My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 488 The End

If nothing else, just for this amazing learning ability, Cai Wenjie was already amazed. You know, when he first shot a gun, although he could hit the target 100%, that was within a close range of 50 meters. Once it exceeded 50 meters, Cai Wenjie could only use his random shooting skills. Whether he could hit the target or not depended on fate. Read М

Unlike Xiang Xue, she had never touched the gun for more than ten minutes, but now she could accurately hit the target from 200 meters away. This is simply not a human.

Although he was shocked in his heart, Cai Wenjie still looked calm on the surface. Looking at Xiang Xue who was a little disappointed because she didn't kill the target, Cai Wenjie still praised her carefully.

"Xiang Xue, you shot very well. There's no need to be so disappointed. I can guarantee that if it wasn't for that zombie blocking a bullet for Big Head, that Big Head would have fallen to the ground. It's undeniable that Xiang Xue is a genius at shooting!"

"Hehe, actually not that good."

Hearing Cai Wenjie's praise, Xiang Xue's originally somewhat disappointed expression was instantly filled with a smile, and she said something a little embarrassed.

But Cai Wenjie didn't intend to interrupt her smile, but continued to encourage.

"It's almost done. The big-headed zombie is still alive now. Although he hid in the zombie group, I can still lock him. This time I will be your assistant, and you continue to shoot in the direction I gave you."

"Okay! I won't miss this time!"

"You are quite confident, not bad! Listen carefully to my instructions!"

Cai Wenjie immediately locked the location of the big-headed zombie through dual observations of the telescope and the system satellite. ♦♦  ♦♦

"With me as the center point, at one o'clock, 231 meters away, a big-headed zombie is found below the zombie wearing a red jacket. Shoot when you are ready."

Cai Wenjie quickly reported the location of the big-headed zombie to Xiang Xue, and Xiang Xue turned the muzzle of the gun without hesitation and aimed at the crotch of the red jacket zombie, and then pulled the trigger directly.

Unfortunately, Xiang Xue did not hit the target this time. The bullets fired were quickly intercepted by the dense zombies and failed to hit the big-headed zombie.

However, a soldier carrying a rocket launcher next to him subconsciously fired a rocket in the direction reported by Cai Wenjie, directly blowing the red jacket and other zombies around into pieces.

This operation stunned Xiang Xue, and then she didn't know whether it was because of anger or some other reason, she first showed shock, confusion and sudden enlightenment on her face.

"I want to learn this too!"

Xiang Xue stared at the rocket launcher in the soldier's hand with shining eyes, then turned to Cai Wenjie and expressed her request to have a rocket launcher.

"Rocket launcher? Sure! As long as you shoot more than a hundred zombies with the gun in your hand today, I will teach you how to use the rocket launcher"

"It's a deal?"

"It's a deal!"

After getting Cai Wenjie's promise, Xiang Xue couldn't wait to turn around and continue shooting at the zombies, muttering something in her mouth, but Cai Wenjie didn't hear it. Instead, she continued to use the system satellite and telescope to observe the place where the explosion just happened, wanting to confirm whether the big-headed zombie was dead or not.

The rocket just now did hit the red jacket zombie, and blew the zombies within a dozen meters around it into pieces. Logically, the big-headed zombie should not be alive.

However, reality is against people. The big-headed zombie who should have been blown to death actually stood up in the pile of broken bodies. It seems that there is no wound, let alone injury.


Feeling something different, Cai Wenjie took a rifle from the side and prepared to shoot the big-headed zombie himself.

Raise the gun, aim, and shoot! Cai Wenjie completed the above actions in a very standard manner, as if he were a machine. With Cai Wenjie's current shooting level, the shot just now would accurately hit the big-headed zombie's head.

It should have been like this...

The big-headed zombie was tripped by the corpse under his feet at the most critical moment, and as a result, the bullet shot by Cai Wenjie actually rubbed the scalp of the big-headed zombie and hit an unlucky zombie behind him.

Cai Wenjie, who didn't believe in evil, immediately made up a shot, but was still avoided by the big-headed zombie. This time, he was hit by other zombies. The big-headed zombie who had just stood firm lost his balance and fell down again, and the bullet rubbed his scalp again.

Two consecutive mistakes made Cai Wenjie feel very embarrassed, especially when there were opposite sex around him. This embarrassment was infinitely magnified, causing Cai Wenjie to be a little angry and embarrassed now. He would kill the big-headed ghost today no matter what!

Cai Wenjie kept his word and put the gun aside. Then, he took out a Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle in Xiang Xue's blind spot.

"There are zombies blocking bullets, right? Today, I will show you what an anti-material sniper rifle is!"

Cai Wenjie directly set up the Type 10 and fired an armor-piercing bullet at the big-headed zombie. In order to ensure that he could hit him this time, Cai Wenjie deliberately did not choose the head, but fired a bullet at his chest.


Anti-material, plus armor-piercing bullets, this time even if there are more zombies blocking him, he can still hit him.

The power of the anti-material sniper rifle is really not to be underestimated. The palm-sized bullet shot out from the barrel, and in less than a blink of an eye, the big-headed zombie was shocked. His entire chest was pierced by the bullet, leaving only a basketball-sized hole. The flesh, internal organs and bones next to it can be seen clearly.

Because this directly broke the zombie's cervical vertebrae in half, the big-headed zombie lost control of his body all of a sudden and fell to the ground and couldn't stand up.

At this moment, the big-headed zombie was very scared, not because of the pain, after all, he had no pain, but because he knew he would die here today, he was afraid of death.

Cai Wenjie didn't care whether the big-headed zombie was afraid or not, he just knew that the big-headed zombie would die today!


Another armor-piercing bullet shot out from the gun barrel and hit the big-headed zombie's head accurately. The huge power directly blew his head into countless small pieces, and then killed several unlucky zombies behind the big head, and they were dead.

Almost at the same time, more than 2,000 zombies were also solved by other soldiers and infantry fighting vehicles. In particular, those mutant zombies were the focus of infantry fighting vehicles. The charge launched by 2,000 zombies could not even last ten minutes and were all wiped out here.

However, because Cai Wenjie's troops had too fierce firepower, the entire road and both sides of the road were covered with various blood and flesh, which looked very disgusting.

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