My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 455 Maintenance Station

A few kilometers away from the border city, there is an abandoned auto repair station. It is said to be an auto repair station, but it is actually a three-story integrated small residential house. read

The first floor is used as a place for car repairs and maintenance, the second floor is the kitchen and living room, and the third floor is the sleeping bedroom and balcony.

Now this small auto repair station is occupied by a group of people and used as a sentry tower. The people who occupy this place are none other than Zhang Tianyu's thugs. However, they are not the kind of thugs who burn, kill and loot, but are more interested in investigation and The observing hand of observation.

Specializes in reporting vehicles or groups of corpses entering and exiting border cities to mob gangs in the city.

As for whether he would rob passing vehicles like other thugs? That is of course impossible. To be honest, their sentry tower is more inclined to conceal the sentry. Only observing and not disturbing is their main task.

Therefore, the people stationed here do not even have a decent weapon. Except for the huge wrenches found here and other tools that can be used as blunt instruments, there is no such thing as a firearm.

Because of this, they were in bad luck today. First of all, they encountered the returning convoy of Battalion Commander Xu. This was nothing. They did not doubt whether there was anyone in the repair station and went straight into the city.

They also truthfully reported the situation to the thugs in the city. For example, when Battalion Commander Xu entered, there were several full trucks and several cannons. ♦♦  ♦♦

But the second wave, that is, when Cai Wenjie's convoy came here, they panicked and had no choice. They were all infantry fighting vehicles, and they were also infantry fighting vehicles equipped with turrets. Who wouldn't be scared after seeing them? They were almost scared to death, okay? They were afraid that they were coming to destroy them.

Moreover, there were many transport trucks behind the infantry fighting vehicle. Because the backs of the trucks were covered with rain sheets, they could not see clearly what was inside the trucks.

But relying on past experience, that is, the last wave of Battalion Commander Xu's supply truck, they felt certain that it also contained weapons and ammunition, and there were still so many.

"I'm going to choke you. Are you trying to annihilate the leader and the others? With so many weapons and ammunition and dozens of infantry fighting vehicles, I'd better run for my life."

"Although what you said is fine, I still have to say something to you. With your short legs, even if you swing your legs into a fan, it will be useless. Someone can fire a cannon from thousands of meters away and blow you up. Broken into pieces, where else do you want to escape?”

"Otherwise, let's surrender. The group of people outside will definitely not think that there are people lurking here. Once we blow up our identities and cooperate with them to destroy the people in the city, no, if it is thugs, we will definitely be able to escape. It is even possible to become an official person, wouldn’t it be wonderful!”

"What you said makes sense. Besides, we don't seem to have done anything harmful. At most, we just stay here to observe the situation and report what we see. There should be nothing wrong with what we do."

"Yes, yes, we didn't kill anyone or set fire, so we are certainly not bad people, and the convoy outside is obviously from the military. As long as we tell them the actual situation honestly, I don't think they will take it. Let’s ask questions…probably”

These people tried their best to convince themselves, trying to avoid real responsibilities in this way. Although they did not do anything harmful to nature, nor did they commit murder or arson, the reports they reported to the rear these days resulted in a large number of ordinary survivors. The person was robbed or injured.

This can be regarded as indirect participation in this behavior. After all, if they hadn't tipped off the information, many people could have avoided this tragedy. What's more, some people chose to resist because they didn't want the thugs to take away their wives and daughters' food rations, and then they were killed by the thugs. He was hacked to death with knives, and his wife and daughter were even tortured to death by the thugs.

This kind of thing is too common here. As long as a woman's beauty reaches a certain level, thugs will use various reasons to take her away and humiliate her. They will not let her go until she is tortured into a dehumanized state. .

So their self-comfort is a complete joke.

At this time, in the infantry fighting vehicle where Cai Wenjie was, Po Jun, who was lying obediently aside, suddenly sniffed his nose, and then said to Cai Wenjie.

"My lord, I smell a strange smell, it's living human beings, in which direction!"

Po Jun pointed with his wolf claw in the direction of the auto repair station not far away, and then looked at the pack of beef jerky in Xiang Xue's hand, as if it was hinting at something.

After hearing Po Jun's words, Cai Wenjie didn't suspect anything. After all, Po Jun, who had been strengthened by a virus, had an excellent sense of smell. He could at least smell any blood smell within a few kilometers.

"Is there anyone?"

Cai Wenjie followed the direction Po Jun pointed and looked at the three-story auto repair station. Of course, it was invisible to the naked eye, so Cai Wenjie directly sent an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to investigate the auto repair station. The unmanned reconnaissance drone used by Cai Wenjie this time was built into the infantry fighting vehicle and was not purchased from the system mall.

This unmanned reconnaissance drone is not big, or the fuselage is very small, it is no bigger than a can of Coke. It makes almost no flying noise, and the built-in camera is also very clear, just like using your own eyes. It doesn't look any different. I have to say that this thing can be said to be the most perfect reconnaissance drone.

After all, it is small in size, fast in speed, clear in picture, and almost noiseless. The only drawback is the lack of power. Because the power consumption is very fast to realize the above functions, the power storage of this five-person reconnaissance aircraft has reached hundreds of thousands of mAh, which is already very much. You should know that the general power bank is only tens of thousands of mAh. The power storage of this reconnaissance drone is almost ten times that of ordinary power banks.

But even so, this unmanned reconnaissance aircraft can only last for one hour at most. If it is not recovered after one hour, it can only be forced to land in place and wait for collection.

But such a group of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft are equipped with at least 4 on each infantry fighting vehicle, and the infantry fighting vehicle where Cai Wenjie is located is the same. However, unlike other infantry fighting vehicles, the infantry fighting vehicle where Cai Wenjie is located is not only equipped with a five-person reconnaissance aircraft, but also 48 unmanned self-explosion aircraft. The power of each self-explosion aircraft is equivalent to that of a small missile, or a few kilograms of C4, which can completely kill any zombies or mutant zombies.

Simply put, this is a hand-controlled missile. If you want to kill someone, just control the drone to hover over the head of the creature you want to kill, and then press the self-destruct button. With an explosion, the creature will be blown to pieces.

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