My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 486 Teaching Skills

After a while, when Xiang Xue returned to Cai Wenjie, the entire convoy was also ready for battle. All infantry fighting vehicles had moved to the corresponding positions except for the two infantry fighting vehicles that needed to defend the rear. ReadМ

Cai Wenjie happened to be wiping a standard rifle in the hands of soldiers. When he saw Xiang Xue coming back, he handed the rifle to Xiang Xue and said.

"You're here just in time. I'm going to teach you how to use a firearm today. Let me ask you, do you have any experience in shooting a gun before?"

Listening to Cai Wenjie's question, Xiang Xue shook her head honestly.

After confirming that Xiang Xue really had no foundation in shooting, Cai Wenjie nodded and prepared to teach him from scratch.

"I understand, let's do this. Let me teach you the most basic common sense first. First, no matter whether there are bullets or no bullets, do not point the muzzle at others to prevent misfire. Second, if In peacetime, the safety of firearms should be turned off at all times, but now is the end of the world, so it is just the opposite. You must always confirm whether there are bullets in the firearm and whether the safety is on. After all, no one knows where zombies will pop out suddenly. A sneak attack on you, so when you are alone, you must always be alert to avoid being attacked..."

Cai Wenjie first needs to teach Xiang Xue some key points to pay attention to when handling firearms, so as to avoid the situation where the gun accidentally fires and injures friendly troops. ඏ ♦ ♦♦

Looking at Xiang Xue who seemed to understand but not understand, Cai Wenjie was not surprised. After all, she had such a personality, and she would gradually understand in the future.

"The above is the most basic theoretical knowledge of firearms in the apocalypse. Now let's get to the topic, how to operate the weapon correctly."

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Cai Wenjie prepared to teach Xiang Xue how to use a gun step by step.

"Did you see this? This is the safety of this gun. When shooting, the safety must be opened before shooting. All firearms must have the safety opened before shooting."

In order to let Xiang Xue see more clearly, Cai Wenjie is now pressing Xiang Xue's back against her back, teaching her step by step how to identify insurance. During this period, there will inevitably be close physical contact, but Cai Wenjie can still distinguish the importance. , so there was no weird plot, and Xiang Xue's attention was all on the gun, so neither of them realized how intimate the current posture was.

Of course, it's possible that they know how close they are now, but just keep it quiet.

After a series of step-by-step tutorials, Xiang Xue has almost mastered how to use this gun. After all, he is teaching the most basic theoretical knowledge and it is inevitable to get started quickly. Now all that is left is a practical drill for Xiang Xue to actually shoot. That's it.

Come on, just after teaching Xiang Xue how to shoot, zombies began to appear in the distance. It's better to come early than to come by chance. If there is no target, there will be no target.

"Relax your shoulders, focus on three points and one line, aim at the zombie's head, and gently pull the trigger."

While listening to Cai Wenjie's command, Xiang Xue began to aim at the zombies in the distance. Although this was her first time targeting zombies, due to her very good eyesight, zombies hundreds of meters away seemed to her like they were standing in front of them. There is not much difference at a distance of more than ten meters, so it is easy to lock on the zombies. In addition, her body is very good, so there is no shaking when raising the gun. She steadily raises the gun and aims at a few hundred meters. Zombies outside.

"So far, you have done well. Now try to pull the trigger lightly."

Under Cai Wenjie's guidance, Xiang Xue pulled the trigger in his hand without any hesitation. Then he heard a gunshot, and a bullet shot out from the barrel, shooting straight towards the target several hundred meters away. Zombies, less than a second after the gunshots were fired, the zombies were running straight towards the direction of the convoy in the distance. They seemed to have been tripped by something and fell straight on the road. Observe carefully. If you look at the zombies on the ground, you will find that there is a hole as big as an apple in the back of the zombie's head, with yellow-white brains flowing inside.

"Well done! I have to say that your body is really stable. Even the recoil of the firearm was offset by most of the first time you fired a gun. You are simply a natural shooter."

Hearing Cai Wenjie's compliment, Xiang Xue couldn't help but show a proud expression on her face. It was obvious that he enjoyed Cai Wenjie's praise of her.

But in the blink of an eye, her face was filled with excitement again.

"This gun is really accurate. It's more accurate than the bow and arrow I learned before. But the sound was so loud that it hurt my ears."

"There is no way, after all, it is a thermal weapon and relies on gunpowder as power. When the gunpowder explodes, it will naturally make a loud noise, but you can try to install it."

Cai Wenjie took out a silencer and handed it to Xiang Xue. Then he remembered that she had not learned how to install a silencer, so he personally helped Xiang Xue install the silencer on the muzzle of the rifle.

"This is called a silencer. As the name suggests, it reduces the sound made by the firearm when it is fired. But one thing to remember is that the silencer does not completely eliminate the sound, but reduces the sound to a range that the human body can accept. Of course, if you use With specialized silenced bombs, the sound can be reduced to a level that is negligible.”

Originally, Cai Wenjie wanted to say a few more words, but the zombies in the distance had already begun to rush towards us in groups. There was no time to teach Xiang Xue slowly, so Cai Wenjie simply said something.

"The most basic techniques have been taught to you, and the rest can only be improved by yourself. Don't worry, today you have enough bullets to shoot as long as you want."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie turned around and began to command the troops.

"Attention all units, a large group of zombies appears three hundred meters ahead, fire immediately!"


In an instant, a large number of bullets and artillery shells were sprayed out from the weapon system mounted on the infantry fighting vehicle, forming a dense firepower network and shooting towards the zombies.

Different from other zombie groups, this zombie group is a little special. If it were an ordinary zombie group, there would definitely be a large number of ordinary zombies running at the front. These ordinary zombies act as human targets and constantly consume human ammunition reserves, while mutant zombies are like Such ones are mixed among ordinary zombies, and will only pop out to attack when they find a suitable opportunity for a sneak attack.

But this group of zombies was actually mutant zombies rushing in front, and they were also the kind of mutant zombies with rough skin and thick flesh, as if they were protecting the ordinary zombies behind them and acting as human shields.

This abnormal behavior immediately attracted Cai Wenjie's attention.

"Could it be..."

Thinking of a possibility, Cai Wenjie immediately took out his telescope and started to observe the corpse group. At this distance, it was more convenient to directly observe the corpse group with a telescope than the system satellite.

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