, the population capacity has risen to more than 100,000, and the various facilities in the city can be put into use after maintenance, various materials can be quickly collected and used, etc., anyway, modern technological life can be quickly restored.

And it can also control the land around the city for grain planting, and the surrounding granaries, storage warehouses, etc. can be used at will.

In short, it is to obtain a large amount of food, housing, materials, medical care, etc. at the expense of safety.

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