My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 556: Inspecting the Market

Cai Wenjie walked in the market, looking around constantly. To be honest, he quite likes the atmosphere in the market now. At least here, you can't see the feeling of the end of the world now.

Everyone's face is more or less carrying a smile, and there is no vigilance in their eyes, only a gradual sense of security.

Seeing this, Cai Wenjie felt that everything he did was not wrong, and the huge amount of materials spent on saving so many people was also straightened.

When Cai Wenjie observed the people in the market, people were actually observing Cai Wenjie himself. Although it was a private visit or an investigation of the people's sentiments, Cai Wenjie did not change his clothes or cover the epaulettes on his shoulders.

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So it is difficult for people in the market not to pay attention to Cai Wenjie.

"Huh? Could that be him?"

"It's Chief Cai Wenjie! He's actually a real person!"

"What! Chief Cai Wenjie? Where is he? Where is he!"

After the first person recognized Cai Wenjie, the people nearby soon began to boil.

It can be said that each of them owed Cai Wenjie a favor. After all, most of the survivors gathered here were rescued by Cai Wenjie and his men, and they were grateful to Cai Wenjie himself. ░▒▓█►─═  ═─◄█▓▒░

So when people found Cai Wenjie walking alone in the market, they couldn't help but get excited.

In order not to cause any commotion, Cai Wenjie raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling people to calm down. Perhaps because of gratitude for the lifesaver, people subconsciously obeyed Cai Wenjie's orders, and their originally excited hearts were forcibly suppressed.

After seeing the crowd calm down, Cai Wenjie spoke.

"I came here today to see how everyone is doing, so you guys should do as usual, go to the market, sell goods, don't pay too much attention to me."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie did not stop and continued to walk forward. Although people were still in an excited state, they did not dare to get too close to Cai Wenjie, for fear of disturbing Cai Wenjie's mood for shopping.

It is obvious that Cai Wenjie's visit this time was a failure. After all, everyone recognized him, and naturally their attention would be focused on him. They were not in the mood for shopping as before.

Everyone was paying attention to Cai Wenjie's every move. Although they would not follow Cai Wenjie closely, they could still follow Cai Wenjie from a distance.

This situation was just like the big stars before the end of the world who appeared in the streets and alleys. Once they were discovered, they would be surrounded by countless long guns and short guns, and they didn't know where to take out small notebooks to ask the stars for autographs.

Although there were no people around Cai Wenjie who were holding up their guns or taking out their notebooks to ask him to sign, people's eyes still had the light that only appears when they are extremely excited.

Of course, there were also young people who took photos secretly. Cai Wenjie was an absolute big star in the Xinguang gathering place. If anyone had a photo of Cai Wenjie on their mobile phone, they would be envied by everyone.

Under this circumstance, Cai Wenjie's idea of ​​inspecting it carefully disappeared completely. He had no choice but to switch from official business to his own private business, such as filling his stomach.

With the approval of the Residents' Center, there are also stores that specialize in selling cooked food, or fast food restaurants in the market. These cooked food and fast food restaurants also use points for transactions.

Basically, the selling price is not expensive. A bowl of ordinary fried rice is only 5 points. Roast duck, roast chicken and the like are more expensive, but not much more expensive. The price of each roast duck or roast chicken is between 15 and 20 points.

In short, the current points are equivalent to the currency value around the 1990s.

Cai Wenjie sat down in a fast food restaurant casually, and then looked at the menu and said.

"Please give me a portion of fried rice, smashed cucumber and braised pork, thank you"

The owner of the fast food restaurant obviously recognized Cai Wenjie, so he replied with a smile.

"Okay, chief, I'll be there soon"

After that, the boss immediately heated the pan and poured oil to start making egg fried rice. Although it was just an ordinary fried rice, the boss still used all his housekeeping skills and fried it very carefully.

In fact, it's not the boss's fault for making such a fuss. After all, Cai Wenjie's identity is there. As long as people living in the Xinguang gathering place, they all have a natural awe of Cai Wenjie without exception, so the attitude of the fast food restaurant owner is the most normal.

Because of Cai Wenjie, the seats in the fast food restaurant were quickly filled with people who followed Cai Wenjie, and some people even started quarreling because of a seat. Of course, the two quarreling people also knew that they couldn't disturb Cai Wenjie, so the way of quarreling could only become eye-killing.

"Oh, I've been walking around for so long, I'm so hungry, boss, make me a bowl of fried rice too"

"Me too!"

"Give me a bowl too"


These people tacitly began to imitate Cai Wenjie, but most of them only ordered a bowl of fried rice. As for the smashed cucumber and braised pork, they had to give up because they were too expensive. It's not that they can't afford it or can't eat it, but if they really ordered these two dishes, they probably would have to eat dirt for the next week.

To be more precise, they can only eat food in the cafeteria, and can't even buy cigarettes or snacks.

The owner of the fast food restaurant was not very happy about the sudden boom in business, because only if Cai Wenjie ate well, he could continue to do business in this place. If Cai Wenjie felt that the food was not delicious or was not satisfied, then his business would be ruined.

There is no way that the star effect exists at all times. The fact that so many people are imitating Cai Wenjie to order food is the best evidence.

Soon, a fragrant fried rice with a faint golden luster was completed, followed by smashed cucumbers and braised pork. It took 20 minutes for these three dishes to be completed.

During this period, more and more people came to ask for information and wanted to see Cai Wenjie's true appearance, so the whole fast food restaurant was surrounded by a group of people, and finally even the staff of the residents' center were attracted.

After confirming that the person inside was Cai Wenjie himself, the staff of the residents' center immediately began to evacuate the crowd to avoid congestion or stampede.

Under the efforts of the staff, the people surrounding Cai Wenjie dispersed reluctantly. Judging from their expressions, they should not have seen enough.

Cai Wenjie himself didn't really react to this. Even though so many people were watching him eat, he didn't feel awkward, and certainly didn't feel like he was watching a monkey.

What a joke. Who is Cai Wenjie? A man who can eat among a pile of corpses without changing his expression, would he be scared or uncomfortable because of these few gazes?

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