My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 447 White Wolf King

As for why it was able to find Cai Wenjie directly, or to be sure that Cai Wenjie was the king here, it was because it felt Cai Wenjie's powerful aura and the sense of oppression in his bloodline, which made it guess that Cai Wenjie was the king of mankind.

And for some unknown reason, it had an instinctive fear of Cai Wenjie.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand, because Cai Wenjie used the most perfect strengthening potion, and the Wolf King evolved with the help of failed strengthening potions, so he has a natural fear of Cai Wenjie.

"Okay, I agree to your request. You can follow me from now on."



After hearing Cai Wenjie's promise to take them in, the wolf king immediately roared, and the surrounding wolves began to become proud after hearing the wolf king's howl.

"Okay, stop howling. You can take your tribe and stay behind the trucks."

The white wolf nodded, and then led his pack and began to walk towards the middle of the convoy, where the transport trucks were.

Along the way, the soldiers on the infantry chariot all cast curious glances. There was no way that the White Wolf King's appearance was so beautiful, with beautiful fur without a trace of hair, two-color pupils, one blue and one purple, and slender eyes. The size, there are simply some beautiful fouls.

The White Wolf King has to be said to be very smart. Although it doesn't know what a truck is, it can guess it. After all, in such a big car, it naturally knows where there are empty seats.

Soon the white wolf commanded the wolves and jumped on the back of the transport truck one by one.

As luck would have it, after directing the wolves to get onto the back of the transport truck, the White Wolf King also took his partner and jumped onto a truck at the front, and the people on this truck were none other than Xiang Xue and others. truck with people in it.

Seeing the White Wolf King suddenly jumping up, everyone in the car did not scream loudly or show fear like ordinary people, but looked at the appearance of the Wolf King curiously.

There's no way the Wolf King's appearance is too frustrating for aesthetics. Besides, even though the White Wolf King is dangerous, Xiang Xue around them is not a vegetarian.

How could Xiang Xue, who could bring down even a black bear, be afraid of a wolf, even if the wolf didn't look simple?

The White Wolf King took his partner, found a random spot, and lay down in a circle. Although the others were curious, they did not dare to get too close to it. After all, it was still a wolf. He would definitely be the one injured if he approached rashly. .

"This white wolf is so beautiful. With its snow-white fur and Kazilan's big eyes, it looks like it just stepped out of a painting."

"Yes, yes, I really want to touch it."

A few women were excitedly discussing the appearance of the White Wolf King, while the men were discussing safety issues.

"Will this wolf get angry and hurt someone? Do you want to report the situation here to the soldiers in front?"

"You are stupid. These wolves can jump on the car. They must have received instructions from someone. In other words, these wolves are similar to military dogs, so don't pay too much attention to them."

"Okay, I hope what you said is true, but I think certain precautions are still necessary."

As he spoke, several men took out small daggers from their pockets and held them tightly in their hands. The White Wolf King expressed great contempt for the idea of ​​several people trying to defend themselves with a few small daggers. He used his eyes to After rolling his eyes at the men, he turned his head and narrowed his eyes.

It's just a few small daggers that can't even break through its own fur, and you still want to cause harm to it? Simply overestimating one's abilities.

"Did it look down on us just now? Or was it my imagination?"

"I don't think it's an illusion, it really rolled its eyes at us."

"Can it understand us?"

"It seems like, how about giving it a try?"

Under the encouragement of everyone, the man closest to the White Wolf King began to cautiously start a conversation with the White Wolf King.

"Um, Brother Wolf, can you understand what I'm saying?"

The White Wolf King didn't pay any attention to the man's conversation, which made the man think he had said something wrong, so he said it again in a different tone.

"Don't move! Let me be healthy!"

As he was about to touch him, the White Wolf King stopped holding back and gave the man a kick, sending him flying and hitting several men behind him.

Then the White Wolf King stood up directly and made a motion of wiping his neck with his paw, which made several other men and women look dumbfounded.

"No! He actually wiped his neck! Is this still the wolf I know?"

"Have you really lived a long time, and now even wolves have become so smart?"

"Do you think this Brother Wolf is a human? What I mean is, is someone reincarnated as a wolf, but still retaining the memories of his life, such as this Brother Wolf?"

"Although your idea is ridiculous, even the most unscientific zombies have appeared now. It's not that a wise wolf cannot accept it. Even this white wolf is too humane."

When Xiang Xue saw someone, no, a wolf wiping her neck to provoke her, she immediately warned the white wolf.

"Don't hurt anyone! Otherwise I won't be polite!"

But it was clearly a warning, but Xiang Xue suddenly wiped her mouth. Looking at his expression, the rude words she just said didn't seem to mean she was going to take action, but more like... words before going to someone else's house for dinner? .

The White Wolf King was directly frightened by Xiang Xue's look. Unlike Cai Wenjie's temperament of the He people, Xiang Xue's aura was more like the look of a hungry predator looking at a delicious steak, just like the feeling of being hungry for a week and suddenly having a full banquet in front of him.

Here, Xiang Xue was the one who had been hungry for a week, and the White Wolf King was like a full banquet.

If he was not the wolf king in the wolf pack, the other wolves would definitely shrink their tails and leave this ghost place in disgrace when they saw this posture.

But it couldn't do it. It was the wolf king, and his partner was next to him. In order not to lose face, it immediately confronted Xiang Xue.

Neither one man nor one wolf was willing to back down. They confronted each other until half an hour later, when the convoy stopped at a gas station that had been abandoned for almost a month.

Although the purpose of this trip was medical supplies, if they encountered places like gas stations, they would still stop to collect fuel resources. After all, with so many vehicles, they couldn't use love to generate electricity. People in ancient times knew that if they wanted horses to run faster, they had to feed more grass.

What's more, it's a steel behemoth that can't move without oil.

Although Cai Wenjie can exchange oil in the system, it's only okay once in a while. It's still too disadvantageous to exchange oil with points regularly.

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