My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 31 Rescue Team


With the sound of the bus's brakes, Cai Wenjie stopped the car at the door of Canteen No. 1, then picked up the VSS, opened the door and got out quickly, cooperating with Song Yi upstairs, and began to shoot at the zombies chasing the bus from behind. Read

"Puff!" "Puff!"

With the continuous shooting of Cai Wenjie and Song Yi, the zombies that were originally attracted by the sound of the bus began to fall down like pouring wheat.

In less than a moment, the zombies behind were cleared, and Cai Wenjie also gained equivalent points.

After doing all this, Cai Wenjie did not put away his gun, but continued to be alert around, just raised one hand to signal Song Yi upstairs to bring people down.

After seeing Cai Wenjie's gesture, Song Yi turned around and said to the women around him in a very fast tone.

Taiwan Novel Network → Yan𝚠𝚔�𝚗.𝚌Shenyang𝚖

"The bus is here! Everyone get off! The two people over there help Professor Dong, and follow me!"

Then Song Yi took a step ahead to cover everyone getting on the bus. After going down to the first floor of the cafeteria, he opened the cafeteria door and quickly moved to the front of the bus to be alert for zombies that might jump out from the front.

The others who followed Song Yi began to get on the bus one after another.

"Professor Dong, be careful with your feet"

Gao Hongmei helped Mr. Dong get on the bus. After all, he was old and his legs were inconvenient, so he needed someone to help him.

After everyone got on the bus, Cai Wenjie quickly ran from the back of the bus to the door of the bus, jumped up in two steps, and sat in the driver's seat.

Song Yi got on the bus last after Cai Wenjie got on the bus.

Cai Wenjie, who was sitting in the driver's seat, started the bus after seeing Song Yi get on.

It started to drive towards the East Gate where Knight XV was parked.

Cai Wenjie had already cleared the Dongdaemun when he came, but now it was occupied by zombies that appeared out of nowhere.

"Song Yi, take this! This is the car key of Knight XV. When you arrive at Dongdaemun, you will drive the car out as fast as possible and clear the way in front!"

After saying that, Cai Wenjie threw the key of Knight XV to Song Yi.

Song Yi took the car key thrown by Cai Wenjie and put it in his pocket, and replied

"Yes! I promise to complete the task"

Soon Dongdaemun was approaching.

"Song Yi, get ready! Get off the bus!"

As the gate got closer and closer, Cai Wenjie knocked away several zombies blocking the road, and opened the car door the moment he arrived at Dongdaemun, and Song Yi jumped down when the door opened.

After seeing Song Yi jump down, Cai Wenjie immediately closed the door and began to deliberately increase the horsepower. With the roar of the engine, the bus rushed forward like a wild boar in heat, mainly to attract the attention of the surrounding zombies so that the zombies would not notice Song Yi.

After Song Yi jumped off the bus, he rolled on the ground to relieve the impact. After rolling, Song Yi rushed to Knight XV with the remaining momentum.

Because the zombies attracted by the sound made by Cai Wenjie did not find Song Yi, they only rushed to the bus.

Taking this opportunity, Song Yi rushed to the side of Knight XV, took out the car key given by Cai Wenjie, quickly unlocked the door, opened the door and sat on it.

Then Song Yi started Knight XV, put the gear in, and stepped on the accelerator! Knight XV rushed forward with great power like a tank.

Soon Song Yi drove Knight XV to catch up with the bus. During the period, he encountered zombies chasing the bus and hit them directly without being polite.

He directly hit the zombies into severe disability, and then drove Knight XV to catch up and drive in front of the bus.

Before Song Yi became Cai Wenjie's subordinate, he was responsible for evacuating the people in this area, and naturally knew the location of the military gathering place.

In this way, Song Yi drove the Knight XV in front, while Cai Wenjie drove the bus to follow Song Yi. The two cars lined up and drove to the nearest military gathering point, YJ Airport.

On the other side, the military command issued an order to rescue Professor Dong Wan and Dong trapped in YJ University, and the rescue team composed of armed police and special police was responsible for this rescue operation.

And the number of people was not large, only six people, mainly because the three military gathering points were very short of manpower, and it was good to squeeze out this number of people.

The people sent by the armed police included Chen Dong, the assaulter responsible for the assault, Xiong Tao, the machine gunner who provided fire support, and Zhou Xiaoling, the medical soldier.

The people sent by the special police included Wang Long, the sniper who provided long-range support, Wang Hu, the observer who was responsible for assisting Wang Long, and Xu Tao, the driver of this mission.

They are all experts in their respective fields, especially the twins Wang Long and Wang Hu. Their cooperation is simply seamless. In previous combat missions, Wang Hu often reports his position in the last second and Wang Long hits the target in the next second, and the process does not exceed one second.

Among the other rescue team members, assaulter Chen Dong is good at assault and lurking missions, especially lurking. As long as Chen Dong wants to hide, no one can find him, unless the other party uses high-tech equipment to search the same place over and over again in the place where Chen Dong is lurking for several times before it is possible to find Chen Dong.

Xiong Tao, who provides fire support, looks like a standard northern man, 2 meters tall and weighs 150 kilograms. His strong body is full of muscles. He doesn't like to think, but only likes to use strength to subdue everything. Fortunately, Xiong Tao will not have any doubts about orders and resolutely executes the orders given. In short, he is very obedient!

Medical soldier Zhou Xiaoling joined the armed police in her most precious years as a woman, and was willing to sacrifice her youth to defend her country. Apart from other things, this spirit alone is enough to make people respect her, and the most valuable thing is that Zhou Xiaoling is proficient in Chinese and Western medicine, and any injuries are not a problem for her.

Finally, there is the driver Xu Tao who is responsible for the most important part of this rescue mission.

As the driver in this mission, Xu Tao is not only proficient in vehicle driving, but also proficient in tactical command and has an inhuman memory ability, that is, hyperthymesia.

The so-called hyperthymesia is an extremely rare medical anomaly, which belongs to the branch of non-selective memory. The clinical manifestation is that the brain has an automatic memory system.

People with hyperthymesia use the left frontal lobe (usually this area is used to process language) and the posterior head area at the back of the brain (usually used to store picture memories) to store long-term memories.

All of this seems to happen subconsciously. People with hyperthymesia have no ability to forget, and can remember what they have experienced clearly, down to any detail.

Maybe others will envy Xu Tao's hyperthymesia, but for Xu Tao, hyperthymesia is not good enough.

Although he has a photographic memory, he is worse off than dead.

According to Xu Tao, his brain often flashes back to past memories uncontrollably.

Whenever he thinks of things that make him sad, Xu Tao falls into endless pain.

He often affects his work because of reminiscing about the past, and in severe cases, it can cause insomnia, dreaminess, and mental depression.

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