My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 520 Coming Back Soon

"Alas, who said it wasn't? However, we can't attack casually before receiving the order from the chief. We can only stick to our posts. However, I have ordered the communicator to sort out all the recent events and make a report to send to the chief. At this time, the chief should also know what happened on our side. I estimate that we should get the order from the chief soon..."

Before he finished speaking, the communication device on Song Yi's wrist lit up, and the picture showed no one else but Cai Wenjie's head portrait. Read М

Song Yi and Deng Jun looked at each other, immediately tidied their clothes, threw away the cigarette inside, and tidied their facial expressions before connecting to Cai Wenjie's video communication.

"Hello, chief!"

The two saluted as soon as they connected the communication, and Cai Wenjie also reflexively returned a military salute on the other side of the communication.

"Song Yi, and... Deng Jun, why are you two together? Forget it, it's not important. Song Yi, I heard that Brother Zhou Weiguo committed suicide? Is the news true?"

Song Yi did not dare to neglect it and answered immediately.

"Yes, Chief! Zhou Weiguo, the person in charge of the stadium gathering place, committed suicide not long ago."

"Alas, Brother Zhou is confused, Song Yi, tell me everything you know, especially the information about the thugs who forced Brother Zhou to commit suicide, and the information about the residents who betrayed him."


Although he was a little confused, Song Yi still told Cai Wenjie everything he knew. Although these were hearsay, after confirmation, these news were true and not fooling people.

"The cause of the incident is like this..."

After listening to Song Yi's report, Cai Wenjie asked in disbelief.

"So, it's because of the so-called freedom! Those bastards betrayed Brother Zhou?!"

"Yes, Chief! The liberals headed by Jackal openly formed gangs and violently protested against Zhou Weiguo's leadership because of the lack of freedom, and even launched a rebellion. Although they were suppressed by Zhou Weiguo, Jackal was not caught, but he found an opportunity to escape. Later, Jackal colluded with the gang of thugs who escaped from prison, and kidnapped many nearby civilians together with them, and then put pressure on Zhou Weiguo. In the end, Zhou Weiguo could not bear the pressure and responsibility and committed suicide. Even the gathering place of the Fairy Stadium was controlled by Jackal and the gang of thugs."

After saying that, Song Yi said another sentence.

"I have asked the communicator to make a report about the relevant events and sent it to you."

"I know, Song Yi!"


"Notify all soldiers stationed in the Xinguang gathering place and the train station to be vigilant in the next two days and not let anyone approach the vicinity. Once any suspicious person is found approaching, shoot immediately after a warning!"


"Also! I will try my best to rush back before sunset tomorrow. After I go back, you must be ready to attack at any time and prepare to go to the stadium to avenge Brother Zhou Weiguo and rescue the civilians there. So take a good rest today and wait for the battle tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"That's it, wait for me to come back!"

"Yes! Don't worry, chief! I will definitely be ready for battle!"

After hanging up the video call, Song Yi and Deng Jun both showed a hint of excitement on their faces. They haven't fought for several days. They are bored to death guarding the train station every day. Now not only is the chief coming back, but they can even fight after a long time. This is a double happiness.

"What are you thinking about? Hurry up and notify the Xinguang gathering place and tell them the good news."

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll arrange it immediately!"

After a while, the whole train station was boiling. These ordinary soldiers, like Song Yi and Deng Jun, were tired of such boring garrison missions and wanted to find someone to fight.

The zombies and mutant zombies around the train station had been killed by them. Even the corpses were burned to leave only skeletons. These skeletons were not wasted and turned into ashes and pulled to the Xinguang gathering place for preservation, ready to fertilize the fields to be reclaimed.

Although this ensured the safety of the area around the train station, it also meant that the soldiers had nothing to do. They felt comfortable in the first few days, but later they felt more and more bored because they were used to killing. They always felt uncomfortable when they stopped suddenly. Some soldiers even began to propose patrolling around the train station. Although it seemed to be for the safety of the train station, their real purpose was to find lone zombies to satisfy their desire to kill.

Most of those who have such thoughts are natural people, that is, those natural soldiers who were initially taken in. In short, they are Deng Jun's original subordinates. Although clones also have such thoughts, they are not strong, because clones have much less emotions than natural people, and their desires are not that strong.

"Great! I haven't seen a single zombie in the past few days, and my gun has been thirsty for a long time!"

"Yeah! I just got a new weapon recently, and I was worried about not having experimental subjects, and then I got the news! It's great!"

"I have long been annoyed with those guys who acted recklessly in the stadium. When the chief comes back, I must teach them a lesson and let them know that people should not be too arrogant!"

"That's right. I heard that those guys actually use women as tools to vent their lust. They abuse them every night. We must rescue them!"

The soldiers began to discuss the possible battle tomorrow with great enthusiasm. Morale was slowly rising. Song Yi and Deng Jun were also happy to see this scene. If the soldiers were not afraid of fighting, then the battle that had not yet begun was already half won. However, they should always be careful not to be proud and complacent. Everyone knows that arrogant soldiers will be defeated, so they will not let this happen.

The Xinguang gathering place at this time.

The Ji Qinglai Company, stationed in the gathering place to surround the gathering place for safety, immediately conveyed Cai Wenjie's upcoming return to everyone in the gathering place through the radio after receiving the news from the train station. To be honest, since Cai Wenjie left, although the entire gathering place has maintained basic operation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the backbone of everyone in the gathering place is missing.

The entire gathering place fell into a strange state. Although the defense system here could withstand the attack of hundreds of thousands of zombies, everyone inevitably felt panic. The small market set up by the survivors at the back of the gathering place was full of people before Cai Wenjie left, but now it was deathly silent.

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