My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 501 Self-destruction

This time, the Alien Fighting Beast really couldn't struggle, because the little moth had eaten too much flesh and blood, and its recovery ability became slower and slower as time went by. At the current speed, it wants to recover It takes twenty-four hours to operate normally, and at least two days to fully recover.

"Captain, what to do with those little moth eggs?"

"...Well, let's just leave these insect eggs alone. It's impossible, so for the sake of safety, burn all the insect eggs and the bodies of those little moths with the gasoline we brought! Only leave Take a small part of the insect eggs and the body of the small moth back to our researchers so that they can study the origin of this little thing."


So far, these little moths have not shown any desire to attack living people like them, nor have they harmed any living people. They are only interested in mutant zombies and alien fighting beasts.

Therefore, although the team members were still wary of these little moths, they had to say that these little moths helped them a lot.

While the team members were cleaning up the mess, Dr. Z and others on the other side were escaping from this place through a secret passage.

"Doctor, what are those little things?"

Hu Yan moved quickly and asked Dr. Z beside her with some interest. Although Dr. Z didn't seem to want to say anything more, he patiently explained it.

"Little things? Don't underestimate them. They are specially developed by me to resist zombies. I named them "Kira". Although their appearance is no different from other insects, after passing Through my improvements, they now have extremely strong phagocytosis and reproductive abilities. Each Kira can immediately lay 500 eggs as long as it obtains a certain amount of energy. Although the cost is his life, after 24 hours of incubation, These eggs can break out of the shell and become the new Kira, and under my transformation, Kira will only obtain the flesh and blood containing the virus, not the flesh and blood of living people."

Listening to Dr. Z's explanation, Hu Yan asked with some confusion.

"That means that as long as the number of Kira exceeds a certain range, is it possible to eliminate the zombies in the entire world?"

Dr. Z glanced at Hu Yan sideways, then sneered and said

"Oh, that's true in theory, but the problem is that you have to know that Kira is not omnipotent. The zombies on land may be wiped out by Kira, but the creatures in high-altitude maps, in the sky, and in the sea , Kira can't destroy them at all, so even if you release all the Kira, it will have no effect."

After Dr. Z finished explaining, he didn't speak. Instead, he silently opened his legs and moved quickly towards the escape cabin.

But Dr. Z didn't actually finish what he said. What Hu Yan didn't know was that although Kira would not actively attack living people, that is, creatures that are not infected with the virus, it did not mean that they would not attack living people. After Kira eats all the prey, after a period of time, it will shift its target to living people. Their desire for flesh and blood and reproduction cannot be suppressed. Kira who has no prey will 100% attack living people. , gnaws on the flesh and blood of living people, and lays eggs on living people.

Hu Yan, who didn't know this, had already developed a strong interest in this little creature named Kira. Then she looked behind her with some pity. If she hadn't been on the way to escape now, she would have taken it with her. Several Kiras went out to study.

Soon, under the protection of a group of security guards, the two came to a secret freight elevator that led outside. This elevator did not rise in a straight line, but had its own exclusive route like a subway, leading straight to the distance from here. A small secret warehouse five kilometers away.

The warehouse not only contains necessary emergency food, but also various supplies such as medical kits, firearms and ammunition. The most important thing is that there is a large modified RV parked here. It is said that it is an RV, but it is actually more like a missile. Doomsday RV after car modification.

The entire appearance is like removing the missiles from these missile vehicles and then installing the mobile body of the RV on top. The entire body is like an armored vehicle. It seems that the protection capability is very good, and it is on the top of the RV. , equipped with four vehicle-mounted machine guns and something like a 107 rocket launcher. When encountering a zombie wave blocking the road, it can blast all the way out.

In addition, there is a small helicopter parked in the warehouse. This small helicopter has only one role, that is, if the warehouse is also discovered, it will be parked first to rescue Dr. Z. As for the others, they will have to fend for themselves.

When Dr. Z and his assistant Hu Yan successfully arrived at the freight elevator, the security captain who sent Dr. Z to each other took out a remote control without hesitation and pressed the red button in the middle.

"Beep! The self-destruction program has been activated, with a countdown of 180 seconds! Please evacuate as soon as possible!"

This broadcast resounded throughout all areas of the underground research institute. For a moment, both the elite team rescuing the hostages and the institute security personnel stopping the elite team stopped what they were doing at the same time.

"No! The institute's self-destruct program has been activated, and we have been abandoned! Damn it!"

"Then what do we do?"

"What else can we do! Surrender! Then get out of here!"

Almost at the same time, all the security personnel who were still fighting against the elite team put down their weapons and surrendered to the elite team opposite.

"Don't fire, we surrender! Get us out of here quickly, I don't want to die here."

Area D on the other side.

The team members who had just set up the time bombs and gasoline incendiary bombs were interrupted by the sound of a broadcast before they detonated the bombs.

"Self-destruct? Good guy, have I wasted so many bombs and gasoline in vain?"

"Captain, now is not the time to talk about this. Let me evacuate as soon as possible. We are wasting time and we are really here."

"That's right, notify all teams to evacuate this underground research institute immediately!"


Without exception, all the personnel in the entire underground research institute are trying their best to leave here at this moment, even the security personnel of the research institute.

"Boss, what should we do? How about we surrender? This place is going to explode soon. I don't want to die young."

"Surrender? Do you want to live in prison for the rest of your life?"

"That's better than waiting to die here."

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