My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 532 Report

When Cai Wenjie arrived at the combat command post, Ji Qinglai and other officers had already gathered in the conference room.


"Hello, Chief!"

After Ji Qinglai saw Cai Wenjie, he immediately directed other officers to salute Cai Wenjie, and Cai Wenjie did not ignore them and also saluted them once.

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"Okay, everyone, sit down. Ji Qing is here. Please report the information you have learned here."


Ji Qinglai picked up the USB flash drive that he had prepared and inserted it into the computer in the conference room. After the contents of the USB flash drive appeared on the big screen in the conference room, he began to explain the stadium gathering place to Cai Wenjie and other officers. situation.

"According to our various understandings, the forces that hijacked the entire stadium gathering place can be divided into two types,

First, as a liberal who originally belongs to the stadium gathering place, the leader of the liberals is Jackal, a very cruel and suspicious person.

Second, when Jackal and all the liberals were expelled, they met a group of thugs who appeared out of nowhere. The name of these thugs' organization was the Kuangtu Gang, and their leader's name was Li Wei, who was also a brutal gangster. unkind person

The two people came together for some unknown reason, and then began to capture the surrounding survivors. Jackal even used his reputation as a liberal to bring out many women and children in the gathering place, and then they took these The people were kidnapped and used as hostages, and they began to put pressure on the stadium gathering place.

These people were sure that Chief Zhou Weiguo would not harm these ordinary citizens, so they threatened Chief Zhou Weiguo with the lives of these people to hand over the entire stadium gathering place. If he did not hand over the entire stadium gathering place, they would start killing the hostages they captured one by one.

Leader Zhou Weiguo was in a dilemma. Because he did not want to harm the hostages outside or the people in the rear, he resolutely chose to commit suicide. When he committed suicide, he issued instructions to the officers at the gathering place to protect the personnel in the rear. instruction

But no one expected that after Chief Zhou Weiguo committed suicide, the officers who were originally responsible for the security of the stadium gathering place chose to open the door and let Jackal and Li Wei enter the stadium. In the end, the entire stadium gathering place was occupied by Jackal and Li Wei.

Those soldiers who were unwilling to sacrifice their lives for Jackal and Li Wei also left the stadium gathering area at the same time and are now recuperating in the train station controlled by us."

After Ji Qinglai finished his report, he looked at Cai Wenjie.

"I already understand what happened. It seems that we cannot send out large-scale troops for a crusade this time, and I don't want to be threatened by them with hostages."

Although Cai Wenjie actually doesn't have much concern about hostages in his heart, he is now a soldier. Since he is a soldier, he must put the safety of the country and the people first, so Cai Wenjie decided not to dispatch large-scale armed forces this time. , but chose to use special forces to infiltrate and perform the beheading mission.

"Qing Lai, are those soldiers who escaped that you mentioned over there at the train station now?"

"Yes, chief! They are all placed over there at the train station."

"Very good! Contact Song Yi stationed at the train station immediately and ask him to bring those soldiers here. I have something to arrange."


"I have decided that this operation is a beheading operation. The mission is to infiltrate and assassinate the liberal Jackal and the leader of the Kuang Gang, Li Wei! Ji Qinglai, I want you to select 30 powerful warriors before noon, and then eat immediately Sleep, I don’t want any accidents to happen due to lack of sleep among the soldiers during night operations!”

"Yes! I will make arrangements immediately"

"Very good. I will personally lead the team for this operation. In addition, Qing Lai, I want you to lead the team to ambush outside the sight of the stadium gathering place. After the mission is successful, I will launch a Flare, when you see the flare, immediately lead a large force to control the gate of the stadium, and then assist me in clearing out the enemies inside."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task"

No one present objected to Cai Wenjie's order. Even when Cai Wenjie was about to go on stage, he didn't say anything. You must know that although Cai Wenjie is the commander, he is also the strongest person in the gathering place. If we talk about this operation, If the success rate is 80%, adding Cai Wenjie will result in a 100% success rate.

"This matter is settled. Now tell me, did anything major happen in the gathering place during my absence?"

Having said this, Ji Qinglai stood up again and began to report on everything that had happened during Cai Wenjie's absence, such as the mutant zombies he encountered before that could cause hallucinations in an instant through visual inspection, or the gathering of How much ammunition did the arsenal in the area produce during this period, as well as various trivial matters such as artillery shells and food consumption.

Cai Wenjie, who silently listened to Ji Qinglai's report, thought about it in his mind and found that except for the smaller population of the current Xinguang gathering area, other places can be said to be sideways to YJ, especially after acquiring more than ten people. In addition to an infantry fighting vehicle and five tanks, unless you are stupid enough to drive your vehicle into the zombie tide, you can beat a hundred thousand zombie tide at any time.

"Good, very good. You have done a great job during my absence, especially Ji Qinglai. I am glad to keep you here. To thank you for your efforts, I will give you two days off and give you 1,000 points each after the operation is successfully completed. You can relax as much as you want."

"Thank you, Chief!"

After basically confirming that everything was correct, everyone left the meeting room, leaving only Cai Wenjie.

"Alas, I don't know if Xiang Xue can handle it. Forget it. As a grown man, how can I escape from reality like this? I'd better go back."

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to go back and face reality, the sound of helicopter propellers came from outside, and there was more than one, but several propellers. Cai Wenjie, who felt strange, immediately came outside in his coat to see what was going on.

Cai Wenjie, who had just stepped out of the room, immediately saw several transport helicopters hovering over the military camp, and a container was suspended under each helicopter with a steel cable.

Cai Wenjie immediately discovered through the surface layers of the helicopters that these helicopters did not belong to the Xinguang gathering place. Apparently, other soldiers had also discovered this. On the rooftop of the military camp, behind the woods, and on the open ground, there were soldiers carrying surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles everywhere. As long as there was any behavior that threatened the military camp, they would open fire and shoot down these helicopters immediately.

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