My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 540: Transfer of Personnel

The soldiers finally disposed of the bodies of the hundreds of police officers who died, and then cremated them uniformly. The soldiers collected everyone's police badges and other things that could prove their identity, and set up a memorial at the gathering place outside the stadium. A simple tomb with clothes to commemorate them. ♦♦  ♦♦

Half an hour later, all the thugs in the stadium gathering area were killed and caught, and all the thugs inside the stadium were successfully eliminated.

When Cai Wenjie led the half-dead Jackal to the rostrum of the stadium, the bottom was already filled with ordinary survivors. Gao Hongmei and An Tangtang were also looking up at the rostrum. The two of them looked straight at the podium. He looked at Cai Wenjie. In addition to the feeling of admiration, his eyes also contained a trace of desire.

Cai Wenjie on the stage quickly noticed this look, but he ignored it. Instead, he picked up the microphone he had prepared and announced something calmly.

"From now on, I declare! You are all free

The two people under my feet are the murderers who hurt Zhou Weiguo, the person in charge of this stadium.

He is also the culprit who has been bullying you these past few days.

I brought people here today to avenge the dead and rescue those of you who are still alive.

I won’t say much other nonsense.

I'll give you two choices now

One is to come back with us to the gathering place I am responsible for. I will arrange your food, clothing, housing and transportation, but you will also need to work to get the corresponding remuneration.

The second is to continue to stay in this place, but you have to think carefully. If you want to stay, everything can only be done by yourself. I will leave some of the captured weapons and ammunition for you to protect yourself. But accordingly, if you take If you use the weapons and ammunition I left behind to oppress others, I will directly destroy this place. You must remember this!

Okay, let’s start choosing now. Those who are willing to come with us will gather at the gate. Those who don’t want to go should go back to their rooms first. After we take people away, you can come out."

In order to reduce uncertainty, Cai Wenjie chose to take away some and leave some, so that no one who has any ideas in his heart would leave, because Cai Wenjie said that he would leave some of the weapons and ammunition behind. If he gets these weapons and ammunition, he will gather here It's up to them to decide what's going on inside, and they don't have to look at other people's faces. Of course, as long as they don't bully the people casually like Jackal and Li Wei, I guess the officers on the stage won't care too much. Although they won't be emperors by then, at least they will He is also a rich man.

Of course, only some people have this idea. Most people want to go to a safe place and live well. So except for hundreds of people who have their own agendas, the remaining survivors came to the gate and prepared to leave together. this place.

However, so many people cannot be taken away at once. You must know that there were originally about 30,000 survivors in the stadium. After nearly a month, there were only about 10,000 survivors left. , but even the transfer of 10,000 people is no small matter.

So Cai Wenjie decided to transfer the survivors back to the Xinguang gathering place in batches.

Cai Wenjie immediately contacted the remaining troops in the Xinguang gathering area, and immediately dispatched all available vehicles to the stadium. With all the vehicles in Cai Wenjie's hands, he could transfer at least two thousand people at a time, but even so, Cai Wenjie had to move back and forth. It takes five times to move everyone away.

As for why we have to go to all the trouble to transfer people instead of setting up a backup gathering place here and sending soldiers to take over here?

This is mainly because this place is really not very safe. In addition, there is no suitable land for planting around the stadium, and it is close to the mountains and forests. As a result, there will be a few mutated zombies or mutated animals coming out to harass from time to time, so the significance of stationing here is Not much, which is why Cai Wenjie said that he would leave some weapons and ammunition behind. After all, without weapons, the people who stayed would have no safety at all.

Because there were too many people, Cai Wenjie also mobilized the vehicles at the train station. Almost all military vehicles and transport trucks transporting supplies were mobilized.

After some estimation, the distance from here to the Xinguang gathering place is almost 80 kilometers. It takes about two hours for the team to transport it back and forth, and it will take five trips to complete the transport. In other words, the transport should be completed before noon tomorrow.

Of course, this is only a theoretical time, and some unexpected situations will definitely occur during the period, so in actual operation, it is estimated that there will be a certain gap than the expected time.

After thinking about it, Cai Wenjie decided to sort out the survivors first and issue a number plate to each of the 10,000 people, and then take turns to rest based on the number on the number plate. They could not be allowed to stand outside for a day.

Under Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers quickly found a printer in the former Zhou Weiguo's office, and then used the printer to print out tens of thousands of number plates. After simple trimming, they were distributed to survivors who were willing to leave. those.

"Attention, people who got the number plates with the first 2000 and 2000 should go back immediately to pack their personal belongings. The items carried by each person cannot exceed ten kilograms. People who got the number plates with other numbers should go back immediately. Go to your own residence to rest. After two hours, people with numbers from 2001 to 4000 will pack their luggage and gather here, and so on until everyone is transferred by car, do you understand? "

After more than ten minutes of circular explanation, everyone finally understood the current situation, so the 10,000 people now returned to their seats and began to prepare their luggage, ready to leave here at any time.

On the other side, the troops at the Xinguang gathering place and the railway station, who received Cai Wenjie's order, immediately mobilized all vehicles and began to move towards the stadium.

Because it is now dark and it is the home of mutant zombies, in order to guard against sneak attacks by mutant zombies, transport vehicles will definitely follow a certain escort force to deal with possible attacks.

After more than ten minutes, the first batch of vehicles to arrive were from the railway station, four transport trucks and two troop transport armored vehicles. After all, the distance to the railway station is relatively close, so the first to arrive are naturally the vehicles from the railway station.

And the person who sent this convoy to each other was none other than Song Yi himself.

"Hello, Chief!"

Song Yi, who got off the car, immediately saluted Cai Wenjie.

"Song Yi, long time no see! How is the railway station?"

"Report to the chief! There is no situation at the railway station! Please rest assured, chief!"

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