My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 547: The First All-out Counterattack

At the same time, a major event that could change the current situation was happening in the capital thousands of kilometers away.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

Since the end of the world began, all the troops in the central war zone have been concentrated in the capital, and as quickly as possible, they built a city wall large enough to surround the entire capital, trying their best to protect the capital.

Therefore, the capital has not been invaded by zombies so far, and the country's leaders and big bosses are also in peace, and the big event this time is that these big bosses held a meeting.

"I came to you today because I have something to make a decision about. I won't hold back and go straight to the point. It has been almost a month since zombies appeared. Most of the cities in our country have been occupied by zombies and a large number of people have been lost. As time goes by, I found that these zombies are still mutating further, which is not a good sign.”

After the country's leaders briefly explained the situation to other big shots in the conference room, they immediately got into the topic.

"After this month of turmoil, except for the central theater, all other theaters are ready for counterattack!"

At this point, the other big guys already understood what the leader was going to say next.

"So! I declare! In three days, the five war zones will fight back against the lost cities and regions! Take back all the lost lands and cities! And completely eliminate the zombie species!"

The leader did not issue this order on a whim. When the first zombies appeared, they had already made a plan to deal with the zombies, including a counterattack plan after the zombies occupied the city and land.

Within this month, a large number of survivors were taken to the official gathering place and protected. At the same time, veterans who had been discharged from the army were also recruited, as well as personnel of various ages, into the army and armed.

Moreover, the latest equipment has been taken out and distributed, such as the Tianbing mecha that Cai Wenjie recently obtained, as well as the weapons and equipment he previously obtained from the central government. These are all for the subsequent counterattack plan. Sent out.

In addition, the latest unmanned equipment developed by the country has also been equipped in large quantities. For example, in addition to the most basic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned bombers, there are also unmanned armors, unmanned tanks, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Fighters, there are countless others.

You must know that as the apocalypse continues to develop, human military power in this area is declining like a cliff. If we do not achieve results in this counterattack, then the entire human civilization may really come to an end. This is not unfounded, researchers. It was discovered that the zombie virus has been mutating continuously during this month. Ordinary zombies will only become stronger and stronger, and there will be more and more mutated zombies. Moreover, unknown organizations have used the zombie virus wantonly to create Alien fighting beasts and other mutant creatures that violate natural principles are accelerating the destruction of mankind. ☞ ♦ ♦♦

The emergence of these mutated zombies and alien fighting beasts will only plunge the future into darkness. Equipment such as the Heavenly Soldier Mecha was developed to resist the alien fighting beasts.

The screen returns to the conference room

"Immediately, the five war zones entered a state of war. Three days later, the first comprehensive counterattack plan was officially launched at eight o'clock in the morning! And it was agreed to open all combat readiness warehouses across the country! It is allowed to use combat readiness materials without application, and the latest research and development of wireless Personnel and equipment are evenly distributed to all theaters.”

Although the other bosses had different opinions, they didn't say anything. They also knew that if the counterattack failed this time, the fate of mankind would really be over. Apart from anything else, the current ammunition reserves have been being depleted. In this state, there are no channels for replenishment. All the raw materials required for the arsenal are occupied by zombies. Therefore, retrieving raw materials is also one of the biggest goals in this counterattack. Only in this way can ammunition be continuously produced to replenish the army.

By the time Cai Wenjie received the news from the northern theater, three hours had passed. At this time, the last batch of survivors were also picked up by the convoy that came over. However, Cai Wenjie did not leave with him. Originally, he planned to Abandoning the stadium, but after a series of previous events he changed his mind.

He plans to turn this stadium into a military base. The newly exchanged soldiers from the fourth company will be stationed here, and supporting military camps are also indispensable.

The order issued by the northern war zone this time made Cai Wenjie determined to build this place into a military base. With future development, the small area of ​​​​Xinguang Gathering Area is really too obstructive, so a pure The military base is indispensable. For example, the new equipment exchanged by Cai Wenjie can also be tested here.

Moreover, the distance between the stadium and YJ City is closer, and various operations can be carried out faster. The task given to him by the northern theater is also very simple, that is, to recover the entire YJ City in three days. Cai Wenjie was not surprised or pressured by this. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. In addition, new equipment would be moved from the northern war zone to equip his army in the past two days, and there were not many zombies left in the entire YJ city, so he was not worried about not being able to complete it. this command.

Cai Wenjie first asked the soldiers to thoroughly clean the entire stadium, and then directly exchanged a mid-level military camp in the middle of the stadium, which could accommodate a battalion of soldiers, and exchanged 200 clone soldiers again to make up a whole battalion. Three days later, he planned to send troops from the Xinguang gathering place and the stadium gathering place to attack from the front and back, clean up the entire YJ city, and completely clear out the zombies on the surface.

As for the extra 200 people exchanged, they were also divided into two companies, the fifth company and the sixth company.

After everyone was settled, Cai Wenjie immediately summoned all the soldiers of the three companies, gave a speech, and arranged officers from the three companies on the spot.

"Next, I will arrange the officers of each company!

Company commander of the fourth company: Qin Zheng

Deputy company commander: Xu Da

Platoon leader of the first platoon: Bao Yuanchen

Platoon leader of the second platoon: Fei Anwen

Platoon leader of the third platoon: Guo Wenmin

Company commander of the fifth company: Hao Shengjun

Deputy company commander: Gan Qin

Platoon leader of the first platoon: Tao Boren

Platoon leader of the second platoon: Jiang Yiping

Platoon leader of the third platoon: Wen Guangyun

Company commander of the sixth company: Kong Tianwen

Deputy company commander: Ma Wen

Platoon leader of the first platoon: Tang Xiu

Platoon leader of the second platoon: Qi Wenxing

Platoon leader of the third platoon: Zhao Chengxun

Congratulations! I hope you will lead your soldiers to fight bravely and defend the country in the future!"

"Defend the country! Defend the country!"

The officers whose names were just read by Cai Wenjie immediately burst into excited shouts and led the soldiers to shout the slogan of defending the country.

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