My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 494 Underground Research Institute

About half an hour later, Song Yichen walked out of the steel plant with the smell of burning flesh all over his body.

"Report! All corpses inside have been burned together, and no blood plague creatures have been found."

"Really, thank you for your hard work, go back."


After confirming that no body parts were left behind, Cai Wenjie led a large group of people back to the temporary residence, waiting only for the cooking team to prepare dinner.

In a hidden corner hundreds of kilometers away from Cai Wenjie's temporary residence, there is an abandoned temple. Inside the temple is a six-meter-tall gold-plated Buddha statue placed in the center of the temple.

Although the temple occupies a small area, because of the six-meter-high gilded Buddha statue, it was the most popular place for nearby residents to come to worship before the end of the world. Therefore, although the temple is small, it is extremely luxuriously decorated. .

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that few people know that the underground of this huge Buddha statue is actually a huge air-raid shelter. The space inside the air-raid shelter is at least as big as two football fields, and the depth of this air-raid shelter is a full fifteen meters. Even large-scale bombing cannot destroy this air-raid shelter.

But such a space is now occupied by some unknown force. At first, it was actually a refuge for nearby residents, and there were also police or special police forces protecting it.

But since this unknown force found this place, it relied on extremely powerful firepower to directly clean out all the residents who took refuge in the air-raid shelter, as well as the armed forces of the police and special police, and then Jiuzhan Magpie Nest occupied this underground space.

And this underground space was transformed into an underground fortress in just fifteen days. To be more precise, it is an underground research institute with extremely powerful armed forces.

What is studied in the institute is none other than various mutant zombies, including many blood plague zombies.

"Doctor, the experiment has failed. No matter it is blood plague zombies or mutant zombies, there is no way to control them artificially. Although ordinary zombies can be guided by their special needs to achieve the control effect, mutant zombies and blood plague zombies cannot be controlled artificially. There was no way to control the zombies, and they almost escaped during the last experiment. Fortunately, the armed forces in the research institute were not bad, and they directly killed the experimental subjects."

A tall woman wearing a white research coat, a high ponytail, and ladylike eyes was holding a research report and reporting the results of the experiment and what happened to a middle-aged man with thinning hair.

"Okay! Stop talking, I understand. It seems that controlling mutant zombies is indeed impossible to study in a short time..."

This middle-aged man, who can be said to be bald soon, is actually the person in charge of this underground research institute and the chief doctor of the institute. No one knows his name, only that everyone who knows him calls him He is Dr. Z.

And this woman with a good face and a plump figure with a high ponytail is his assistant and one of his most capable students.

The main research direction of Dr. Z is controllable mutant zombies. You must know that the difference between a mutant zombie and an ordinary zombie is huge. Sometimes a mutant zombie can even kill a squad of human soldiers on its own. Even if the situation is favorable, a platoon of soldiers cannot kill a mutated zombie.

So Dr. Z wants to develop a method to control mutant zombies so that he can gain the power to dominate the world. However, he does not care about this power. What he cares about is his reputation. Once he can develop this A technology that can control mutated zombies, then his name will be preserved in human history forever with his technology and be remembered by future generations. This is his greatest wish.

He just wants to know how the technology will be used and who will use it. It doesn't matter to him. To be honest, he can study this technology here thanks to a mysterious organization that found him and wanted to fund him to complete this control technology. .

As the party sponsoring him, they have only one requirement, and that is that they must have absolute control over the technology they develop.

Dr. Z readily agreed to this request and successfully obtained funding, which included this huge underground bomb shelter, various research equipment, the armed forces of the National Defense Research Institute, and a steady stream of research objects and materials.

It can almost be said that as long as Dr. Z opens his mouth, there is almost nothing that this organization cannot do. Zombies, mutant zombies, blood plague zombies, as long as he says a word, someone will immediately send experimental materials in less than half a day, even ordinary ones. They can also get humans.

"Since this method doesn't work, then enter the drug control stage, at least to reduce their crazy appetite to a controllable range."

"Okay, doctor, I'll make arrangements right away."

"By the way, where is the experimental subject they just sent? I have an idea in my mind that I want to test."

"The experimental subjects just sent have been arranged in Area C. How many people do you need?"

The experimental question Dr. Z is talking about now is none other than a group of living humans. In order to develop the control technology of mutant zombies, Dr. Z did not hesitate to use vivisection to verify his ideas. After the verification is completed, those who are still alive will be Take him back to area C and continue to imprison him until the next experiment. If he dies, it’s easy. He will be dragged directly to area B where the mutated zombies are and he will be given food to the mutated zombies.

"Great, bring me ten experimental subjects immediately, half male and female, and one each for the elderly and cubs."

"Okay doctor, I'll do it right away"

After saying that, the woman with a single ponytail turned around and twisted her plump figure and left.

Looking at the leaving woman, Dr. Z did show a gloomy expression.

"Hu Yan, my good student, ha! Don't think that I don't know that you have betrayed me a long time ago. If I didn't need your help now, you would have been dead for countless times. I will wait for the technical research to come out. You settle the bill!"

The name of the woman with a single ponytail is Hu Yan. On the surface, she is a student and assistant of Dr. Z, but secretly, she is actually an undercover agent who specializes in obtaining the latest researched technologies and secretly reports them to her superiors. Her superiors passed on the acquired technology and intelligence to their superiors.

Don't get me wrong, this superior is not the central government, but other organizations. If it were the central government, and if they knew that Dr. Z was doing human experiments, they would directly send troops to raze the place to the ground and rescue the hostages. No matter what For the central government, the people are the most important.

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