My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 409 Good News

After everyone was seated, everyone began to enjoy the rich dinner. Although it was only a few small things, they still ate it with gusto.

While eating, several people began to talk about what happened today.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cai, I heard that this treasure hunt in the ammunition depot and the giant monster were all done by the same organization. Is this true?"

Li Tian drank beer, looked at Cai Wenjie and asked curiously. Cai Wenjie did not hide anything, but shook his head and said.

"Although I don't know very well, judging from my contact with those people, they were indeed responsible for the explosion of the ammunition depot, and the wave of corpses they caused was also planned by them. But regarding the alien fighting beasts, that is what you said I don’t think that giant monster was their masterpiece. After all, that thing is beyond the control of ordinary organizations.”

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Cai Wenjie took a bite of peanuts and continued.

"As far as I know, this kind of alien fighting beast is not a natural mutation, but someone deliberately created this huge mutant fighting beast. The main reason why I can judge this way is because I am a mutant fighting beast. The number engraved by the machine was found among the corpses. If the number is engraved according to the number, then I am sure that such alien beasts will continue to appear."

When Cai Wenjie said this, everyone else felt a little headache. After today's battle, they all knew that except for large-caliber heavy machine guns or anti-material sniper rifles, ordinary-caliber bullets could not do anything about this alien beast. cause any harm to it.

Moreover, this alien fighting beast can automatically avoid danger, especially the shock wave, which can actually deflect rocket attacks. If the shock wave could not withstand the attack of artillery shells, it would be in big trouble.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about some good news. Everyone, you should know that the central government has equipped us with a zombie virus inhibitor. I heard that the logistics department will distribute the inhibitor to our frontline troops tomorrow at the latest. , which must include Lieutenant Colonel Cai’s guerrilla troops. Although it can only temporarily suppress the spread of the virus, life is still guaranteed, and you don’t have to worry about waiting to die if you are caught by a zombie."

"I also know this news. It is said that each person will be given at least five of this inhibitor in order to improve fighting time and willpower. Moreover, when the inhibitor is distributed, epinephrine and the latest developed one can be distributed quickly. I don’t know if the recovery potion that restores various values ​​of the body is real.”

"Don't think it must be true. In continuous high-intensity battles, if you want to maintain your combat effectiveness, you must rely on such recovery potions. Otherwise, the morale of the soldiers will decrease with the intensity of the battle, and even... It is possible that a war-weary mood will arise, causing the troops' combat effectiveness to plummet. In this case, recovery potion like you said is definitely the best choice."

"Let me tell you, no matter how many medicines you use, there is no exoskeleton mechanical armor that is as good as one. I have been lucky enough to see the newly developed exoskeleton mechanical armor before. Good guy, if I didn't know that this is a reality, I would have thought it was true. I traveled to the future, come on, look! I took this photo secretly at that time, look how handsome it is."

A photo was placed in front of everyone. The content inside was an exoskeleton mechanical armor. Its appearance was black and red. The overall feeling was like a knight resurrected from hell. It was very handsome.

Cai Wenjie looked at the photo carefully and compared it with the exoskeleton armor in his system mall. He found that in terms of appearance, the exoskeleton in his system mall was no match. The overall black color with blood-red stripes made the entire exterior look different. The skeleton mechanical armor looks taller, more powerful and domineering.

It doesn't look like a mass-produced machine at all, more like a custom-made one. And unlike the exoskeleton armor Cai Wenjie owns, the armor in the photo seems to be pre-loaded with the latest weapons, especially when carried on the shoulder. The gun barrel seems to be a 35mm anti-tank gun from the Second World War placed directly on the shoulder.

Although the current 35mm anti-tank gun cannot counter current main battle tanks at all, it is still a restrained existence for thin-skinned armored vehicles.

In addition to the 35mm anti-tank gun, this mechanical armor also carries an alloy knife about one meter and a half long on its back. It can be roughly compared to the shape of the Tang Dao. It is different from the swords of a certain island country. , the blade of this alloy Tang knife is very straight, with a 45° edge only at the very top.

The reason for this is to make the knife capable of cutting and stabbing. After all, in close combat, instead of cutting off the zombies, it is better to stab the knife directly into the eye socket and pierce the brain. This not only saves effort, but also makes the zombies more vulnerable. The blade's durability is longer.

From this point of view, the exoskeleton mechanical armor developed by the state is more practical and powerful than the individual exoskeleton armor equipped by Cai Wenjie. However, if we really understand the performance of these two, we can only say that each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Short.

Although the exoskeleton mechanical armor developed by the country is stronger and more handsome, it has a fatal weakness, that is, energy, or the energy used by the exoskeleton mechanical armor. Because the country has not yet completely mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, so in The main driving energy source for this exoskeleton mechanical armor is electricity.

Although the battery technology is very advanced now, it is still not enough to supply such a large exoskeleton mechanical armor, so the duration of this armor is a bit short. It can move normally for four hours when fully charged, and it can only move for two hours if it is in combat mode. If it is in extreme mode with full firepower, this mechanical armor can only move for ten minutes, and after ten minutes, the battery will be completely scrapped due to overload operation, and a new battery must be replaced before it can resume action.

Of course, under high-intensity power consumption, the performance of this exoskeleton mechanical armor will be greatly improved. For example, when a soldier wears an exoskeleton mechanical armor and turns on the extreme mode, theoretically his running speed will reach 100km per hour, and the explosive power of the human body will also increase from the basic hundreds of kilograms to more than ten tons. This is no longer a normal person but a superman.

Of course, as mentioned above, this is only theoretical data, and the real situation can only be determined after more detailed data comes out.

Because this exoskeleton mechanical armor was designed to resist mutant zombies from the beginning, it is so strong.

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