My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 407 Su Xiaomei

Cai Wenjie didn't knock the little girl unconscious, but first helped her clean her eyes, then took a towel and put it on himself to avoid exposure, and then started to take a bath as if nothing had happened, completely ignoring the fainted women behind him.

And the little girl didn't seem to be afraid of Cai Wenjie at all. After Cai Wenjie helped clean the foam around her eyes, the little girl successfully opened her eyes and saw who helped clean her eyes. Although the little girl didn't know Cai Wenjie's true identity, she didn't shout or scream.

She first confirmed the safety of the two people who fell unconscious on the ground. After confirming that the two were not dead but unconscious, the little girl didn't care about them anymore.

Instead, she took a step with her short legs and ran to Cai Wenjie who was taking a bath in the big bathtub, and then jumped into the pool very naturally, splashing a large area of ​​water.

Then a small head emerged from the hot water, staring at Cai Wenjie tightly and speaking.

"Big brother, are you a soldier? What's your rank? Are you single? Do you want me to introduce you to my two sisters?"

Cai Wenjie didn't say much, and to show that he didn't want to talk, he deliberately closed his eyes and soaked in hot water silently.

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Seeing that the big brother in front of him didn't seem to pay attention to him, the little girl Xiao Mei slowly approached Cai Wenjie and kept talking.

"Big brother, are you asleep? Are you really not considering my two sisters? Although they are already big, they are not in love and are all single dogs. Are you really not going to take action? Big brother? How about you wait a few years, and I will be your girlfriend when I grow up?"

For some reason, this little girl named Xiao Mei has a great liking for Cai Wenjie, and she strongly wants to recommend her sister as his girlfriend, or simply be his girlfriend herself after a few years.

Looking at the little girl who kept pestering and approaching him, Cai Wenjie finally spoke.

"Little friend, aren't you afraid of me? I'm the criminal who knocked down your two sisters. Under normal circumstances, even if you're not afraid of me, you shouldn't get so close to me."

"Afraid? Big brother, why should I be afraid of you? You helped me get rid of the foam in my eyes, and you also got rid of my two annoying sisters. I'm so happy!"

Although the little girl said so, Cai Wenjie had already understood that the little girl was still very concerned about her two sisters when she was anxiously testing the life breath of the two people just now.

This is why Cai Wenjie allowed the little girl to get close to him. You know, Cai Wenjie has a habit that once a stranger sneaks close to his dangerous distance, he will control that person without saying a word, or kill him directly.

What is the dangerous distance? This refers to the distance that can be used within one second to hurt Cai Wenjie with a knife such as a dagger, which is about half a meter to two meters.

Only those who have his approval and acquaintances can approach, no one else can. The little girl won Cai Wenjie's approval because of her performance just now. Besides, there is no place to hide weapons in the bathroom now, which is also one of the main reasons.

In addition to himself, because he has a system space, let alone hiding weapons, Cai Wenjie can even take out tanks on the spot.

Of course, there are still no armed vehicles like tanks in the system mall.

This is also a major reason why Cai Wenjie has been unable to expand his troops on a large scale. After all, a large number of soldiers at this time is not as useful as an infantry fighting vehicle. If you fight zombies without tanks and armored vehicles, it is too dangerous. It is very likely that a soldier who has just been exchanged will be infected by zombies immediately and become a new zombie.

"Oh, forget it, kid, your name is Xiaomei, right?"

"Yes, my name is Xiaomei, my full name is Su Xiaomei, my sister gave me that name."

"Sister? Where are your parents or grandparents?"

"My parents died when I was a baby, as did my grandparents, so my sister raised me and gave me that name."

Looking at the little girl, there was no sadness on her face, and when she said her parents and grandparents had passed away, there was no fluctuation at all, which surprised Cai Wenjie. After all, for a child like Su Xiaomei, who had lost the love of her parents and grandparents since childhood, she should be very eager for her parents, but Cai Wenjie did not find any longing on her face.

"Xiao Mei, aren't you sad?"

"Sad? No, my sister has always taken care of me since I was a child. She helped me go to the hospital when I was sick and cooked when I was hungry. I only have my sister."

Looking at Su Xiaomei who was righteous, Cai Wenjie could understand. After all, for her, it was her sister who helped her, took care of her, and raised her since she could remember. Naturally, she regarded her sister as her parents, so she didn't have much emotion for her biological parents. For her, the name of father refers to her sister, and mother also refers to her sister. Although she herself did not realize it, Cai Wenjie could see at a glance that Su Xiaomei was very dependent on her sister.

This fact can be seen from the fact that she subconsciously turned her head to look back every few seconds from the beginning to now, until she saw her sister lying on the ground still breathing, and then turned to Cai Wenjie and continued to talk.

"Xiao Mei, what does your sister do?"

"Well, my sister said she is an instructor who specializes in teaching fighting"


No wonder, when Cai Wenjie was entangled with her sister, she attacked her defenseless lower body without any mercy, and the fighting skills she showed when entangled with him also fully demonstrated her ability, but in front of Cai Wenjie's absolute power and speed, no matter how skilled a person is, he can't escape Cai Wenjie's palm.

The two people who were knocked unconscious are the best proof.

"Fighting? Instructor?"

Cai Wenjie listened to the little girl's words and fell into deep thought. Generally, instructors refer to people who go out of the army to train college freshmen or college freshmen. If they are in the army, they are divided according to military rank and military service.

If the little girl was not lying, then there was only one possibility, that is, she was either from another branch of the military, or a specially hired instructor of the special forces.

Cai Wenjie was more inclined to the latter possibility, because her fighting ability was indeed outstanding. Although she was easily knocked unconscious by him and has not woken up yet, he could not deny the fact.

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