My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 569: Great Counterattack 6

Not only this strength-type mutant zombie, but also claw zombies and speed-type mutant zombies, these mutant zombies are also trying to get as close to the bridge as possible. ReadМ

But they were all forced back by the soldiers with weapons or killed on the spot. Not a single mutant zombie could break through the defense line.

Mutated zombies can resist small arms fire to a certain extent, but they cannot be completely ignored. Therefore, as long as the soldiers have enough ammunition, they can still hold on to the bridge and prevent these mutant zombies from breaking through.

"Company Commander! It's zombie birds! Zombie birds are flying from the north! There are a lot of them!"

Just when the company commander in charge of the defense here thought it was safe, the scout observing the battlefield with a telescope immediately shouted loudly.

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The shouts of the scouts immediately alerted Qin Zheng, the commander of the fourth company in charge of the bridge's defense line. He immediately picked up his telescope and looked at the northern sky.

With the help of the telescope, Qin Zheng quickly discovered a large number of zombie birds flying towards this side at extremely fast speeds.

"No! There are too many!"

Densely packed zombie birds appeared on the horizon. Looking at it, the birds seemed to be blocking the sky and the sun were flying towards Da Qiao. Their number had already exceeded five digits.

After Qin Zheng discovered this situation, he immediately ordered all the soldiers.

"Everyone put on a mask immediately! Don't take it off!"

After saying that, he also pulled down the mask that came with the exoskeleton, covering his face to prevent the birds from eating his exposed flesh.

After all the soldiers pulled down their masks, Qin Zheng continued to issue orders.

"Fourth company! Fifth company! Keep up the firepower and prevent the zombies from breaking through the bridge!"


"Sixth company! Kong Tianwen!"

"I am here!"

"You take your Sixth Company and lead those zombie birds to other places! At least don't let these zombie birds hinder the bridge's defense forces!"


After receiving the order, Kong Tianwen, the commander of the sixth company, immediately ordered his company to withdraw from the defensive position of the bridge, and then resolutely led a company of his soldiers to break away from the defense line.

In order to attract the attention of the zombie birds in the sky, Kong Tianwen took off his exoskeleton and even his clothes, exposing the muscles of his upper body, and then without hesitation picked up his dagger and pointed it at his body A knife struck, and immediately a large amount of blood flowed from the wound cut by the dagger, covering his upper body. ♦♦  ♦♦

After doing all this, Kong Tianwen climbed onto a military jeep, and then yelled and cursed at the flock of zombie birds in the sky.

"Come on! You beasts! Don't you want to eat meat? Come on!"

Kong Tianwen's behavior successfully attracted the zombie birds in the sky, not because the zombie birds could hear Kong Tianwen's screams, but because the blood left on Kong Tianwen's body directly stimulated the nerves of these zombie birds.

Originally, these zombie birds should have no sense of smell, but for some reason, when they mutated, these birds all mutated to an extremely powerful sense of smell. They can smell blood hundreds of thousands of meters away, and they can do so accurately. It is very powerful to distinguish the difference between fresh human blood and the stinky blood of zombies.

So when these zombie birds smelled the smell of Kong Tianwen's blood, they immediately changed their direction and rushed towards Kong Tianwen's direction.

"Company Commander! Run! The zombie bird is attracted."

"Okay! Marvin, drive quickly and lead these zombie birds to other places."

"Understood! Hold on to the company commander! Don't be thrown out."

The deputy commander of the Sixth Company didn't know when he got on the driver's seat of the military jeep where Kong Tianwen was. Then he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out with Kong Tianwen, who was covered in blood, and quickly left the bridge along the road. defensive range.

The soldiers of the Sixth Company also quickly boarded the vehicle, followed by their two company commanders, and left the bridge.

Led by some zombie birds that smelled Kong Tianwen's fresh blood, the zombie birds changed their flight direction and flew over in search of the fresh blood smell, bypassing the defensive troops stationed around the bridge below.

Qin Zheng, who saw the zombie birds changing their flight direction, immediately contacted Cai Wenjie who was at the rear and told him everything that happened here.

"I understand, you continue to guard the bridge, and I will lead the troops to rescue Kong Tianwen."

After hanging up the communication from Qin Zheng, Cai Wenjie thought for a moment and gathered all the soldiers under restriction to form a temporary rescue team. Now most of his soldiers were searching the surrounding buildings, so in a short time There was no time left to support Kong Tianwen, so he had to lead the rescue team himself.

The temporarily assembled soldiers were all soldiers from the Logistics Department, and the number was only one platoon at most, but that was enough.

"Time is running out so I won't say any more nonsense. All of you, grab the flamethrowers prepared at the back and follow me!"


Although they are logistics, their combat effectiveness is not weak, so there is no need to worry about whether they can use firearms.

In addition to these soldiers holding flamethrowers, Cai Wenjie also mobilized an additional batch of armored vehicles and installed larger flamethrowers and bird-catching launchers made of steel mesh on them.

The former can burn the zombie birds in the sky on a large scale, and the latter can capture a large number of birds, making it impossible for them to continue flying in the sky.

After preparing these, Cai Wenjie led the temporary rescue team to Kong Tianwen's place for support.

At this time, Kong Tianwen had brought his troops to a place five kilometers away from the bridge. To be honest, this distance is not far, and it can even be said to be a bit too close.

But there is no way. Those running on the ground can't compete with those flying in the sky. It's good enough to be able to lead them here.

At this time, Kong Tianwen has put on his clothes and exoskeleton to avoid being sucked by the zombie birds that are chasing him and turning into zombies.

"Okay, let everyone get off the car! Set up a firepower network and shoot down these zombie birds as much as possible!"

They came in a hurry and didn't bring enough range weapons. They could only use the rifles and light machine guns in their hands to shoot at the sky. To be honest, this kind of shooting is a complete waste of bullets. After all, if you want to shoot a bird flying in the sky, unless you are a sharpshooter with particularly accurate shooting skills, or use a firepower network with dense firepower, there is no other way.

He knew on the way here that he would personally bring people to support him later, so he just had to hold on until then.

The exoskeletons worn by the soldiers can defend against the attacks of zombie birds, otherwise they would really be blameless.

"Brothers! Stay where you are for fifteen minutes! Be careful not to take off your mask, so as not to be injured by zombie birds!"


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