My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 396 Confidential Documents

"Enough! If you have anything to say, come to me, don't insult them!"

Admiral Yansong looked at the guard who lost his life to protect him, and now he was treated so roughly by this masked man, and he couldn't help but scold him. Read М

"Hehe, it seems that our General Yansong is very angry now, but it doesn't matter, I don't care, as long as I send you to the designated location, my mission will be completed. As for the future, who knows?"

"No. 4! Shut up!"

Looking at the masked man who was talking more and more, another voice that was obviously a female voice stopped him.

The current situation of their group is very dangerous. Once the soldiers who were led away return, then they will die.

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Although they are very confident in their abilities, they can't retreat unscathed when facing soldiers who are dozens or hundreds of times their number.

"Hurry up and copy the confidential documents, and then evacuate quickly!"

"Okay, okay, you are beautiful and you have the final say"

The man called No. 4 shrugged first, and then said to the masked woman who was obviously in this team in an almost provocative tone.

There are five masked people in total. In addition to No. 4 and No. 1, the female leader, there is No. 2 who uses his hacking skills to steal confidential information, No. 3 who is responsible for protecting No. 2, and No. 5 who is an escape expert.

As for No. 4 and No. 1, one is responsible for interrogation and the other is responsible for commanding the whole team. It can be said that these people here are all leaders in various fields. This is a group of people who came to the fortress and kidnapped the highest commander here.

Everything that happened before was almost their masterpiece, or the masterpiece of No. 1 as the leader.

Not only did she blow up the No. 06 ammunition depot, so that the soldiers inside the fortress focused on extinguishing the fire, she also attracted a large number of zombies to the periphery of the fortress, and pretended to be attracted by the explosion. After the soldiers put out the fire, they rushed to the outer defense area for support.

And in order to delay the soldiers as much as possible and prevent them from returning so quickly, she also specially applied to the organization above for an alien fighting beast to delay the soldiers.

Of course, she also knew that it was impossible to resist for a long time with just such an alien fighting beast, but in her plan, the alien fighting beast could at least last for an hour, and with so many zombies, it could last for two hours, and two hours was enough for them to tie up General Yansong and get away.

But what she never expected was that the alien fighting beast, let alone lasting for two hours, was killed by Cai Wenjie's clone before even half an hour.

In this way, the actual situation was an hour faster than she expected.

But now, she didn't know about this, but for the sake of caution, she still urged No. 2.

"Can No. 2 be faster? The sooner we finish, the safer it will be, and we can find a way to leave here"

"Why are you urging me! We are just a temporary team, what qualifications do you think you have to order me? Shan! Get her away!"

"Yes! Master"

The man called Shan by No. 2 is the tall and strong masked man No. 3, who is also responsible for protecting No. 2, the man called Master by Shan.

No. 1, who was scolded by No. 2, looked very ugly, but under the mask, she didn't notice her expression, and looking at No. 3 who suddenly wanted to attack her, she had to shut up and step back a few steps.

"Don't forget, both of you were sent by that adult to assist me, not for you to show your master's temper here"

Although No. 1 took a few steps back, it didn't prevent her from reminding the two people why they came here.

"Tsk! Stupid woman!"

No. 2 looked at the woman who used that adult to suppress him, and wanted to slap her twice, but he held back. After all, slapping her face now was equivalent to slapping that adult. At that time, he and Shan would definitely be in trouble. He had no choice but to speed up his actions and transfer the confidential files to his USB flash drive as quickly as possible.

There was no other way. The computers here were restricted from connecting to the Internet, so he could only temporarily copy the confidential files to his USB flash drive, and then transfer them to the adult's computer after he got out.

Of course, how could a computer in a place like this copy confidential files directly to a USB flash drive like a normal computer? If you want to copy files to a USB flash drive, you must have a very complicated password. How complicated is this password? To unlock this password, you must use English, numbers, and very rare Chinese characters.

And this password will automatically break up every twelve hours. Only people with the highest level of authority can know the password for the day. And you don't need to think about it to know who has this authority, it is Admiral Yansong.

But as one of the few senior officers in the country, would General Yansong succumb to this torture? The answer is of course no.

Even though No. 4 tried every possible way, he couldn't get General Yansong to reveal a single piece of information. Instead, he was scolded by General Yansong in his hometown dialect.

"Alas, I hope I can complete the task within an hour. I always feel that I must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise there will be very troublesome troubles."

No. 1 sighed and muttered to himself.

And the trouble she mentioned was, of course, Cai Wenjie. Although she didn't know who Cai Wenjie was, so far, her premonitions had never failed to work, and it would definitely be the same this time, and this was the main reason why she was so anxious.

At this time, Cai Wenjie was on the wall outside the fortress, constantly using an anti-equipment sniper rifle to search for mutant zombies in the zombie group. Once he saw a mutant zombie, he immediately pulled the trigger without saying anything and sent the mutant zombie directly. Go to the west.

Because the flesh and blood of the Alien Fighting Beast is equivalent to a tonic for these mutated zombies, most of the mutant zombies are wandering around the body of the Alien Fighting Beast. This also saves Cai Wenjie a lot of trouble. Now he only needs to wait until the Alien Fighting Beast falls. If you choose the place as the center point, you can find traces of mutated zombies by observing the surrounding areas.

"A rocket costs 500 points. At least 200 of them were fired just now. In other words, those two rocket attacks alone cost 100,000 points. If the bullets were not provided by the troops, we would definitely have lost money this time. Kill me"

Cai Wenjie sighed, then looked at the mutated zombie in the scope that was holding the meat of the alien fighting beast and eating the meat and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I can only use you to restore your health. Be obedient and turn it into my points."

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