My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 467: Testing

In the end, Battalion Commander Xu compromised.

Agreeing to let Po Jun follow, Cai Wenjie and others, led by Battalion Commander Xu, quickly arrived at the mayor's office. This office was renovated from a small supermarket, so the space was not large.

The office is full of piles of documents that have not yet been sorted out. Among them, a middle-aged man, with the help of his assistant, is quickly sorting out the documents.

"Mayor, Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie is here."

"Wait a minute, I'm very busy now, see you later...? Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie?"

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When the mayor heard that it was Cai Wenjie, he immediately stopped writing in his hand and looked up at Cai Wenjie and Po Jun beside Cai Wenjie. As for Xiang Xue, he was completely ignored and did not even look at her.

He looked at Cai Wenjie up and down for a long time, and then showed a disappointed expression, as if he had suffered a huge psychological gap.

"Are you the Cai Wenjie who was rumored to be promoted from an ordinary person to a lieutenant colonel in just one month? Apart from being a little more handsome, you look no different from an ordinary young man. I have been waiting for so long in vain."

After speaking, he stopped looking at Cai Wenjie and continued to do the task at hand.

However, his almost insulting words and actions directly offended everyone present except Battalion Commander Xu. Especially with Cai Wenjie's temper, the mayor was completely looking for death.

Before Cai Wenjie could get angry, the mayor who was not afraid of death spoke again.

"By the way, you are here for medical supplies. I'm sorry to tell you that our current medical reserves are not enough, so we can't help you. As for the medical supplies in the city, they are also ours. You can't take them away. We will Will definitely use it...and!"

Before the mayor finished speaking, a black figure rushed towards him, then knocked him away and hit him hard against the wall.

The person who hit the mayor was none other than Xiang Xue.

"You can ignore me! But you can't be disrespectful to the chief! If you dare to do it next time, I will just pick off your head and kick it as a ball!"

After Xiang Xue finished speaking, she returned to Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie did not scold Xiang Xue. Instead, he silently took out a piece of beef jerky and handed it to Xiang Xue, and patted Xiang Xue's head with satisfaction.

"Good job, but don't do it next time, it's not worth it."


Xiang Xue was very happy to be praised. Although she didn't know why she was so happy, she didn't hate it.

It can even be said that she likes Cai Wenjie to touch her head, which makes her feel warm and comfortable.

After Cai Wenjie touched Xiang Xue, he backhand stopped the eager Po Jun. He also wanted to be praised by Cai Wenjie, so he secretly stared at the mayor not far away and prepared to hit him with his body like Xiang Xue. Unfortunately, Cai Wenjie saw through it. In its mind, the action was forced to end before it even started, which made it a little frustrated.

"Okay, if you hit him too, I think he will die on the spot."

Normally, Battalion Commander Xu standing by would have been very angry when he saw the mayor's half-dead state. However, not only did Battalion Commander Xu not have any bad emotions, he ignored the mayor who was lying on the ground. Act as if nothing happened.

"Captain Xu, don't you have anything to say?"

"What do you want to say? Well done?"

As for Battalion Commander Xu, he himself had a conflict with the mayor. Now that someone was venting his anger on his behalf, it was too late for him to thank him. How could he come out to break up the fight?

If there were not so many survivors in the gathering place who still needed someone to manage them, Xiang Xue could have been beaten to death by himself without bothering him.

"Don't worry, what he said can't be counted at all. What should I do? To be honest, I didn't expect why he was so abnormal today. Although he is usually a bit stubborn, he is not so arrogant?"

Because I couldn't find the right word for a while, I could only use arrogance to describe the mayor just now.

"In other words, he is specifically targeting me, right?"

Cai Wenjie suddenly interjected a sentence, but because of this sentence, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"Calm down, calm down, I think he is testing you, yes! I think he is testing you, otherwise with his usual character he would never say such partially responsible words."

Battalion Commander Xu quickly found an excuse and tried to cover up the matter. Unfortunately, the people standing opposite were not easy to fool. He could barely deal with ordinary people with this move, but for Cai Wenjie and his party As far as humans are concerned, that’s not right! But to Cai Wenjie, what he said was as if he hadn't said anything at all.

"Testing? Okay! I will let him understand what temptation is today!"

Obviously Cai Wenjie didn't accept this reason, and then he went directly to the mayor who was lying on the ground, kicked him up, and then unleashed all his momentum, that is, murderous intent, on him.

Although it looked like a scene from a fantasy novel, the reality was that Cai Wenjie fell to the ground unable to move while the mayor was staring face to face.

Then the mayor, who was lying unable to move, suddenly became sweating profusely, his eyes shrank, and his body could not stop shaking. At this time, ordinary people should instinctively struggle or resist, but Cai Wenjie had no choice but to His murderous aura was so great that it almost scared the mayor out of his soul.

Seeing the mayor about to be frightened to death, Cai Wenjie retracted his murderous intent and stopped targeting him.

But even so, the mayor was still trapped in fear and couldn't break free. Not only was he sweating profusely, but the mayor's face was pale, his eyeballs were bulging, and he kept rolling his eyes. There was already white foam in his mouth. If he was left alone, he would definitely die in less than five minutes.

Although Cai Wenjie didn't want to care about his life or death, he was the mayor of a city after all, and he was still wearing this military uniform, so there must be no stain.

So Cai Wenjie still helped him get rid of his current state of fear, but this method was still a bit simple and crude, directly pouring cold water back on the mayor who was about to be frightened to death.

"Remember this, if you dare to be so arrogant, then it won't be as simple as scaring you."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie casually threw away the mayor he was holding, and then took Xiang Xue and Pojun and left the mayor's office.

And Captain Xu, after checking whether the mayor was still breathing, also left here.

After everyone left the office, the mayor, who was lying on the ground gasping for breath, immediately returned to normal.

"With such a strong murderous aura, he must have killed a lot of zombies or living people. It seems that this person is not easy to deal with."

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