My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 451 Flying Insects

Even if the mutant bison struggled on the ground and crushed countless small insects, it could not get rid of these small insects. Read М

Soon, the bison, which was struggling violently on the ground, gradually lost its strength, struggled less and less frequently, and moved less and less, until it was motionless.

It seemed that a long time had passed from struggling to being motionless, but it was less than five minutes.

At this time, if the mutant bison peeled off the insects lying on its body, it would be found that the mutant bison's unusually thick fur had been gnawed into pits and bumps.

The muscle tissue was almost visible, and it was obvious that it must be caused by the small insects.

If you look closely at the insect, you will find that the insect's mouth is very strange, with teeth densely scattered around the mouth like sharp thorns.

This is also the main reason why these small insects can ruthlessly tear open the thick fur of the mutant bison. As the bison's body was eaten by insects, the insects wrapped around the bison became larger and larger. The original finger-sized insect gradually became the size of a fist.

The insects, whose size had increased by dozens or hundreds of times, still had no intention of letting go and kept gnawing at the body of the mutant bison.

It was not until the bison's body was gnawing vigorously by countless small insects that they stopped gnawing. At this time, the dense swarm of insects could no longer fly and could only crawl slowly on the ground. A rough calculation showed that there were at least thousands of insects crawling on the ground.

And the number of insects flying in the sky was at least ten times that of those crawling on the ground!

Seeing this, Cai Wenjie felt a little bad, so he directly found all the soldiers who were still active.

"From now on, except for the room in the truck compartment, bring all the survivors and wolves to the infantry fighting vehicle, and then turn on the electromagnetic net on the infantry fighting vehicle. No one is allowed to come out before the safety order is issued!"


After speaking, Cai Wenjie also took Po Jun and the guard team back to his infantry fighting vehicle. As for Xiang Xue, she stayed on the infantry fighting vehicle from the beginning and did not come out. She was actively destroying the snacks brought out from the convenience store.

"Mmmmm, Huanying is back"

"Swallow the food in your mouth before you talk, or you'll choke easily"

Cai Wenjie stopped Xiang Xue who wanted to salute him, if not for anything else, he was afraid that if she said one more word with her mouth now, she would spray him in the face.

Originally, Cai Wenjie wanted to move on, but suddenly he saw Xiang Xue who was still chewing food and looking at him innocently, and thought about it and said it.

"Xiang Xue, go and notify all the people in the vehicles, take advantage of this moment to solve your personal physiological problems immediately, even if you don't feel like it, you have to go, to save trouble later"

"Ho De!"

After saying that, Xiang Xue swallowed the food in her mouth, and when she was about to go out, Cai Wenjie hurriedly stopped her.

"Just use the car radio to notify, there's no need to notify one by one"

"Ah! Yes, why didn't I think of it, you're really smart, Chief"

After saying that, he prepared to use the car radio to contact the convoy behind.

At this time, the insects that had just eaten a mutant bison seemed to have noticed something and immediately flew towards the direction of Cai Wenjie's convoy. As for those that could not fly, they lay there motionless. Although they seemed to be resting and digesting food, if you observe carefully, you will find that the bodies of these insects are shrinking little by little. At this rate, it is estimated that they will return to their original size in one or two hours.

But while the bodies of the insects are shrinking, these insects are also excreting a kind of yellow transparent crystals that look like rice grains.

If these crystals are magnified more than ten times, you will find that these are not crystals at all, but the eggs of these insects.

Moreover, not long after these eggs were laid, they began to show signs of hatching. Sure enough, in less than 5 minutes, most of the eggs were hatched into new insect larvae.

At this time, the mother insect that originally gave birth to the eggs seemed to have exhausted all its vitality and fell directly to the ground and could not get up again.

The newly born insects crawled towards the immobile insects at the first time, and then wrapped them in the same way as they wrapped the mutant bison before.

As for what to do? You don't need to think about what to do. The insects used their breath that had not yet grown up to slowly gnaw on the bodies of their parents.

There was no way. The newly born insects had no way to hunt by themselves. In order to survive, they could only eat their parents to get nutrition. Of course, they didn't have the so-called concept of parents. In their cognition, there were only what they could eat and what they couldn't eat. The "parents" who just happened to have no mobility but were easy to eat were the best source of nutrition.

By the way, I forgot to say that an insect like this can lay 200 eggs at a time, and the hatching probability of these eggs can reach 50%. If there are no natural enemies or other unexpected events, this probability is even higher.

These larvae quickly ate the immobile insects, and then one by one began to spread their innate wings and began to try to practice their first flight.

Just as the larvae began to practice flying, the insects flying towards Cai Wenjie's team also arrived not far from the team.

At the same time, Cai Wenjie, who had been paying attention to them, also discovered the flying insects approaching the team.

"Attention all units, a large number of carnivorous flying insects are ahead. For safety reasons, all vehicles should close their windows and turn on the automatic electromagnetic reaction device. At the same time, vehicles equipped with large flamethrowers should try to shoot down the flying insects when they attack."


Perhaps because the sound of the engine was too loud, the insects that were not interested in steel vehicles tentatively approached the infantry fighting vehicle, and then these insects were electrocuted into small black charcoal by the high voltage electricity of the power grid around the infantry fighting vehicle.

Not only that, when the insects densely approached the infantry fighting vehicle with a special pipe, deadly flames suddenly began to spray from the pipe. The extremely high temperature of the flame directly burned the surrounding insects into ashes. Even if they were not directly sprayed, the transparent wings on the back of the insects would curl up because they were too close to the flames. They could not keep their balance in the sky and had to fall down, and then they were crushed into meat patties by the slowly moving infantry fighting vehicle, and they died.

And because infantry fighting vehicles and transport trucks are made of special steel, they are not afraid of the bites of these insects at all.

Cai Wenjie waited for a while and was relieved only after he was sure that no vehicles were in trouble because of these bugs.

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