My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 507 Return and Reserve Service

"Boss! Look ahead!"

"Hahaha! Are they stopping here to be caught by us? God is helping me!"

Because there are transport trucks behind the convoy, and the trucks block the view in front, these people did not notice that there is a large group of infantry fighting vehicles behind the trucks aiming at them. Read

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"Little guys, take out your treasures and blow them up for me"


A large group of punk-style hooligans riding motorcycles took out grenades from their pockets, then pulled the safety with their mouths, kept holding the trigger with their hands, and waited until they were close to the prepared distance before throwing them at the convoy.

But will the soldiers give them this opportunity? No! The infantry fighting vehicles hidden behind the trucks immediately rushed out, and a large group of soldiers with machine guns and rocket launchers also rushed out.

Before the group of people could react, the soldiers took the lead in launching an attack. The bullets fired by a large number of machine guns formed a barrage of bullets, directly covering a large number of enemies, and shot a large number of gangsters riding motorcycles into sieves. Some motorcycles were very unfortunate to be hit by the fuel tank and exploded, directly blowing the people and the motorcycles into pieces.

The rocket launcher is even simpler and more direct. Even if it is not directly hit, as long as it explodes within a range of ten meters, it can blow away all the motorcycles within the range.

Not to mention the weapon system on the infantry fighting vehicle, a 20mm machine gun can sweep a circle and smash a large number of motorcycles into pieces. There is no way to survive.

In less than half a minute, the motorcycle team that was originally chasing the convoy died in this place without a single survivor. It can be said that no one left a complete body. The reason is also very simple, because this group of people were holding grenades in their hands at the beginning, and they were accidentally panicked after being attacked. They didn’t hold it firmly and fell on the spot. Although he himself was not injured, he killed his teammates behind him.

As a result, these guys were wiped out soon after they appeared on the scene. No one was left alive. They all went to see the King of Hell.

Looking at the wreckage of the motorcycle left after the explosion in the distance, Cai Wenjie shook his head and said in confusion.

"Are these guys all idiots? They dared to attack the military's vehicles. Whether it was the group of people yesterday or the group of people today, do they think that the military's power is paper-made? What do you think, Xiang Xue?"

"I think they should be arrogant"

"Hahaha! Xiang Xue is still honest. Maybe they are really arrogant, otherwise there is no other reasonable explanation"

Perhaps they have watched too many movies or novels, and thought that after the end of the world, the army will collapse like the plot in the novels or movies, and their strength will be as weak as scattered sand, so they think the army is easy to bully.

But the reality is that the strength of the army has not weakened after the end of the world, but has become stronger, because at this time there is no need to abide by those strange rules and regulations, so the combat capability of the army can be exerted to the greatest extent, especially in the wild environment where there is no one, such as high-power, large-area missiles, bombs, incendiary bombs, and other explosives can be used without scruples. In the city where there are survivors, because of the safety of the survivors, the higher-ups will never agree to use these high-power bombs in the city.

However, they will never have the opportunity to understand such a simple truth. After all, it is impossible to let a dead person understand what is reality after being blown to ashes.

After destroying the pursuers behind, Cai Wenjie's convoy set off again, but this time Cai Wenjie's vehicle was changed from an infantry fighting vehicle to a modified RV that had just been seized. Because the protection capability of the RV is limited, Cai Wenjie did not let the driver drive the RV to the front as the leading vehicle, but strangely lined up in the middle of the convoy, protected by other armored vehicles.

Around 2 pm, Cai Wenjie's convoy finally returned to the destination. When the convoy arrived at the checkpoint, Cai Wenjie found that in addition to his own convoy, there were actually a large number of modified vehicles waiting for inspection. Judging from the degree of modification of the modified vehicles, they should not be military personnel, but more like vehicles of some survivors.

After all, these vehicles at most have barbed wire installed on the glass windows and windshields and reinforced with certain armor. They are OK for dealing with ordinary zombies, but for slightly more troublesome mutant zombies, there is actually not much difference between modified vehicles and unmodified vehicles. At most, it is the difference that the mutant zombies swing a few more times.

"Look! It's Chief Cai's convoy coming back!"

"What! Where is it!"

"It's really our infantry fighting vehicle. Quick! Inform the superiors that Chief Cai's convoy is coming back! You guys quickly evacuate the vehicles and let the convoy pass."


When the sentry at the checkpoint saw Cai Wenjie's convoy coming back, he immediately reported the convoy's return to his superiors by radio, and began to command the vehicles lined up in several rows to move to the side and make way for the convoy.

At the same time, the highest person in charge at the checkpoint, a first-class sergeant, immediately ran to the front of Cai Wenjie's convoy, and saluted the infantry fighting vehicle at the front.

"Excuse me, what is Chief Cai's vehicle?"

"No need to look for it, I'm here"

Cai Wenjie came out of the RV alone and stood not far from the sergeant major. The sergeant major did not hesitate to come to Cai Wenjie and saluted again. Cai Wenjie also saluted back.

"Welcome home, Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie! Admiral Yansong specifically told us that we don't need to check when we see your convoy returning. We can go in directly."

"Thank you, but I want to ask, who are these people?"

Cai Wenjie pointed to the people not far away who looked at him with awe and asked in confusion.

And the sergeant major did not hide anything and told everything he knew.

It turned out that these people were actually people living in small strongholds nearby. Admiral Yansong specially found them as reserve forces, that is, reserve soldiers.

There is no way now that the army has too many casualties. If they don't replenish troops in time, they can't conquer the border. Maybe they can only go back in disgrace. After all, no matter how good the equipment is and how many bullets there are, if no one uses them, it's just a pile of broken copper and iron.

And where can we get troops in this vast border? It can only be obtained from these small human strongholds, so we have the current scene.

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