My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 438: Border Town

The official gathering place, composed of local troops, police and militiamen, is now struggling to fight back against the people outside the gathering place.

There was no way, most of them died in the city defense battle, and less than one-tenth of them survived. Even if the police and militia were included, there was only one company at most.

The number of people outside was at least several thousand, and almost everyone had a rifle in their hands. In fact, all the weapons in their hands were picked out from the sacrificed soldiers.

The same goes for ammunition. They were all dug out from the pile of dead people.

But these people don't hold weapons and ammunition to fight zombies, but to use them for their own benefit.

To an unarmed man, these men were a band of living bandits.

This time they attacked the official gathering place. They wished that all the soldiers inside would die, and then they would seize all the abundant supplies inside and use them for themselves.

They didn't take the soldiers inside at all, even if those soldiers sacrificed their lives for their safety.

These people don't even know the most basic gratitude, they only have greed and desire in their eyes.

"Battal Commander! There are only the last 5,000 rounds of ammunition left in the ammunition depot. Each of our remaining 100 people only has 500 rounds of ammunition on average. We can't last long with just this amount of ammunition! And there are also You have to leave some ammunition to fight zombies!”

The man called the battalion commander is a man in his late fifties. Although he is relatively old, his body is still very strong and strong due to long and hard training.

Simply put, he is a muscular man.

When the battalion commander heard that the ammunition was about to be exhausted, he did not panic. Instead, he persuaded the head of the logistics department in front of him.

"Five hundred rounds for each person? Isn't that still a lot? It doesn't matter. These bullets are enough for us to defeat those people outside. As for the rest, we will talk about it later."

As he spoke, he raised his rifle and pulled the trigger at the enemies who were still shooting wildly outside.

"Bang! With the sound of a gunshot, the bullet accurately hit the enemy who was still shooting randomly in the distance, directly knocking the man down.

"Don't worry. After this battle is over, I will take people out to look for ammunition. I remember that there seems to be a combat storage depot near us. When the time comes, I will take people to get ammunition from there. We will have enough bullets by then. I think Cum for as long as you want.”

"Oh, that's all it can do."

To be honest, what they are really worried about is not the shortage of ammunition, but the ordinary citizens behind them who need their protection.

The citizens in the official gathering place are all those who are willing to believe in the government and the military. Most of them are ordinary people with no ambitions. All they want is a safe base and sufficient food or the most basic things. Survival needs, as for the remaining elimination of zombies or other things, they believe that the country will take care of it.

Because of this kind of thinking, these people are extremely vulnerable to threats or robbery by the group of people outside.

If the army had not been protecting them, they would have died in the hands of those outside.

And because there are not many armed forces in the gathering place, they cannot freely go out to collect supplies, because once they divide their troops and go out to collect supplies, those outside will rely on their numerical advantage to completely break through the gathering that was finally established. Land, what will we need supplies when our home is gone?

This is one of the reasons why they are now short of supplies.

But at this time, a huge explosion caught the attention of the two people, and a huge fireball appeared in the residential area behind them.


"Fuck! Mortar! Everyone, take cover!"

Yes, the cause of the explosion was that the group of people outside used mortars, but because it was the first time to use this weapon, there was no accuracy at all. Originally, this shell was intended to fall on the soldiers in the gathering place. It was above the deployed defense line, but it fell into the residential area without causing any damage.

"tnnd, why is this thing so difficult to control? No, I want to do it again."

The main culprit who caused the explosion, the person who fired the mortar, looked young, only fifteen or sixteen years old, but underneath his childish face, there was a violent heart.

But just when the boy was about to fire another mortar shell, a huge gunshot that was different from ordinary gunfire rang out.

As for the boy who was preparing to fire the mortar a second time, when the gunfire rang out, the head on his neck suddenly exploded like a watermelon that accidentally fell to the ground, and the whole person suddenly lost his head and became a A headless corpse began to slowly fall backwards.

The person who caused this result was none other than the burly battalion commander.

The battalion commander was holding a Type 10 anti-materiel sniper rifle in his hand, and the huge gunshot just now came from here.

"Oh, even though he is still a child, I have to kill him. What a world."

"Battal Commander, please be patient. This is the end of the world. What you did was not wrong. Although you killed him, you also saved the group of citizens behind us who were willing to believe in us. No one will say anything to you."

A teenager with a weapon against them and the Guangda citizens they were supposed to protect, everyone knew what to choose, so the battalion commander's handling method was not wrong, not to mention that the teenager on the opposite side was going to fire a second round of shells. If they were not stopped in time, they would be the ones who were injured.

Perhaps it was because the teenager died too miserably, the survivors around the teenager, or a group of thugs, all stopped shooting at the same time, and the thugs who were quick-witted had already found a place to hide, and only those thugs who had not yet turned around were still trembling in the same place.

There was no way they had seen people shot to death, but most of the people who were shot to death did not have serious gunshot wounds, so they did not feel any fear.

But this time was different, the effect of the 10-type anti-material sniper rifle on the human body was not comparable to ordinary firearms. Although the teenager was killed by a direct hit in the head, the scene of the head exploding directly scared the people around him so much that their faces turned pale and they dared not move.

"Stupid! What are you standing there for? Get out of the way!"

Perhaps because they couldn't stand their stupid companion, a man with shifty eyes who looked very cunning, they immediately shouted.

If someone had yelled at them like this at ordinary times, they would have definitely taken up their weapons and fired at the person who yelled at them, but now they were not only not angry, but were actually somewhat glad that someone had yelled at them. After all, they were a sitting duck in the state they were in just now, and who knew if they would be the next to be shattered.

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