My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 559 The Eve of the War

After the three of them finished their meal, a few hours later, Cai's father and mother finally came back, and Nangong Yao also returned to her residence because of the curfew.

Cai Wenjie observed the tired expressions of the two people now, and knew that the workload today must have increased a lot.

"Dad, Mom, come and eat"

After Cai Wenjie cleaned up the dishes, he made a new meal. There was no way that the three of them had a meal just now, but there was no leftovers at all, all of which went into Xiang Xue's incredible stomach.

So, Cai Wenjie used the dry goods in the kitchen and warehouse to make a relatively hearty dinner, and then held Xiang Xue tightly to prevent her from eating secretly.

It's not that Cai Wenjie is stingy, but Xiang Xue's appetite is really terrible. Coupled with her physique that never gets fat, and her terrible digestion speed, it won't take long for Xiang Xue to eat up all the food he just made.

Cai's father and mother originally wanted to go back to the bedroom to rest, but after hearing what Cai Wenjie said, they turned around and looked at the food on the table. They could only resist the sleepiness and smiled at Cai Wenjie.

"Did you cook this? If not, I won't eat it."

Cai's father rarely made a joke. Perhaps because his son specially cooked the food for them, Cai's father, who was originally tired and fell asleep, cheered up again and pulled Cai's mother to sit down at the table. [】

"Let me taste it."

Just when Cai's father was about to pick up his chopsticks, Cai's mother's chopsticks came.

She knocked Cai's father's chopsticks away with her own chopsticks, and then frowned and began to teach him a lesson.

"You haven't washed your hands yet and you still want to eat? Wash your hands quickly! Don't blame your son's food when you have diarrhea."

"Stop, stop, stop, I'll go, isn't it okay for me to go, stop hitting me."

After a while of commotion, both of them went to the bathroom to wash their hands and returned to the dining table.

At this time, Xiang Xue, who was watching secretly, came out, opened the rice cooker, served a big bowl of rice to Cai's father and mother, and handed it out strangely.

"Thank you, Xiaoxue, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat more?"

"Thank you, Dad, but I've already eaten, I'll just watch you eat"

"Why don't you eat something? Anyway, you don't have to worry about gaining weight with your body. As long as you don't eat too much, you can eat whatever you want. It's okay."

It was Cai's mother who said this. What Xiang Xue envied most was this body that didn't gain weight no matter how much she ate. She was also young at that time. In order to maintain her perfect figure, she suffered a lot at that time, and she also had to strictly control the amount of sugar intake, and she couldn't touch oily food at all.

God knows how much effort she made to resist the temptation of delicious food, but seeing Xiang Xue eating and drinking like this, she not only did not feel disgusted, but only envy and a little joy. After all, as a mother, Xiang Xue is so healthy, so her grandchildren will definitely be healthy and will not get sick in the future.

"Well, you are so nice, but I am full today, mom and dad, please eat quickly"

Although Xiang Xue wanted to eat the food made by Cai Wenjie, in order to let the two elders eat first, she firmly rejected Cai's mother's invitation.

While Cai's father and mother were eating, Cai Wenjie and Xiang Xue sat on the other side and watched them eat happily.


Early the next morning, after Cai Wenjie woke up from the bed, he subconsciously pushed Xiang Xue's thighs and arms apart.

Then he washed his face and brushed his teeth as usual, had breakfast, and finally went to the meeting room to work.

Cai Wenjie, who was sitting on the office chair, looked at the statistical table in front of him. This was the list of materials submitted by the first-level arsenal of the logistics department. All the materials available in the entire Xinguang gathering place were recorded in it.

After a rough look, it was found that there were more than 5,000 guns of various types in total.

Among them, there were about 500 light and heavy machine guns, including Gatling machine guns.

And the most common rifles, submachine guns and pistols were about 4,000.

There were more than 200 sniper rifles, heavy sniper rifles, anti-material sniper rifles, etc.

The rest were special guns, such as flamethrowers, grenade launchers, etc.

In addition, there were countless 80mm 08-type individual rocket launchers outside the organization. According to statistics, the most sealed in the arsenal was the 08-type rocket launcher. The number was so large that all the soldiers in the Xinguang gathering place could be divided into five rocket launchers each.

There is no way. As a disposable rocket launcher, it can only take advantage of the number and bombard the enemy with a blanket bombing. This is the real way to use this rocket launcher.

In addition to rocket launchers, there are also many mortars and rocket launchers. The former is a killer weapon for infantry support, and the latter is to bombard a place intensively at the fastest speed. Although these two infantry support units have different positioning, they are both artifacts for large-scale killing, so Cai Wenjie also exchanged a lot of them at that time.

Now, the military factories in the Xinguang gathering place can also manufacture various weapons and ammunition by themselves. Many of the equipment in this statistics are produced in military factories, and their quality can also be fully guaranteed. It is not like soldiers in a certain place who can jam bullets when shooting, crash planes every day, and tanks that are directly grounded in the middle of driving.

In addition to these guns, bullets are the most important resource, because the military factory has been manufacturing bullets non-stop, and now the number of bullets stored in the Xinguang gathering place has reached an extraordinary level.

There are already three million ordinary rifle bullets (8mm and 62mm), pistol and submachine gun bullets are a little less than rifle bullets (9mm, 8mm), but there are also nearly 500,000 rounds, and heavy machine gun bullets (7mm) have reached about 2 million rounds.

In addition to bullets, there are also a lot of special ammunition required for various weapons, such as fuel barrels required for flamethrowers, shells for mortars, rockets for rocket launchers, grenades for grenade launchers, etc.

With these weapons and ammunition added up, Cai Wenjie can completely conquer most of the African countries before the end of the world, or some small countries in Asia and Europe.

But now Cai Wenjie needs to use them to conquer YJ City. To be honest, Cai Wenjie is very confident about this counterattack, but it is easy to conquer YJ City. The problem is how to defend the city is the most critical issue.

Unlike siege, defending a city is more than ten times more difficult, especially against mutated zombies and various smaller mutated creatures.

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