My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 477 Top Secret Documents

Cai Wenjie lured the zombies to go deeper while fighting. If the bullets ran out, he would not stop to change bullets. After all, he did not have the time. Instead, he threw the gun with no bullets into the system space, and then exchanged it for a new AA-12 to continue output. Read М

Under this situation, the zombies suffered heavy losses before they even got close to the range of fire. A large number of zombies were dismembered and could only fall to the ground helplessly to struggle meaninglessly, and the zombies with healthy limbs were also continuously becoming disabled.

After killing and maiming at least a hundred zombies, Cai Wenjie finally led the zombies into the set range of fire. After reaching the range of fire, Cai Wenjie directly abandoned the dual-wielded AA-12 and took out five wooden-handled grenades tied together and threw them directly at the zombies not far away.

Then Cai Wenjie quickly left the place and hid behind a pile of wood to avoid being accidentally injured by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

The next second after Cai Wenjie hid, the five wooden-handled grenades he threw out exploded at the same time.

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π•₯π•¨π•œπ•’π•Ÿ.π•”π• π•žγ€‘

The violent explosion directly blew away the nearby zombies, and this alone directly blew more than a dozen zombies within the explosion range into pieces.

When the explosion ended, the soldiers ambushed on both sides simultaneously output firepower, directly turning the zombies who had not yet recovered from the dizziness of the explosion into a hornet's nest.

At this time, the advantage of crossfire came out. The dense storm of bullets directly suppressed the zombies behind and made them unable to rush over. Moreover, not only bullets, but also grenades thrown out from time to time also caused great damage to the zombies.

Moreover, due to the terrain restrictions here, the zombies had no way to sneak over from the side or back to attack, so the soldiers had no place to worry too much, as long as they pulled the trigger at the zombies in front of them and didn't let go.

Cai Wenjie had no choice. As the bait in the middle, he could also shoot freely after completing the bait mission. So Cai Wenjie was not polite and took out another weapon in the system space.

A six-barrel Gatling rotary machine gun with a large-capacity 2,000-round ammunition box. With this screen-clearing artifact, which zombie can still break through the defense line under fire?

"Come on! Let you know what a real bullet storm is!"

After saying that, he raised the Gatling gun and pulled the trigger of the Gatling gun at the zombie in front of him. The Gatling gun's rotary barrel first rotated rapidly under the action of the motor, and then there was a flash of fire and bullets shot out of the barrel as if they were free, forming a straight barrage.

The zombies, who were already suppressed by the crossfire, were once again in a worse situation. This time, not to mention being suppressed and motionless, they were directly pushed back by the impact of the Gatling gun.

Although Cai Wenjie enjoyed shooting, he couldn't push the zombies out of the crossfire defense line, so he had no choice but to shoot for a while and then rest for a while, which made Cai Wenjie very unhappy.

Under this situation, all the zombies attracted were quickly slaughtered. Even in the end, no zombie could get within 30 meters of Cai Wenjie.

When the last zombie was shot in the head and stayed here forever, the light machine gun teams on both sides and Cai Wenjie stopped shooting at the same time.

The entire construction site was full of bullet holes made by a large number of bullets, and was a mess of zombies' flesh and brains. The whole site exuded an uncomfortable smell.

It is estimated that even after this construction site is finally built, no one will come here.

However, this has nothing to do with Cai Wenjie now. After confirming that there are no zombies still standing, Cai Wenjie led other soldiers to clean up the battlefield, that is, to make up the knife.

"Be careful, don't leave anyone alive"


Soon, those who were changing to finish the job finished the job, and the soldiers gathered the corpses of these zombies in a wasteland, and burned the corpses of these zombie units with gasoline to avoid the emergence of any mutants or plagues.

"Report to the chief! I found this thing in the corpse of a zombie"

"Thing? Bring it here and let me see"

A soldier came to Cai Wenjie, showed him a mysterious item he had found in the corpse of a zombie, and gave it to Cai Wenjie.

After Cai Wenjie took out the so-called mysterious item, he found that the thing the soldier said was actually a document, and there were two words "top secret" on it.

After seeing these two words, Cai Wenjie immediately felt something was wrong and asked the soldier quickly.

"Which zombie did you find this on? Where is that zombie now? Take me over to have a look!"

"Report to the commander! I actually got this from a zombie in a white robe, but that zombie has been burned. Do you still want to take a look?"

"Burned? Oh, forget it."

After hearing that the zombie carrying the top-secret document had been burned, Cai Wenjie gave up the idea of ​​looking for the zombie and turned his attention to the top-secret document.

Rather than a top-secret document, this is more like a report.

When Cai Wenjie opened the document, he opened his eyes wide involuntarily, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

On this confidential document, there is a paragraph written in English.

Experimental Report 01: We extracted an unknown DNA sample from the fossil of some ancient animal. After testing, we can determine that this DNA sample can be called God's code! I swear that this discovery can make the human beings all over the world undergo a large-scale evolution!

Experimental Report 02: Success! After our continuous efforts, we successfully cloned the little white mouse with this God's code. We named him Adam, hoping that Adam can bring great help to all mankind.

Experimental Report 03: Incredible! Adam actually has the ability to heal quickly. No matter how many external or internal injuries, he can heal himself in a very short time!

Experimental Report 04: Great, we have created the first bottle of strengthening potion in human history through Adam's DNA. In theory, this potion can strengthen the human body to the limit without any side effects. I think our names will be recorded in the history books.

Experimental Report 05: All experiments have proved that this potion has no side effects on humans. The first human experiment can be carried out tomorrow. I really look forward to tomorrow.

Experimental Report 06: The human experiment failed! Although the humans who were injected with the strengthening drug successfully enhanced their physical fitness, for some unknown reason, the experimental subjects who were injected with the strengthening drug suddenly became brain dead within an hour of the injection and died on the spot.

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