My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 499 Evolved Alien Fighting Beast

The zombie's head was pierced by a bullet, and it couldn't be deader. Read М

Just when the soldier wanted to help the soldier named Xiaotian who fell to the ground, he was pushed away by him. Because one-third of his neck was bitten off, the soldier named Xiaotian couldn't speak clearly, and could only say one sentence word by word with difficulty.

"Go... quickly! Say... sorry... to... my... parents... for... me"

Then he picked up the pistol that fell beside him, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger with a smile.

As a long-term zombie fighter, he naturally knew what being bitten by a zombie meant, so in the end he at least wanted to die in a human way, rather than becoming a zombie to harm others.

"Mom and Dad, I am unfilial, I can only take care of you in the next life"

This was the last thought that flashed through Xiaotian's mind.

The soldier who watched him commit suicide was named Liu Hai, and he was also Xiao Tian's closest comrade-in-arms. They had been in the same class since they joined the army for twelve years. They were promoted and promoted to officers, and then joined a special forces unit whose number could not be disclosed. After so many years of fighting together, their friendship had long been raised to the level of brothers.

Although Liu Hai wanted to take Xiao Tian's body back, the gunshots and the roars of zombies beside him told him not to dream in the daytime. The current situation was not optimistic.

"Liu Hai! Run! The alien fighting beast is coming towards you! Run!"

Liu Hai, who was immersed in sadness, did not see the alien fighting beast approaching, but still heard the warning of his teammates. He rolled to the left without thinking, and just when Liu Hai made a rolling action, a huge claw fell from the sky and smashed a claw mark of about half a meter where Liu Hai was standing. You can imagine how powerful this force is.

The most important thing is that this claw directly smashed Xiao Tian's body into pieces.

"Xiaotian! Heteromorphic fighting beasts! I fuck your ancestors! Ah—Go to hell!"

Liu Hai, who had just stabilized his body, looked at the corpse that was no longer human-like, and immediately felt unprecedented anger. While he loudly cursed the alien fighting beast that caused this scene, he picked up his gun and shot wildly at the alien fighting beast that was close at hand.

What he held in his hand was a new weapon that he had recently researched, which was specially used to deal with mutant zombies and giant creatures. The whole gun body looked like the rectangular pulse gun that often appeared in science fiction movies. Although the appearance was very similar to the guns in science fiction movies, this gun still used gunpowder as the main power.

However, the caliber of this gun was not ordinary. It was not 62 or 7 but 18 mm bullets. This thing was originally used for anti-armor, but in order to deal with mutant zombies and giant creatures with relatively high defense, the research institute in the rear still developed this anti-mutant zombie gun that looked like a science fiction gun, and this gun had a unified name, and his name was: FSS Type 1.

FSS stands for anti-zombie, and Type 1 represents the most basic model. Because the bullets are large and the recoil is not to be underestimated, in order to allow soldiers to fight normally with this weapon, it is inevitable to make certain adjustments in other places. For example, the ammunition capacity of this gun. If it is designed according to the 30 or 40 rounds of ammunition of ordinary firearms, then the weight of the weapon exceeds the range of light weapons, so the ammunition capacity of this gun has been reduced to 20 rounds, and it is equipped with a special magazine.

In addition to the ammunition capacity, the biggest feature and biggest disadvantage of this gun is its poor endurance. Without wearing an exoskeleton, a single soldier cannot carry more than 100 rounds of bullets, because the bullets of FFS Type 1 are too large. A magazine is as thick as a dictionary, and the size is equivalent to the size of an old bread sold in a small shop before. It is conceivable how inconvenient it is to carry these bullets.

So generally, those who carry this weapon are either soldiers with very good physical strength or soldiers wearing exoskeletons, and Li Hai belongs to the former type.

At this moment, he was holding a FSS-1, madly attacking the alien beast's head at close range. The 18mm bullets hit the alien beast's body, directly punching blood holes in the alien beast's head. Although it failed to completely penetrate the head, it also successfully caused a lot of damage to the alien beast.

Because this weakened version of the alien beast still retained a certain sense of pain, when the bullet, which was like a cannonball, hit its head, it immediately covered its head and stepped back several steps.

"Li Hai! Come back quickly!"

Although Li Hai was very angry at the moment, it did not mean that he had completely lost his mind. So after forcing the alien beast to retreat, Li Hai immediately approached Xiaotian's body, and from his almost invisible body, he turned out an identity card representing his identity, and then took a last look at his body and turned around and left here, running towards the main force.

At the same time, other support troops also gradually rushed over. Because they knew in advance that there were alien fighting beasts here, many soldiers in the follow-up support troops brought a lot of rocket launchers, armor-piercing rockets, and anti-material sniper rifles.

These are used to deal with armored vehicles, and of course they can also deal with alien fighting beasts that are almost as hard as armored vehicles.

"Please attract his attention and create a shooting opportunity for us!"


In fact, even if they didn't say it, they were attracting the attention of zombies and alien beasts.

While the follow-up support troops were setting up rocket launchers and anti-material sniper rifles, the other soldiers were firing at full power, destroying mutant zombies while attracting the attention of alien beasts.

"Wait a minute! What is the alien beast doing now?"

The soldiers looked up and saw that the alien beast was trembling in place as if it was scared, and its whole body was shaking violently.

"Is he scared? Can alien beasts be scared?"

As a mutant, the alien beast naturally has no fear. If you look closely at the surface of the alien beast's body, you will find that the surface of the alien beast has begun to grow something like scales under the naked eye, and the claws of the alien beast are slowly getting longer and thicker. The most important thing is that the terrifying blood hole that was hit by Li Hai with FSS-1 is slowly closing.

All these signs indicate that the current alien fighting beast is evolving. It is now evolving into a real alien fighting beast. That monster with high defense, high attack, high speed and high recovery is about to come out.

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