My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 511: Picky Mutated Zombie

What's it like to yell with the windows open and then get noticed by zombie birds?

There was nothing special. At most, the whole person was dragged out of the window by the zombie bird and then fell down.

Originally, he would definitely be killed if he fell from the fifth floor, but he was different. Although he fell from the fifth floor, because the people below were densely packed with zombies, not only was he not killed, but he was maimed. The kind zombie who caught him.

Then, there was nothing more. After the other zombies saw their brother being smashed and maimed, they immediately stepped forward angrily and beat the man named Ma Gan.

Well, actually, although Ma Gan did not lose his life immediately after being thrown down, he was quickly devoured by countless red-eyed zombies around him in a brutal way. It goes without saying who this eater was. You will know who it is.

Ma Gan didn't even have a chance to turn into a zombie. He was chewed into dregs by a large group of zombies without even leaving any bones. He was eaten as a teething stick by a few passing zombie dogs.

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Fortunately, the zombie bird didn't notice the other people in the room, otherwise everyone else in the dormitory would also become zombie takeaways.

Having learned from the past, the fat man naturally did not dare to stay near the window for too long.

"I said, brothers, do you have any food stored up? Now the army has implemented food rationing, so I haven't had enough to eat until now. If anyone has any food left, please lend it to me. I will definitely pay it back ten times in the future."

"It's no use even if you pay back a hundred times. Why don't you use your big brain and think about it carefully? Why do you think we have food in stock? There is no place to sell food or snacks here. How can we have the opportunity to store food?" "

"I have some chewing gum here. Do you want it?"

"Oh, forget it, chewing gum isn't enough, I'd better lie down and save some energy."

"Do you think we can still survive? I heard from my brother who is a soldier that they are almost at their limit now. The weapons are okay, but the bullets are really not enough. If they really run out of ammunition and food, then One day, what should we do?”

"What should I do? Cold! If it really turns out to be like what you said, I will be the first to rush out and fight the zombies outside. Even if I go to hell, I have to drag one or two with me. Only in this way can I fight with the zombies. Confessions of deceased family members”

"As for me, I will probably hide and look for opportunities to sneak out and see if they can find other gathering places to take me in. The main reason is that I am so young and I don't want to die like this. I haven't tasted what it's like to be a woman yet. Well, you can’t be single when you die.”

Just when the people in the dormitory were discussing their future options, there was a sudden loud noise on the door, and then cracks appeared on the wooden door, and the cracks continued to expand. Before anyone could react, the dormitory door A big hole opened in the middle of the wooden door, and a half-eaten arm flew into the dormitory through the hole.

Because the speed was so fast, no one realized that it was an arm that flew in. People in the dormitory subconsciously saw the scene outside through the hole. They saw a zombie with a highly decomposed face and one of his eyeballs kneeling. The ground was shaking constantly. Looking at the pool of blood in front of the zombie and the corpse with bulging eyes, it was not difficult to guess what the zombie was doing.

"Mourning! Ugh!"

Just when the fat man was about to shout loudly, a person next to him immediately covered his mouth and whispered.

"Don't scream! Do you want to kill us?"

After a brief panic, the fat man quickly regained his senses. He nodded and signaled that he would not speak. Only then did the man in front of him let go of his hand covering the fat man. During this period, he kept staring at the zombies outside for fear of was discovered by him.

Fortunately, the eating zombies did not notice the living people in the entire dormitory, and were still eating the corpses on the ground crazily. However, what is strange is that the dead corpses that were originally infected by the virus and would complete their transformation within a minute did not Instead of being resurrected as usual, he continued to lie there without any change. Even his expressions and movements did not change much. He still had the same terrifying look and did not move, nor did he turn into a new zombie.

If someone looks carefully, they will find that the dead body did not die from any trauma, but from suffocation. The evidence is the purple strangle marks on the neck of the dead body. Judging from the looseness of the neck, it can be basically concluded that he was Those who were strangled to death did not die from the bites and scratches of the zombies.

The person who suffocated to death was none other than this zombie. To be more precise, it was a speed mutant zombie with a little intelligence.

Yes, he was one of the few mutant zombies who just rushed into the back door. Unlike the other mutant zombies, he did not fight with humans the moment he rushed in, but directly chose to escape. After gaining a certain level of wisdom, he instinctively began to fear death, and he had seen many times how the stick-like thing in the hands of humans killed his own kind. Therefore, after gaining a certain level of wisdom, as long as he saw the stick in the hands of humans, As long as something like that existed, he began to actively avoid such humans.

Unless these humans don't have any weapons, he will never get close to humans. This is one of the reasons why he can survive until now. If he hadn't lost his usual reason due to hunger this time, he would never have gotten close to this place. , let alone break in.

Now that he finally caught a human without any weapons, how could he not attack him? In order to prevent this human from screaming, he did not come out to attack this human openly, but quietly went around behind this human, and then used his slender hands to pinch this human's neck fiercely. No matter how much this human struggled, he could not escape his control. In less than ten seconds, this human died.

Rather than being strangled to death, it is better to say that the mutant zombie's extraordinary strength broke the man's cervical vertebrae and caused this person to faint for a moment.

And this mutant zombie did not give this human a chance to come back to life. It directly smashed the back of this person's head, sucked out the brain like sucking jelly, and swallowed it into its stomach with great enjoyment.

People who have lost their brains naturally cannot mutate, nor can they be transformed into new zombies. Therefore, when the mutant zombies ate his corpse, they did not eat it in a hurry. Instead, they ate the parts they liked first, and then the parts they didn't like so much, just like ordinary people.

Apparently, his favorite part was the flesh on the arms, especially the muscles on the arms, so the arm at the beginning was the garbage he deliberately threw away after he had gnawed on the muscles he liked.

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