My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 475 Try Your Hand

When Cai Wenjie felt the bronze gate, the battle here had reached a feverish stage. The soldiers relied on the firearms and a large number of throwing weapons in their hands to temporarily stabilize the battle line, but once the bullets were fired or the throwing weapons were used up... ..., it’s impossible! Because Cai Wenjie himself is a mobile ammunition depot, as long as he is present, there will be no shortage of ammunition at all. ReadМ

Cai Wenjie also knew that their ammunition was limited, so before he could stand firm, Cai Wenjie directly exchanged 200 filled magazines in the system mall and distributed them to the soldiers.

Later, Cai Wenjie himself did not act like an idiot, just pick up a long gun and rush into the zombies to kill everyone. Instead, he chose a place with fewer zombies and asked the soldiers not to shoot in this area, and then picked up the long gun. The gun went in.

There are not many zombies in this area, only about twenty. Even if something unexpected happens, Cai Wenjie can escape unscathed instead of being entangled by zombies.

Cai Wenjie first used the power of his run-up to roll the spear as if it were a club. The spear, which weighed several dozen kilograms, hit a zombie on the head with the force. Suddenly, the zombie's head seemed to explode. Like a watermelon, it was shattered and covered with brains. ඏ ♦ ♦♦

Then, he kicked away the zombie who wanted to sneak attack from the right, and stabbed the gun tip into the head of another zombie.

In less than three seconds, Cai Wenjie killed three zombies, because the zombie who was kicked away by Cai Wenjie unfortunately hit his head on a raised rock on the ground when he fell to the ground. As a result, his head was hit by Yan Song, and he died on the spot.

As for the other zombies, they showed no intention of stopping and continued to rush towards Cai Wenjie like a tide, trying to take a large mouthful of flesh and blood from him.

But although the idea is good, the reality is cruel. The zombies will not let Cai Wenjie go, and Cai Wenjie will not let these zombies come up.

Stab, pick, and smash. Although Cai Wenjie doesn't use dazzling moves like those martial arts masters in movies or TV series, no zombie can stop even the simplest moves coupled with hundreds of kilograms of power.

Cai Wenjie quickly cleared this part of the zombies. It took almost half a minute for the twenty zombies. Cai Wenjie didn't feel much physical exertion. After all, Cai Wenjie is considered to be the most physically powerful person among humans. , even if these armors and weapons add up to almost one hundred kilograms, they cannot make Cai Wenjie feel tired in a short time.

After trying out the spear, it was time to switch to the sword this time. Cai Wenjie firmly inserted the spear into the ground and fixed it, then pulled out the sword on his back.

Then he signaled the soldiers in charge of the zombies to let out a few zombies. After seeing Cai Wenjie's instructions, the soldiers immediately turned their guns and shot the zombies on the other side.

Looking at the dozen extra zombies, Cai Wenjie moved his wrists a little, and then rushed directly to the zombie closest to him.

Before the zombie could react, Cai Wenjie arrived in front of the zombie in a flash, then picked up his sword, pointed it at the zombie's neck and slashed, cutting off the zombie's head with almost no resistance.

The zombie who lost his head fell backwards uncontrollably, and a large amount of blood began to spray violently from his neck, directly dyeing the nearby ground blood red. Because there was a virus in the blood, Cai Wenjie was After cutting off the head, he immediately took several steps back to prevent the blood from touching him.

Perhaps because of the smell of blood, the zombies on the soldiers who were still paying attention to the shooting turned their heads to look at Cai Wenjie, and then rushed towards Cai Wenjie like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

"Well done!"

Seeing the zombies rushing toward him, Cai Wenjie not only didn't feel scared, he even felt a little excited. It was probably due to the adrenaline produced in his body.

There were no fancy moves or techniques, just constant slashing, raising and lowering the knife. In less than a moment, all these zombies had their heads chopped off by Cai Wenjie, turning them into headless corpses.

"Hahaha! So cool!"

Although the efficiency of killing zombies is a bit slower, the excitement generated during close combat cannot be experienced by shooting from a distance.

After getting excited, Cai Wenjie still shook his head. Although the armor, spear and sword were all to his liking, the efficiency of killing zombies was still too low. This was not an ancient battlefield, let alone a game. The main purpose of killing zombies was to kill zombies. The purpose is to survive, not just to kill zombies.

After Cai Wenjie finished the experience, he took off his armor, put the armor, spear and sword all into his system space, and then put on his personal exoskeleton and his own gun again.

“Sure enough, this is much more comfortable.”

After all, unlike the all-round reinforcement of exoskeletons, armor can only provide defense and is not suitable for fighting zombies.

Also, it is too heavy. Except for top humans like Cai Wenjie, if ordinary people wear armor and hold a spear or sword to fight with zombies, unless they hit the vital points accurately every time, they will only be followed up. The zombies that came up were beaten to death by the group.

For ordinary people, just use firearms. Unless there is really no other way, cold weapons are never a good choice.

Wearing an exoskeleton, Cai Wenjie took his weapon and fired a series of precise bursts at the zombies not far away. Almost every bullet could accurately hit the zombies' heads. From time to time, he would fire a howitzer or a high-explosive bomb at a certain number of zombies.

Under this high-intensity firepower attack, the zombies that poured into the treasure house were consumed in less than five minutes, leaving no one alive.

According to tradition, after the battle is over and it is temporarily safe, the soldiers must go to the zombies lying on the ground to make up for it, and confirm that there are really no zombies alive.

This time is the same. When the soldiers found that there were no zombies standing, they immediately went to the pile of corpses and made up for the zombies lying on the ground.

If conditions permit, these corpses must be burned clean after the last knife.

While the soldiers were making up for the knife, Cai Wenjie returned to the treasure house and prepared to get the last nine dragon pillars back.

Cai Wenjie doesn't want to disassemble or sell these nine dragon pillars for the time being. After all, he still has enough now, and it won't be too late to replace them when he really needs them in the future.

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