My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 579 Great Counterattack 16

The effect was caused by a mecha that was made of steel, which was the first mecha that Cai Wenjie got, the Tianbing mecha!

Ever since he got this mecha, Cai Wenjie has been looking for an opportunity to try it out. Now he can try it out, so Cai Wenjie personally controlled the Tianbing mecha and came to Obern. Read

By the way, Obern's coordinates were provided by the system. As for the Tianbing mecha, it was directly transferred by the transport helicopter, and the pilot of the Tianbing mecha was remotely controlled by Cai Wenjie, which means that even if the Tianbing mecha failed, there would be no actual loss for Cai Wenjie.

"Alien fighting beast Obern?"

Obern naturally would not answer Cai Wenjie's question. Cai Wenjie was greeted by Obern's roar. Cai Wenjie did not say much about this. He directly controlled the mecha with a super alloy shield in one hand and an alloy sword in the other and rushed towards Obern.

While Obern was still yelling, Cai Wenjie hit him with a shield charge, knocking him to the ground. Cai Wenjie did not stop because Obern fell to the ground, but directly smashed his head with the shield, especially his eyes.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After three consecutive smashes, the huge force directly fractured Obern's skull, and one of his eyes was also blown up by the shield. ♦♦  ♦♦

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to blow up the other eye, Obern, who was pressed to the ground, began to struggle desperately because of the severe pain. Because he was worried that Obern might have some killer moves that he had not used, the always cautious Cai Wenjie controlled the Tianbing mecha to jump back and retreat, and directly retreated 50 meters.

Then, he took up the shield and blocked it in front of him, staring at Obern who was slowly standing up fifty meters away. Cai Wenjie thought that Obern would use some killer move at the first time, but he only saw Obern staggering to his feet with his head buzzing because of the shield, and then he ran towards the Tianbing mecha controlled by Cai Wenjie like a drunkard.

Looking at the staggering Obern, Cai Wenjie thought that this thing could actually act, and wanted to use it to lower his vigilance so that it would be convenient to attack and hurt people. Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie did not dare to despise it at all, and held the shield tightly to prepare for Obern's counterattack.

At the same time, the long sword in his right hand was ready to swing at any time. Finally, Obern staggered to a place less than twenty meters away from Cai Wenjie, raised his arm and hit the shield. The sharp claws scratched the hard shield and left scratches, but it did not cause any effective damage.

Obern, who was waving his arms continuously, became more and more excited and unbridled as he fought. In the end, he even wanted to use his body to knock down the mecha like Cai Wenjie did to him just now, and then ride on the mecha to attack him face to face.

Unfortunately, Cai Wenjie did not agree with this, so when Obern was about to force it, he immediately controlled the mecha to dodge to the side.

Obern did not realize that the Tianbing mecha had avoided his attack route, so when Obern jumped up and tried to knock down the Tianbing mecha, he was greeted by only a ball of air. Because Obern was in a state of full effort when he hit it, he could not brake in time at all, and jumped up and fell to the ground. This fall was really heavy.

Looking at Obern falling to the ground, Cai Wenjie naturally would not miss this great opportunity. As usual, he took a flash step and picked up the huge shield to hit the back of Obern's head several times! The huge force directly hit Obern's head and made a buzzing sound.

But his head was really hard. You know, this huge shield weighs ten tons. It was incredible that Obern's head had not been flattened after more than ten consecutive fierce blows.

Although he thought that Obern's head was really hard, Cai Wenjie never stopped his movements. In the end, before Obern resisted, Cai Wenjie hit it at least twelve times.

Twelve fierce blows did not flatten Obern's head, which shows how hard it is.

Although his head was not flattened, Obern also fell into a dizziness. His vision had problems and he saw double images.

As Obern began to resist, Cai Wenjie controlled the mecha to retreat to a safe distance again. Obern, who shook his head and climbed up again, had double images in his visual system, which led him to mistakenly believe that there were several more Tianbing mechas when he fell. He was at a disadvantage facing one Tianbing mecha, and now there are so many. If he continues like this, he will definitely die here!

Obern, who was quite intelligent, immediately felt fearful. He felt that he would die sooner or later if he continued to fight like this, so he began to be afraid of fighting.

He began to retreat slowly, then staggered and turned to run away. Cai Wenjie, who was holding a shield and waiting for Obern's counterattack, saw Obern fleeing in panic. Although a few black lines appeared on his forehead, he still chased him.

At the same time, Cai Wenjie put away the alloy sword and super alloy shield in his right hand, and then pulled out a 120mm caliber special weapon for the Tianbing mecha from his back. The appearance was similar to the 10-type anti-material sniper rifle magnified dozens of times, so the full name of this weapon is the 10-type anti-alien fighting beast rifle.

This 10-type anti-alien beast rifle uses a giant 10-round magazine, which is loaded with fin-stabilized armor-piercing shells used by tanks. In simple terms, the mecha is equipped with a tank barrel.

Of course, in addition to this 120mm, there are also 20mm twin machine guns, 35mm twin anti-aircraft guns, etc., but these weapons must be replaced in the rear, because the positioning of the Tianbing mecha is to fight against the alien beasts, and other weapons must be equipped to deal with the zombie tide.

To put it simply, the Tianbing mecha can only carry one main weapon and one secondary weapon, such as the most basic super alloy shield and super alloy long sword, or directly use a 10-type anti-alien beast rifle to attack.

For example, Cai Wenjie is now holding a 10-type anti-alien beast rifle in his hand, relying on the intelligent system of the Tianbing mecha to lock on Obern who is running away with his back to him.

After the system automatically aimed at Obern's fragile leg joint, Cai Wenjie pulled the trigger without hesitation. With a loud bang, an armor-piercing shell was fired from the gun chamber and flew straight towards Obern's leg joint.


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