My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 524: Reunion

Then, a battle between mutant zombies began.

On the other side, the captain who got rid of the mutant zombies found the others by following the marks left by the team members.

"How are you, are you okay?"

"It's okay, platoon, no! How is the mutant zombie of the captain?"

"Don't worry, you were blinded by me, and now you are smashing things to vent your anger"

"Awesome! Captain, you are really this"

A soldier stretched out his right hand and gave his captain a thumbs up. For some reason, they could only temporarily abandon their identities and call themselves or others as captains or other titles.

"We are about to arrive at the train station, everyone, work harder!"



At the train station, Song Yi, who was about to organize people to patrol the surrounding area, suddenly found that there was a strange smoke rising in the distance.

"Huh? What is that?"

Not only Song Yi, but other people also discovered the smoke in the distance.

Shunliu directly used the scope of the sniper rifle to look at the place where the smoke was.

"Huh? There are three mutant zombies fighting!"

"Let me see!"

Deng Jun, who was surprised, immediately took out his telescope and looked at the place where the smoke was. Through the telescope, Deng Jun really found three mutant zombies fighting each other to death.

"It's true! Will these mutant zombies also roll inward?"

Song Yi also took out his telescope and stood on the rooftop to observe, but his observation point was not the fighting mutant zombies, but other things.

As Song Yi kept looking, he really found other things.

"That is... a person?"

Through the telescope, not far from the smoke, Song Yi found a group of people moving quickly against the wall. It was not difficult to see from their military uniforms that these people were a group of soldiers, and it seemed that their destination was still the train station.

After thinking for a while, Song Yi immediately decided to try it out first.

"Deng Jun, take a few people to try to contact them. If there is no problem, help them, but if they are deserters, you handle it yourself."


Because they didn't see the appearance of the other side clearly, Song Yi and others hadn't come out yet. The leader of the opposite side was actually the group of people who were guarding the door when they were eating hot pot at the stadium gathering place.

Soon, Deng Jun led a squad of soldiers, left the train station, and quickly went to contact this group of people.

Because Song Yi was observing the actions of the opposite side on the rooftop and conveyed the specific location of the opposite side to Deng Jun in real time, Deng Jun found them effortlessly.

"Stop! Unit number and number!"

For safety reasons, Deng Jun immediately raised his weapon and aimed at the people on the opposite side.

In response, these people not only did not feel offended, but became excited.

"Excuse me, are you from Chief Cai Wenjie's troops?"

"Yes, we are the company stationed at the train station, who are you?"

"We are soldiers from the original stadium gathering place. My name is Lei Yi. I used to be a platoon leader, but now I am just an ordinary survivor. Because of the changes in the stadium gathering place, I separated from there with other soldiers who didn't want to stay there, and then wanted to join Chief Cai."

After Deng Jun stopped Lei Yi's words, he was obviously stunned for a moment. Although he guessed that Lei Yi and others should have come from the stadium, he didn't expect that they actually wanted to join their leader. But now the leader is not here, and he will not be back until tomorrow at the earliest, so he doesn't know how to answer Lei Yi now.

"Rai Yi, right? I'm sorry that our leader hasn't come back yet. Even if it's the earliest, he won't be back until tomorrow. However, I can ask my company commander to let you go to the train station to rest temporarily. You can tell him in person when he comes back tomorrow."

"Well, okay, in that case, we are willing to wait until Chief Cai comes back."

"However, before I go back, I still need to check your officer ID or other soldier ID. I hope you can cooperate with my work."

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away."

Soon, Lei Yi collected all the IDs of himself and his soldiers, and handed them to Deng Jun. Deng Jun was not careless at all. He carefully checked all the IDs, and then compared the photos in the IDs with the person himself. After checking them once and finding no problems, Deng Jun handed the IDs to them one by one.

"Okay, no problem, follow me."

Deng Jun led a squad out, and then brought back a platoon of people. Because Deng Jun had made arrangements in advance, the group returned to the train station without any obstacles. When Lei Yi and the others saw the train station, which had been completely renovated, they couldn't help but marvel.

There was no way. Cai Wenjie might not be able to take out other things, but he had no shortage of munitions. Almost every two or three windows in the train station had a heavy machine gun, flamethrower, rocket launcher and other heavy weapons deployed on the window.

And on the roof of the train station, there were many sniper rifles, heavy sniper rifles, grenade launchers, and even four anti-aircraft machine guns and two anti-aircraft cannons, which could effectively kill the zombies whether on the ground or in the air.

"Oh my god, with so many heavy weapons, even if tens of thousands of zombies come, they can't break through the fire defense line. It would be great if we had these equipment before."

"Yes, even if there are only a few heavy machine guns and mortars, I have the confidence to survive in the zombie tide."

"Don't think about it. Even if we have heavy weapons, we can only be dowries for others in today's situation."

"Okay, stop arguing."

Deng Jun first arranged for the other soldiers except Lei Yi to rest in a room in the train station, and then took Lei Yi to see Song Yi.

At this time, Song Yi was already waiting for Lei Yi's arrival in the conference room converted from the VIP room in the waiting hall. Not only Song Yi, the company commander, but also Zhang Fei and Shun Liu were here.

When Deng Jun pushed the door open, three pairs of eyes looked straight at Lei Yi behind Deng Jun, which made Lei Yi, who was already a little nervous, even more nervous.

Fortunately, Song Yi and others were also acting subconsciously and had no other intentions.

After seeing the two people coming in, the three of them stood up, began to shake hands with Lei Yi one by one, and began to introduce themselves.

"You are the officer on guard that day, long time no see, formally introduce myself, I am Song Yi, the highest commander stationed here"

"I remember you, the hot pot that day was delicious, we were all very satisfied, thank you"

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