My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 37 Bullet Shell

With the sound of glass breaking, Cai Wenjie smashed the rear window of the bus and cleaned up the glass shards to avoid being stabbed.

Then he placed the VSS on the last row of seats, just enough to shoot through the rear window.

As the vehicle moved, Cai Wenjie soon discovered the zombies following behind. Although there were not as many zombies in the south of the city as in the north, it did not mean that there were no zombies at all. There were still a few zombies hiding in the corners of the south of the city.

Now, because of the sound of the bus, they began to gather on this side of the road, but they could not catch up with the bus at all, so they could only hang far behind.

And what Cai Wenjie had to do was to get rid of the zombies behind to replenish the depleted small treasury.

But unfortunately, due to the gunmanship and the shaking of the vehicle, the hit rate was extremely low. Even if he shot at the zombies, he only hit the torso and could not kill the zombies.

But fortunately, although he could not earn points, with the power of VSS, he could directly overturn the zombies he hit, making it impossible for the zombies to catch up with the bus. Sometimes, Cai Wenjie was lucky enough to hit the zombies in the head, causing a fatal blow.

And his shooting skills became better and better as time went by. Of course, this was all due to the strengthening potion. It would be a pipe dream for ordinary people to greatly improve their shooting skills in a short period of time under such circumstances.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

As time went by, the bullet shells thrown out of the gun body after Cai Wenjie shot had burned the girl sitting next to him and made her doubt her life. In the end, she had no choice but to move to the front to squeeze with her bestie.

Soon, Cai Wenjie had used up the ten magazines he brought with him, and had no choice but to stop shooting.

There were no zombies behind the car chasing the bus. They were either shot in the head by Cai Wenjie or beaten so hard that they could not continue to chase.

Looking at the newly released system points, Cai Wenjie, who was wearing a mask, couldn't help but feel lost for a while.

Points: 2000

Ten magazines with 400 bullets killed 20 zombies.

Although there were reasons for poor shooting skills or vehicle shaking, Cai Wenjie still felt that he was embarrassed enough.

In fact, the last five zombies were basically killed by the last magazine, which means that Cai Wenjie's headshot hit rate has improved a lot after this shooting.

But Cai Wenjie didn't know that he could already shoot moving targets in a shaking car. Although there was no headshot, every bullet hit the target accurately, which means that Cai Wenjie is already a qualified shooter.

After all, you need to shoot the head to shoot zombies, but you don't need to shoot the head to shoot people. You can still kill people by shooting the body.

But Cai Wenjie, who hasn't noticed this, is taking out the empty magazine, reaching into the ammunition bag on his belt and taking out the bullets to load one by one. Of course, there are no bullets in the ammunition bag just for show.

While Cai Wenjie was loading ammunition, the rescue team on the other side also came to the back door of YJ University, which was the parking lot where Cai Wenjie got the bus.

After the six people got off the truck, they gathered together and assigned tasks.

"Wang Long, Wang Hu, you two stay here to protect the truck and prepare for long-range support."

"Understood! ×2"

"Everyone else follow me to rescue Professor Dong. Remember not to use firearms unless it is an emergency, so as not to attract more zombies."

"Understood! ×3"

After simply assigning the tasks, Wang Long and Wang Hu, as snipers and observers, stayed in place to protect the vehicle and perform long-range sniping tasks.

Assaulter Chen Dong, Xiong Tao who provided fire support, medical soldier Zhou Xiaoling and team leader Xu Tao, as the main combat force of this rescue mission, were responsible for rescuing Professor Dong and other survivors. If necessary, they could abandon the survivors and protect Professor Dong alone to evacuate.

"Chen Dong, you are the best at lurking. Go in front, pay attention to the situation of zombies, and report at any time."

"Xiong Tao, you protect our tail. If you find zombies, decide whether to kill them or not."

"Zhou Xiaoling, don't leave the team."

The road connecting the parking lot and Canteen No. 1 was originally cleared by Cai Wenjie, but now there are other zombies to fill the gap, and there are even more than before the clearing.

The reason is obvious. The zombies that were originally attracted to the street by the explosion scattered to the surrounding areas after losing their target, and YJ University was the first to bear the brunt.

This made the rescue more difficult, but there was no way to obey orders as a soldier, so they had to bite the bullet.

Soon Xu Tao and his team reached the gate of Canteen No. 1. During the period, there was no gunfight with zombies and they arrived at the canteen safely.

But Xu Tao was a little angry when he saw the canteen door open.

"Come with me and see if Professor Dong is still here!"

After saying that, Xu Tao tightly grasped the 95 rifle in his hand and quickly ran upstairs to the cafeteria. According to what the students who escaped from the university said, Professor Dong should be on the third floor.

But when Xu Tao ran up to the third floor, he saw no one there.

Not to mention Professor Dong, there was not even a survivor.

"Search carefully to see if there are any people or bodies!"

Although Xu Tao did not think that Professor Dong had died, he still ordered just in case.


After hearing Xu Tao's order, the three people began to search the cafeteria in a carpet-style manner, but unfortunately found nothing. Just when Xu Tao thought the mission was going to fail, he suddenly saw a few shells in the corner of the window.

Xu Tao walked over, squatted down, picked up the shells, held them in his hand and observed them carefully.

You should know that the Z country military arsenal stipulates that the bullet manufacturing factory and year code are pressed on the bottom of the shell.

If the two sets of numbers are in the same direction, the upper one is the factory code and the lower one is the year code.

If there is a decimal point, the one with the decimal point is the year code.

If a set of numbers ends with "1" (except those with a decimal point), this represents the manufacturer.

Under normal circumstances: Year code The year and code before 1953 are universal, such as "1949" represents 1949;

The year and code of bullets from 1954 to 1960 are different, such as "54" (A), "B", "C", "Ding", "戌", "巳", "子", representing 1954 to 1960 respectively; After 1961, the year code uses the last two digits.

For example, "661" represents the manufacturer's code, and "76" represents 1976.

But the bullet in my hand has no mark, not only this one, but all the bullets scattered here are unmarked.

That means that these are either unregistered black bullets or they are hand-fired.

Excluding the latter situation first, it is very likely that Professor Dong and others have been rescued by unknown armed forces.

Just as Xu Tao was stroking his chin in thought, the others also came back after the search.

"Report that no corpses or living people were found here"

"Me here too"

"Me too"

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