My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 459 Encounter

The vehicles that the thugs were riding in started from the square in a mighty manner, and started to head straight to the gathering place along the road.

However, this straight road to the gathering place is actually connected to the only road out of the city, which means...

"Report to the chief! A large number of unidentified vehicles are detected approaching in front! Please give instructions!"

After hearing the driver's warning, Cai Wenjie was a little confused, but he still gave the order.

"Order the convoy behind to be ready to fight at any time"


When Cai Wenjie found the opposite side, the opposite side also found the convoy where Cai Wenjie was.

"Chief, there is a convoy that came out of nowhere and is approaching us"

"Don't bother me with this little thing, solve it yourself!"

"Okay, chief!"

Because the thugs thought that the convoy on the opposite side was the convoy from the gathering place, and they didn't see clearly what kind of vehicles on the opposite side, so they didn't take the armored convoy of Cai Wenjie and others seriously at all.

The thugs began to drive their modified cars without knowing their own limits, rushing towards Cai Wenjie's convoy. They wanted to rely on their numerical advantage to kill the convoy on the opposite side in one fell swoop.

But as the distance got closer and closer, the thugs realized something was wrong, because the vehicles on the opposite side seemed to be armored vehicles of the army, and they were the kind with turrets. This was like pouring a basin of cold water on the heads of the excited thugs, and they woke up and regained their sanity, and wanted to turn around and return.

Unfortunately, although some people wanted to run back, the other thugs who were already in a state of excitement didn't care whether the opposite side was an armored vehicle or something else. They wanted to go up and fight head-on, so the vehicles driven by the other thugs not only did not slow down, but accelerated and rushed through.

"I'll kill you! Don't take me with you if you want to die! You bastard!"

"Fuck you! Brothers! Crash the car on the opposite side!"

The thugs who regained their sanity had to continue rushing towards the armored vehicles on the opposite side because of the other thugs who had already gotten angry. At this time, their hearts were full of despair. They even let go of the steering wheel and the accelerator, allowing the vehicles behind them to push them towards the armored vehicles. Obviously, they had given up their lives.

Would Cai Wenjie allow the vehicles on the opposite side that came out of nowhere to crash into his convoy? The answer is no.

"Order! Every three infantry fighting vehicles in the rear will form a defensive formation in a herringbone shape, and then shoot freely! Prevent the vehicles on the opposite side from approaching our convoy!"


Soon, except for the few infantry fighting vehicles at the back of the convoy, all the infantry fighting vehicles obeyed Cai Wenjie's order. Every three infantry fighting vehicles formed a herringbone shape and were placed on both sides of the road, forming a multi-triangle defensive formation, firmly guarding the front of the convoy.

And at the moment the formation was formed, all the infantry fighting vehicles started to attack almost at the same time, and the 105 rifled guns on the infantry fighting vehicles started to show their power first.

Almost every shell can destroy a modified vehicle on the opposite side. No matter how outrageously the modified vehicles on the opposite side are, under the attack of the 105 rifled gun, they will be destroyed one by one, without exception.

Sometimes, a 105 rifled gun can directly destroy two vehicles, or even more. This is mainly because the vehicles on the opposite side are too dense. After destroying a modified vehicle, a shell will also affect another vehicle, and then there will be a chain reaction. You must know that if a car suddenly loses control at high speed, it will inevitably affect other vehicles. So when the vehicle in the front exploded, the car behind also had a chain accident due to the sudden braking, causing most of the vehicles to collide with each other.

When these vehicles were directly blocked together, the 105 rifled guns of the infantry fighting vehicles did not sit idle, but continued to shoot at these modified vehicles. Suddenly, a large number of modified vehicles that were already blocked together immediately exploded in a chain.

"Boom! Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of vehicles exploding in front, and the sound of the 105mm rifled guns on the infantry fighting vehicles in the back.

And not all infantry fighting vehicles are equipped with 105mm rifled guns. Some of them are also equipped with AO-18K 6-barrel 30mm rotary cannons (CS/SA5 wheeled self-propelled anti-aircraft guns) and 35mm rotary cannons (PGZ09 wheeled rotary self-propelled anti-aircraft guns). These are equipped to deal with large-scale zombie tides and air attacks, and are also very effective against a large number of thin-skinned modified vehicles in front.

In such a short period of time, the number of modified vehicles on the opposite side has been destroyed by at least hundreds. Don't think that this number is not much. If hundreds of various vehicles are put together, they can easily cover a football field. If they are on a road, these hundreds of vehicles can easily block more than a hundred meters of road, and they are still the kind that are filled on both sides.

At this time, Zhang Tianyu also realized that something was wrong. The hundreds of cars that had just rushed up were almost half gone in an instant, and he couldn't even touch a corner of the opposite side. Feeling that things were not going well, Zhang Tianyu immediately ordered the people around him.

"You! Take some people to take a shortcut to attack the other side's rear! Remember to bring me enough rocket launchers and explosives!"

"Got it, leader!"

"Also! Let those guys in front hold on! Make sure to attract the opponent's firepower firmly in front! Create opportunities for those who sneak attack from behind!"

"Okay! Leader!"

"Don't be idle for the rest of you! Set up the mortars and get them ready! Wait for my order to fire!"

"Yes! Leader!"

Yes, Zhang Tianyu actually has these weapons in his hands. They were also found from the pile of dead bodies on the battlefield. After wasting countless shells and several people, they also mastered the shooting of mortars. Although they are not completely mastered, they still know how to simply set the distance and crosshairs.

Zhang Tianyu quickly judged the current situation and issued a series of orders. Each order was the best solution he could think of. If the opponent was an ordinary person, he might really be troubled by Zhang Tianyu's series of orders, but the problem is that the opponent is not an ordinary person. The opponent will open the wall of the whole map as soon as he has the chance. Zhang Tianyu's series of actions were clearly seen by Cai Wenjie using the system satellite.

"Hmm? It turns out there is a small path that can go around this place. Order! Let the infantry fighting vehicles on standby at the back go to this area and wipe out all the sneak attacking troops from the opposite side!"


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