My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 401: Secret Letter from the City Lord

"All dead?"

"Yes, no one survived"

Hearing the confirmation from his butler. The city lord could no longer hold back the anger in his heart and began to frantically smash anything he could see in the private room.

"Waste! A bunch of waste! You can't even do this! How dare you ask me for so much reward! Steward! Throw their families to the Colosseum immediately! Since the mission failed, at least their families must be punished. I'm happier"


It turns out that the five masked men who sneaked into the fortress were all sent from here, and their families were also imprisoned in this underground city, so they took great risks to sneak into the fortress to steal troops. confidential documents.

The city lord who sent away the butler, in the empty private room, showed a calm expression that was inconsistent with the previous one, and patted the corner of his clothes that were messed up when he smashed things.

"No one survives? Haha! You still want to lie to me about this measurement, but you are still a little kid who is still young."

It was obvious that he had pretended everything just now in order to deceive the housekeeper and others into thinking that he was a cruel, brainless and incompetent city lord.

And his purpose of doing this is also very simple, which is to regain all the power of the city lord. Although the nominal city lord of the dungeon is himself now, everyone including himself knows that this is just an illusion, and the real owner of the dungeon is not. He was the man next to him who seemed to be the housekeeper and the city lord's assistant.

Although he seems to be enjoying the power of the city lord, if he wants to issue rules and regulations, he must obtain the consent of the steward, or the consent of the assistant group, and this assistant group is an organization led by his steward , they were reviewing the regulations issued by the city lord in the name of helping him improve the regulations.

Then, directly modify his regulations during the review, and then add his own wishes to completely replace the original regulations with new regulations.

He saw all this, but he couldn't say anything, and sometimes even praised them. The main reason was that the armed forces of the underground city were not in his hands at all, but in his hands. In the hands of the steward, he can mobilize the armed forces in the city only with the steward's permission, and the orders must be implemented through the steward.

As the city lord, he knew that if he dared to keep housekeeping, there would only be one end, and that was to be secretly killed by the housekeeper, and then claim to the public that he died of illness.

At that time, the residents of the underground city will no longer be mourning, but may even have a gathering to celebrate his death and the end of his brutal rule.

As everyone knows, all this is not what he originally hoped for. He also hopes to build a united, harmonious and loving dungeon in this doomsday and spend this doomsday safely. He also wants to become a city lord who is praised and respected by others. But he couldn't, at least not now. Before he completely regained power, everything he did was under the supervision of the steward.

Once he behaves differently than usual, his life will be in danger, so he can only act like this, being a brutal city lord every day in exchange for his own life safety.

However, he was not completely unprepared. Among the five people sent out this time, number one and the only woman was his sister. Although she was not his biological sister, the relationship between the two of them before the end was very close. Yes, even the zombie apocalypse has not changed this relationship.

So when he sent them out this time, he secretly gave a secret message to his cousin, which recorded the map and route of the dungeon, why he suddenly became so cruel, and what the butler did. All the bad things that have happened.

He also told her not to open this secret message unless she was alone.

All he can do now is continue to play his role and wait for his cousin's rescue, or rather for the army's rescue.

On the other side, the five people who were brought to the interrogation room were separated and interrogated separately. As the leader of this team, No. 1 received even more attention. Almost half of the interrogations started with her.

And unlike others who were uncooperative, she very naturally told everything she knew without any intention of concealing anything. Instead, she actively cooperated with the interrogation staff.

"How's it going? Did you ask what happened?"

Because he was worried that the people inside would escape, Cai Wenjie personally led his troops to the interrogation room to assist in the defense to prevent these people from seizing the opportunity to escape. After all, since they could get in, Cai Wenjie had reason to believe that they could escape. go out.

"Reporting to the Lieutenant Colonel, the matter is probably clear. Although the other four people did not cooperate with our work, this woman was very cooperative with us and told the whole story. Please review the interrogation notes at that time."

In fact, Cai Wenjie is not qualified to read this kind of notes, but everyone in the fortress already knows it. If Cai Wenjie hadn't been alert, they would definitely be in trouble because of the kidnapping of Admiral Yansong, so even if it was to repay Cai Wenjie, The interrogation staff were willing to meet all of Cai Wenjie's demands despite being punished.


After Cai Wenjie took the note, he thanked him first, and then read it carefully.

Ten minutes later.

Cai Wenjie closed his notebook, thought for a moment and asked.

"Can you take me to see the secret letter?"

"Of course, please follow me."

The staff took Cai Wenjie to the temporary storage room without saying anything. There were all the items collected from the five people, including the so-called city lord's secret letter.

After arriving at the storage room, the staff immediately went to a safe, entered the password to open the safe, and took out an unremarkable envelope from it and handed it to Cai Wenjie.

It was obvious that the envelope was in an open state. No. 1 must have read the secret letter, so he cooperated with the staff's work so well.

Cai Wenjie took the envelope and took out the secret letter inside without hesitation, as well as the map and route of the underground city and read it carefully. In order to facilitate reading, the staff even brought a desk and chair and placed them next to Cai Wenjie, and also brought a desk lamp so that Cai Wenjie could read the contents conveniently.

"Thank you, it's thoughtful"

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