My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 453 Internal strife

For their future, the leader must be alive, even if it is just "alive" on the surface. ♦♦  ♦♦

However, he also knew that the leader's death could not be concealed, so he had to solve the matter quietly before others noticed it.

"Second brother! What happened to the eldest brother's death? Who did it?"

"Yes, second brother, how did the eldest brother die? I saw the eldest brother alive and well a few days ago. He must not have died of illness, right?!"

"Second brother, where is the eldest brother's body? I want to pay homage to him."

In a modern-style conference room, all the thugs' big brothers, that is, the sworn brothers of the leader, are gathering.

There are five people in the conference room, and each of them has the same pattern tattooed on their arms, but there are subtle differences when you look closely. If you are not familiar with tattoos, you can't see any difference.

Each tattoo is a ferocious black dragon, and the subtle difference is the size and number of dragon horns and claws.

Let's not talk about the other things. As the second-in-command, the black dragon on his arm has only four claws, and the dragon horns are a little smaller than the normal size.

Then there is the third-in-command. His black dragon is smaller than the second-in-command, and he has only three claws and smaller dragon horns than the second-in-command. The others are analogous to this. The last one, the black dragon on his arm, has no dragon claws, only a palm-sized black dragon head printed on it, which is much inferior to others.

But this tattoo is also the best way to distinguish the status of several people. Everyone must accept it and cannot refute it.

Hearing that the youngest wanted to pay tribute to the eldest, the second-in-command's eyes flashed a fierce look, but he took it in randomly and said to the youngest.

"Your intention is good, but the eldest's body, I have buried it in the garden below. If you want to pay tribute, go to the garden quietly alone, don't let others find out, otherwise it is very likely that the news will be leaked. Do you understand?"

"I understand"

After speaking, the youngest directly ignored what the second-in-command was going to say next, walked out of the meeting room directly, and walked towards the garden.

This made him more determined in his mind.

"Don't be angry, second brother. The youngest has this temper. There's no need to be angry."

"Yes, second brother, there's no need to be angry for him. You know how deep the youngest's feelings for the eldest are. I guess he is the most uncomfortable among us when he heard the news of the eldest's death."

Unlike those who came out halfway, the eldest and the youngest are actually brothers. According to common sense, if his brother is the eldest, then his younger brother should be the second, that is, the second in command. As for why it turned out like this, it's actually very simple.

His brother, who is also the eldest brother of the crowd, clearly stipulated that everyone should look at ability instead of background when deciding to establish a new force.

As long as the ability is strong, the status here will be higher. On the contrary, the lower the ability, the worse the treatment. Basically, the gangsters of the thugs are ordinary people without great ability, while the cadres are people with certain skills.

For example, some fighting, some firearms, or auto repair are also OK.

Anyway, anyone who can help will be promoted to a cadre, and each cadre can command up to 50 people, that is, 50 ordinary thugs without any skills.

Above the ordinary cadres are the big cadres, and the big cadres can command 5 small cadres, and above them are them.

Originally, they also wanted to borrow the positions and titles of the military, but for some reason, they did not do so.

"Second brother, since the eldest brother is gone, someone must take over the eldest brother's position. Second brother, have you decided?"

"You are right. For our future, we must have a new leader. For safety, the new leader can be selected from among us. As for the youngest, although he is the eldest brother's younger brother, his age and experience are too insufficient. I don't think he is qualified for this position, so there is no need for him to participate this time."

"I think what the second brother said is right. The youngest is indeed a little inexperienced. In addition, the eldest brother just passed away, which was a big blow to the youngest. I am afraid that he will lose his mind and make mistakes in judgment. So I think it is better not to bring the youngest this time."



Among the five people, only the fifth was silent, and the others agreed with the second brother's proposal.

"Okay! It's decided. Tomorrow, we will all vote. The one with the most votes will be the next leader. Is that okay?"

"No problem! Okay, let's disband."

But just when the second brother decided to disband the meeting, everyone heard a crisp sound.




Following the sound, everyone came to the front of the conference table, moved their chairs and leaned over. They saw a square object stuck under the seat under the conference table belonging to the youngest brother, and it was still making a clicking sound.

"Huh? What is this? Did you put it there, second brother?"

When the second brother shook his head and was about to say something, the square thing suddenly fell to the ground. It turned out that this thing was a cardboard box. The clicking sound was because the mechanism supporting the box was triggered.

The cardboard box slowly unfolded under the action of the mechanism. After everyone took a look at the things in the box, they were instantly replaced by fear.

At the same time, the contents of the box also revealed their true colors. A time bomb that had already started counting down, the time was very short, only 3 seconds, and the countdown began when the box was unfolded. When everyone saw clearly that the contents inside were time bombs, the time just ended.


Then a huge explosion directly blew the entire conference room into ruins. The four people inside did not even have a chance to escape, and were sent to hell by the explosion of the time bomb.

The only survivor, the youngest, who was the leader's younger brother, ignored the explosion behind him and continued on his way to the garden. If someone observed the youngest's expression closely, they would find that he not only had no expression of sadness or surprise, but was smiling, as if he had just encountered something good.

I forgot to say that the youngest's name was Zhang Tianyu, and the leader, who was his brother, was named Zhang Tianyang.

From Zhang Tianyu's expression and behavior, it can be clearly realized that the explosion behind was undoubtedly his masterpiece.

"Fei He, how did you kill my brother? I will kill you in the same way today. I hope you won't meet me in your next reincarnation, otherwise hehe"

The name Fei He is actually the name of the second in command.

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