My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 513 Preparation

"Are you injured? Is the body outside your roommate?"

"No, he should be from another dormitory, and we were not injured. Our only request now is that you please get rid of this zombie's body. It really stinks."

The soldier didn't say anything nonsense about this. After responding, he immediately called several other soldiers and began to move the mutated zombie that had been trapped into a mummy. He was going to deal with it in a deserted place. The corpse outside the dormitory was also a corpse. After processing, specialized personnel will come over for disinfection. read

But just when a few soldiers were about to move the mummy zombie out, they suddenly discovered that the mutated zombie seemed to be still alive. Although it was just the head moving, it was indeed still alive.

"You didn't kill him?"

The soldiers asked the people in the dormitory with some doubts. Several people said that they were just ordinary survivors. How could they kill this ferocious zombie? They had no memory of what happened when they surrounded the mutated zombie just a few minutes ago. How cruel.

Some speechless soldiers did not say much nonsense, but asked other soldiers to let go of the zombie, and then used their own guns to shoot the mummy's head three times to ensure that the mutated zombie was completely dead. Then he called other soldiers to carry the mutated zombie's body.

Originally, a few people wrapped the mutated zombie into a mummy because they couldn't stand the rancid smell. Now, with the sound of several gunshots, the mutated zombie's rotten and stinking brains and dirty blood were scattered around along with the broken skull bones. The slightly suppressed stench floated in this small space again, making them retching several times.

Just when they were about to protest, a man who looked like an officer of this group of soldiers spoke to them.

"In order to prevent new sources of infection, this room and corridor must be disinfected. I will arrange you in other dormitories. Come with me."

Just as the officer led the seven people to other dormitories, personnel wearing protective suits had already rushed over to start disinfection operations. Any place where the mutated zombies' mutilated flesh or blood stains would be sprayed several times with disinfectant.

On the other side, Cai Wenjie's motorcade, which was leading the troops to the airport at full speed, now encountered its first difficulty, that is, the road to the airport was blocked by various roadblocks.

If you want to continue to move forward on this road, you will definitely waste more time. After all, clearing so many roadblocks cannot be solved in a short time. The vehicle at the front immediately contacted Cai Wenjie's command vehicle. , asking how to resolve these roadblocks.

"Roadblocks? Many?"

"Report to the chief! There are so many. If I look at it, there are roadblocks set up on the road every fifty meters."

"Can I push it away with a car?"

"Yes, but this may crowd all the roadblocks together, making it more difficult to pass as you go to the back."

"There is no time to waste here. Let the tanks at the back go to the front to clear the road, and then let the infantry fighting vehicles equipped with shovels go behind the tanks to clear the road. Be sure to clear a road. If you encounter any separation wall or the like, directly Blow him away with tank shells"


After receiving Cai Wenjie's order, the convoy immediately began to adjust its formation. The tanks originally in the middle and rear immediately came to the front of the convoy and began to push forward against the roadblocks.

With the weight of the tank, any kind of roadblock can be crushed into pieces. After all, these roadblocks are meant to block ordinary vehicles, not tanks.

In this way, Cai Wenjie's motorcade rushed out of the roadblocks. Although it was a little slower than expected, it finally got out.

"The convoy will continue to maintain its current formation. If you encounter roadblocks in the future, don't ask me to just run over them. If you can't get past them, use cannons to blast them! You must get to the airport in the shortest possible time!"


The convoy rushed to the airport at full speed. Although they encountered zombies in twos and threes on the road, they did not cause any hindrance to the convoy. If the number was small, they would just run over them. If there were too few, they would bombard them without delaying the movement of the convoy.

The several-hour journey was passed bit by bit like this.

When the convoy arrived a few kilometers away from the airport, it could already observe the situation inside the airport with a telescope.

Densely packed zombies were inside the airport, lingering around the two buildings and refusing to leave. There was no need to think about where the survivors should be.

After Cai Wenjie observed this situation, he immediately chose to use broadcast communication to contact the survivors inside. Because he had received a distress broadcast before, it was easy to contact the survivors inside.

"We are troops coming from the border. We are here to support you. Please answer when you receive it! Repeat, we are reinforcements. Please answer when you receive it!"

Not long after the broadcast was sent out, a response came from the other side.

"Received! Thank you for coming to the rescue. We have run out of ammunition and food and request immediate rescue."

"Received! We are about to launch a large-scale rocket attack, please be prepared for impact!"


After hanging up the communication, Cai Wenjie was about to issue a bombing order immediately, and let the two rocket launcher vehicles following him carry out indiscriminate bombing on the zombies in the airport. However, just when Cai Wenjie was about to issue a bombing order, he suddenly paused.

Because Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered that if he bombed the airport like this, he would definitely blow up the entire runway and some planes or fighter planes together. Doing so would be no less than cutting off his own hands and feet. In order to avoid this situation, Cai Wenjie planned to guide these zombies to other places before concentrated bombing.

Thinking of doing it, Cai Wenjie used the system satellite to observe the surrounding terrain and look for a place suitable for gathering large-scale zombies. After carefully searching for a few minutes, Cai Wenjie finally found a suitable place in a valley 1,500 meters away from the airport.

This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one entrance to the mountain and no other way out. The mountains and forests surrounding this place are very steep cliffs. Unless there are experts with professional knowledge and professional training, there is no way to climb this cliff. In other words, ordinary zombies can't climb up at all.

The capacity of the valley is very large, enough to accommodate at least 100,000 people, which means that tens of thousands of zombies at the airport can be stuffed in without missing a single one.

"This place is good, it just meets my requirements, this is it!"

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