My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 464 Understanding the Situation

After sending Xiang Xue away, Cai Wenjie began to ask Guan Tianxun other questions about this border town. read

"Can you tell me what happened in this city? We just encountered a group of armed men. They came up to attack us without any reason, and then we wiped them all out. It didn't have any impact."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie also pointed to the scrapped vehicles that were pushed to both sides of the road not far away.

Guan Tianxun was stunned for a moment, and then followed Cai Wenjie's finger to look at the scrapped cars piled up on both sides of the road. It seemed that these cars were modified modified cars.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

"You mean you met a gang of thugs and wiped them out?"

"Yes, what? Is there a problem?"

"No problem! Of course there is no problem. Let me tell you, chief, you don't know that in addition to the gathering place guarded by our army, there is another force here. The people in this force are all extremely vicious gangsters and criminals. They formed a group of thugs who burned, killed, and looted ordinary groups of survivors. They took away everything they could use. Often, the survivors they robbed would be executed on the spot. Even if they saved a life, they would be killed. Beaten to death, you also know that it is difficult for healthy people to survive in such an apocalyptic world, let alone injured people..."

Guan Tianxun said a lot. He did not exaggerate or add jealousy. He only told everything he saw with his own eyes. If ordinary people heard Guan Tianxun's words, they would definitely gnash their teeth at these thugs, but Cai Wenjie did not. In this way, he just listened carefully to Guan Tianxun's narration, and then nodded to indicate that he already knew.

It's not that Cai Wenjie doesn't have sympathy, it's just that he has seen a lot of things along the way, and he also experienced most of them personally in his last life, so Cai Wenjie is used to it.

"Okay, I almost understand what this is about with the thugs. Don't worry. During the battle just now, we have almost eliminated more than 95% of their thugs, which is about 2,800 people, and destroyed at least 900 or more modified vehicles. Although I don’t know how many people there are in total, I estimate that this number of casualties is enough to give them a drink.”

Cai Wenjie spoke a series of data calmly, not seeing Guan Tianxun who was already stunned. According to Cai Wenjie's guess, the opposite side usually dispatched thousands of armed forces to rampage in this city, so the total number of people should not be low. At 10,000, the armed force of several thousand people just wiped out was enough to severely weaken this thug group, and the few who survived should also tell their leader what happened to them.

As long as the leader on the opposite side has no problem in his mind, he will not come to provoke him. Even if they come, Cai Wenjie will not be afraid. To be honest, if the remaining thugs are still at the same level as they just met, they will easily be attacked by him. The group is destroyed.

At this time, Guan Tianxun finally regained his sense, and quickly stopped Cai Wenjie, who was thinking about how to deal with the remaining thugs, and then said.

"Chief, did you really kill 2,800 people on the other side? Do you know that this number is almost the majority of the members of the thugs on the other side. According to our statistics, the number of thugs on the other side is only three thousand. If you are not wrong, , they almost wiped out the entire gang of thugs just now.”

Guan Tianxun's words made Cai Wenjie feel a little confused, and then he subconsciously said something.

"That's it?"

It’s no wonder that Cai Wenjie said this, mainly because it was too different from the thug group he imagined. A thug group that was almost as big as a gathering place protected by the army could actually have such strength? This is no joke.

Cai Wenjie, who knew the facts, couldn't help but ask Guan Tianxun in front of him.

"How did you lose half the city to these guys? To be honest, thugs of this level, even a company of troops, can eliminate them in a head-on conflict."

"Here, hey, let me tell you this..."

Guan Tianxun then explained to Cai Wenjie the current situation of the troops after most of the soldiers were sacrificed and most of the weapons and equipment were lost in the city defense battle, as well as the reasons why the opposite side was armed. By the way, he also told Cai Wenjie that Battalion Commander Xu had brought a large amount of ammunition and several weapons. Cai Wenjie was also told about the cannon.

After listening to Guan Tianxun's explanation, Cai Wenjie realized that he seemed to have wrongly blamed them, but then Cai Wenjie suddenly realized that the vehicle wreckage he encountered when he came here was probably the cannon that Guan Tianxun was talking about. Made.

"Wait a minute, where did your Battalion Commander Xu get the ammunition and supplies?"

"Reserve, Chief, it's a secret reserve. That's where our Battalion Commander Xu got the ammunition. The brothers who came back said that the reserve is actually under a boulder. I heard that you have to trigger the boulder mechanism if you want to enter. , to enter it, but this is what I have heard and I have no way of knowing the accuracy of the matter."

Listening to Guan Tianxun's words, Cai Wenjie seemed to have indeed found a boulder not far from the ruins of the vehicle. It was probably the boulder Guan Tianxun mentioned.

"Since this is the reserve, are the medical supplies still there?"

"Medical supplies? There should be no more. After all, Battalion Commander Xu brought back a lot of supplies, including a large amount of medical supplies. I guess Battalion Commander Xu has emptied the reserve. After all, there are many people in our gathering place. It’s quite a lot, and the supplies consumed every day are not small.”

After hearing this, Cai Wenjie could only give up the plan he had just thought of, which was to take the medical supplies from the reserve back home. But now that he thought about it, Cai Wenjie estimated that their gathering place would also need this batch of medical supplies, so he decided to forget it.

"It seems that I can only go to local hospitals and pharmacies to collect medical supplies."

Cai Wenjie said this very quietly. Although Guan Tianxun across from him saw that Cai Wenjie's lips seemed to move, he did not hear what Cai Wenjie said. He had no choice but to pretend not to see it.

"I already understand most of the situation, but I still want to tell you the truth about the situation here. First of all, our convoy is not what you call a support force, but a transportation force that comes out to collect medical resources. But you There is no need to worry, we have just dealt with most of the thugs here, and the rest are probably just cats and dogs, which pose no threat to you. If you are not worried, you can also send troops to attack the remaining few who have slipped through the net. Zhiyu, but I don’t think it’s necessary because I just released the small self-destructing drone, and now I probably have successfully eliminated the remaining people.”

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