My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 393 Zombie Siege

With the concerted efforts of many soldiers, the fire in the ammunition depot was extinguished within three hours after the explosion. Read

"Don't get close yet, keep spraying water there for half an hour to ensure that there is no possibility of re-ignition"

According to the advice of the captain of the engineering company, although the ammunition depot was no longer burning, the soldiers still followed the advice and continued to spray water on the ruins of the ammunition depot for half an hour to ensure that there would be no re-ignition.

Thanks to this cautious advice, several ammunition boxes that were still burning in an invisible place were also carefully extinguished, avoiding accidental injuries.

When the fire in the ammunition depot was completely burned out, the soldiers prepared to enter the ammunition depot that had become a ruin to see if they could rescue some ammunition that had not been burned. Although this possibility was very small, in this case, more ammunition would mean more safety and kill more zombies.

But at this moment, the alarm sounded outside the entire fortress.

"Level 1 alert! Level 1 alert! A large number of zombies are approaching the periphery of the fortress. All combatants, please enter the combat position immediately. Repeat, all combatants, enter the combat position immediately!"

Cai Wenjie and others, who had just put out the fire, rushed to their own base with their troops without taking a rest. In fact, they probably guessed the reason why these zombies came here, which was nothing more than being attracted by the explosion of the ammunition depot.

Just when Cai Wenjie and others rushed back to the base to change equipment, the mutant zombies with faster speed among the zombies arrived at the security area outside the fortress first.

Before the mutant zombie had any other actions, a white laser hit the mutant zombie directly.

The mutant zombie hit by the white laser turned into ashes without even a sound, and died here forever.

This is the passive defense mode of the light prism tower, which uses high-intensity lasers to directly burn all zombies within the range into a pile of ashes.

In the periphery of the fortress, there is a light prism tower every 200 meters, and the total number of light prism towers has reached 24.

But there was more than one zombie attacking. Not long after the first mutant zombie was burned to ashes, several speed-type mutant zombies came to the range of the Light Prism Tower.

For the mutant zombies that came to the door, the Light Prism Tower naturally received them without any mistakes. No, it should be killed without any mistakes.

Six dazzling rays of light were emitted from the top of the Light Prism Tower, accurately hitting the mutant zombies that broke into the range. These mutant zombies, like the first mutant zombie, turned into a pile of ashes in an instant, deader than dead.

Even the speed-type mutant zombies could not break through the defense line of the Light Prism Tower, let alone other mutant zombies.

In the next few minutes, other speed-type mutant zombies wanted to break through the defense line of the Light Prism Tower, but they all died on the way. No mutant zombie could break through until the large group of zombies arrived. There was no improvement.

At this time, the soldiers inside the fortress had also assembled and were ready to attack at any time, or to provide support.

Because this is the army base camp, all the troops are resting here, so the number of soldiers once reached tens of thousands. If it weren't for the zombie virus, the troops here could have fought hand-to-hand combat with the tens of thousands of zombies outside.

"Everyone! Turn right! Run!"

The soldiers of each unit, led by their officers, quickly rushed to the outer defense line, including Cai Wenjie and a few people he had just met a few days ago.

Cai Wenjie looked at the crowds of people around him and sighed involuntarily.

"It's worthy of being an entire armored brigade, there are so many people"

After sighing, Cai Wenjie led his troops to speed up and rush to the outer perimeter of the fortress. You know, now they are competing with dozens of other troops to see who can reach the destination faster, and the prize is to show up in front of the whole army.

Although Cai Wenjie did not seek such false reputation, it did not mean that his subordinates did not seek it. Especially in this situation, the faster you rush to support, the more likely you will be impressed by the leaders above, and it will be much easier to be promoted in the future.

There was no choice, Cai Wenjie could only lead his troops to rush to the periphery as fast as possible.

On the way to support, Cai Wenjie led his men to overtake one unit after another. Thanks to the excellent physical fitness of Cai Wenjie and the soldiers he led, he finally overtook a large group of people and was the first to reach the periphery defense area.

At this time, the perimeter of the fortress has been filled with a large number of zombies, and these zombies have begun to gather together, preparing to break through the high wall. Of course, the defensive weapons on the perimeter have also begun to fire at full power to quickly annihilate the invading zombies, but it is impossible to kill so many zombies in a short period of time. Moreover, after the number of zombies reaches a certain scale, the dead zombies will become stepping stones for the zombies behind. If they continue to kill like this, the dead zombies will pile up together and eventually reach the same height as the wall. Countless zombies will step on their dead companions and rush into the interior of the fortress. At that time, the non-combatants behind will be in danger.

When Cai Wenjie led the troops to the outer defense area, he immediately gave orders to the soldiers behind.

"Quick! Quickly seize a favorable position and then fire freely!"


Because it was the first troop to reach the periphery, Cai Wenjie had the priority to occupy a favorable position, and most of the weapons carried by Cai Wenjie's troops were weapons of mass destruction such as light and heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, mortars, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, incendiary bombs, etc., so they had a great advantage in dealing with a large number of zombies.

Soon, the soldiers deployed a large number of light and heavy machine guns at the commanding heights of the wall according to Cai Wenjie's orders, forming a cross-fire defense line, and deployed several mortar positions in appropriate places, which could at least cover all directions within hundreds to several kilometers. After making various preparations, the soldiers began to shoot freely.

The mortar positions also began to cover fire according to the coordinates transmitted by the observer. The zombies finally came to a place dozens of meters away from the wall under the firepower of the light prism tower and other defensive weapons. When they were about to arrive, they were suddenly subjected to the crossfire of mortars and light and heavy machine guns, and suffered heavy casualties. The zombies that could move slowly were forced to stop again.

Every minute and every second, a large number of zombies died from explosions or other attacks, but even so, the zombies behind still rushed forward desperately, not taking their own lives seriously at all.

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