My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 552 Preparation for a major counterattack

At the same time, other gathering places in the north are also happy to get the latest equipment, especially those gathering places that are already weak. They dance with joy when they get new weapons and equipment. . ReadМ

Everyone is making preparations for the future counterattack. Of course, at this time, there will always be a few people who jump out and become villains themselves.

As mentioned earlier, materials are distributed in a way that complements each other's strengths, so some gathering places do not receive a lot of materials, which causes dissatisfaction among the people in charge of this gathering place.

"Why do they have twice the weapons and ammunition as we do! It's not fair!"

"Secretary Lei, this is fair. Although they have a lot of food, they have very few weapons and ammunition. This was already decided when the equipment was distributed from above. Besides, Secretary Lei, although the weapons and ammunition they got there are twice as much as here, but There isn’t even a grain of food on the other side, but here you have brought over ten carts of military rations, which can feed your people for at least three months. Aren’t you satisfied?”

"Satisfied? Why should I be satisfied! I firmly disagree that there are only so few weapons and ammunition! I will give you two options now. One is to send me a batch of weapons and ammunition after you go back, or I will directly contact the leader above you condemn"

This aggressive Secretary Lei was actually the secretary of a small city. After the disaster, this small city, like other places, established multiple gathering places. Among them, the one with the greatest strength and the largest number of people was managed by this Secretary Lei. The gathering place has already accommodated nearly 50,000 people. The gathering place is built on a mountainside and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a good place for defense.

They have relied on their geographical advantages to repel large numbers of invading zombies many times, and because there are natural hot springs and mountain springs halfway up the mountain, there is no shortage of water sources, but the food problem is very serious, because the mountain There is no suitable land for growing grain up there, so we cannot produce and sell it ourselves. We can only rely on going down the mountain to grab grain ourselves.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Lei. An order is an order. No matter what you say, this is the only thing assigned to you. After all, other gathering places also need supplies. Please be a little considerate."

"Considerate? I understand them, will they thank me! I don't care if you don't give me more weapons and ammunition, I will not participate in the counterattack!"

After hearing this, the officer who was negotiating with Secretary Lei became obviously impatient, but he still patiently explained why he could not send more weapons. Finally, he emphasized that the plan for the major counterattack was an order issued by the central government. , all armed personnel must obey, and he also revealed something vaguely.

"If Secretary Lei does not want to participate in the major counterattack, then all these weapons, equipment and food must be recovered and then distributed to places that need the materials more. It will also be a gathering place to cooperate with superiors."

"How dare you! I'm the first to refuse!"

"Why do you think I don't dare! This is an order from a superior. This is not a request or a suggestion. This is an order! Do you understand the order?"

Now the officer completely lost his patience and yelled at Secretary Lei with his loud voice.

"You! You! You!"

Secretary Lei said "you" three times in a row, but finally swallowed the rest of the words, but his expression was very ugly, and his eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

"If everything is alright, please go back and get back to work first."

After saying that, without waiting for Secretary Lei's reply, he turned around and left, boarded an armored vehicle in which he came, and then the convoy left Secretary Lei's gathering place.

"A soldier dares to talk to me like this. If this were before the end of the world..."

Although Secretary Lei wanted to say something harsh to save his face, he couldn't continue speaking halfway. After all, this is the end of the world, and he is just the person in charge of an unknown gathering place. He has no means or control over a large number of people. The armed army is challenging, because without the strength, it will only suffer losses if it rashly takes action when the strength is unequal.

Secretary Lei's face was uncertain. After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind and called his confidant, and then said it word by word.

"Go and invite the lobbyist from yesterday and say that I agreed to their conditions."


After his confidant left, Secretary Lei's face softened a little, then hesitated a little, but immediately became determined.

"You forced me to do this first, don't blame me for being rude."

the next morning

Cai Wenjie woke up from his sleep, looked at Xiang Xue wrapped around him like an octopus, smiled helplessly, and then gently moved away the hands and feet on his chest and legs.

After that, I changed my clothes and went to wash up. I still have a lot of things to do today, so I don’t have time to kiss Xiang Xue. I have to say that the old saying is true. Since I get tired of being together with Xiang Xue every day From time to time, Cai Wenjie had the urge to quit and just enjoy life, but he was suppressed by reason, so he did not fall into Xiang Xue's gentle hometown.

After a simple breakfast, Cai Wenjie left home and went to his office to work.

For the big counterattack the day after tomorrow, Cai Wenjie must complete all preparations today and tomorrow.

This time, Cai Wenjie's mission is to recapture the fallen YJ City. Cai Wenjie has great hopes for this. After all, there are not many zombies left in the entire city now. It is estimated that there are only tens of thousands of zombies, and they are scattered in every corner, so there is no zombie tide at all.

However, the fact that there is no zombie tide also means that if you want to eliminate all the zombies, you must be prepared for street fighting. After all, zombies prefer dark places, so you don't know where they will hide in the corners to prepare for sneak attacks.

Moreover, compared with ordinary zombies, the most troublesome ones are mutant zombies and mutant creatures such as zombie rats, especially zombie rats. Cai Wenjie experienced the power of these guys yesterday. Only three or four mutant rats can turn thousands of survivors into zombies in a very short time.

Because of their small size, places like sewers, pipes, ventilation ducts, etc. are like back gardens for them to run around freely and easily, and then jump out and bite the prey after the prey appears. It is simply impossible to defend against.

The problem is that if you want to deal with this kind of mutated zombies, you can only completely eliminate them through large-scale sea of ​​fire. Of course, high-voltage power grids or high-powered bombs can also eliminate them, but it is not easy to use these methods. After all, mice are not fools and will not jump into the trap to die.

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