My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 390 Lessons

After all, the position is different now. Cai Wenjie can't just kill someone just because he has some hostility towards him. Doing so will not only make him lose his official status but also put himself in jail.

"Liu Zhi! What's your attitude? Apologize to Lieutenant Colonel Cai!"

"Apologize quickly, Liu Zhi! Your words just now are already a provocation to your superiors. It's not too late to apologize now."

This arrogant officer is being scolded by Li Tian and Feng Shu. The highest rank among them is Feng Shu, who is only a major. As for this arrogant officer, he is actually a captain.

A captain actually challenged a person at the battalion level. This is too much.

"Although I don't know why you have such great hostility towards me, as long as you don't have a negative impact on me, I don't think I will care about your current attitude...right?"

In the end, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but add the word "right" at the end, mainly because he himself didn't believe that he would let Liu Zhi continue to be arrogant.

In Cai Wenjie's understanding of himself, if someone dares to threaten himself and his family, then this person will definitely not see the sun the next day.

Although the officer named Liu Zhi cannot pose any threat to him now, he may do something to him in the future.

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie's old problem came back again, and he subconsciously began to slowly put his hand into his pocket, ready to kill the man in front of him as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie held back again, but this time it was because of the reminder of others that he came back to his senses, otherwise someone would definitely fall to the ground today.

"I'm sorry, Wenjie, although this person's tone is a bit big, but after two days of getting along, I think he is a little unwilling to admit defeat, and his personality is a bit stubborn so his attitude is not good. You should be generous and don't care too much, just ignore him."

Li Jianjun, seeing that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, hurried to Cai Wenjie and whispered.

Cai Wenjie didn't want to make the first exchange uncomfortable, so he said generously.

"It doesn't matter. This is the army. We can become stronger by comparing with each other. Your name is Liu Zhi, right? Please take care of me in the future."

Cai Wenjie stretched out his right hand to Liu Zhi, indicating that he wanted to shake hands. Perhaps because he knew he was in the wrong, Liu Zhi did not show any other emotions this time, but shook hands with Cai Wenjie honestly.

"My name is Liu Zhi, and I am the company commander of the 117th Company of the Iron Fist Regiment..."

Just when everyone thought that the two had reconciled, Liu Zhi knew that the person on the other side was still holding a grudge, because Cai Wenjie, who was holding his right hand, did not want to let go at all, but instead increased the strength in his hand little by little.

Liu Zhi's hand was pinched very painfully, but he would not show this emotion on his face. Instead, he kept a calm expression and introduced himself to Cai Wenjie.

And his unyielding character started again. While introducing himself, Liu Zhi began to pinch Cai Wenjie in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, Cai Wenjie's body was already at the limit of human strength, so Liu Zhi's counterattack was useless to Cai Wenjie. He pretended to know nothing and listened carefully to Liu Zhi's self-introduction, while secretly increasing the strength in his hands.

As time passed by second by second, Liu Zhi began to sweat coldly. As for his right hand, it was about to be broken or crushed by Cai Wenjie because of the long-term squeezing.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie knew the severity of the situation. When Liu Zhi's right hand was about to be crushed, he let go of his right hand, which had been held all the time, and then said.

"I have to say that your perseverance is very good. Do you want to serve here? I can't guarantee anything else, but I guarantee that there will be no limit on the supply of ammunition."

"Thank you for your invitation, but I still choose to stay here."

"Really? That's a pity."

The three people around didn't know what happened, but it was obvious that Liu Zhi seemed to be subdued. After all, he unconsciously used honorifics.

If Liu Zhi knew what the others were thinking, he would definitely curse them, because they didn't know what kind of strange power the man in front of them had. Just now, if Cai Wenjie wanted, his right hand would not be saved, and his right hand would be crushed by someone, but fortunately, before he was about to crush his right hand, the other party took the initiative to let go of his hand.

For a soldier, losing a right hand, especially losing a right hand in this doomsday, everyone knows what it means. Forced retirement is the biggest insult to any soldier, so when Cai Wenjie showed mercy, Liu Zhi couldn't help but start using honorifics to Cai Wenjie.

The arrogance and prejudice just now have disappeared without a trace, and now there is more respect and a trace of fear.

Liu Zhi believes that the man in front of him, who has a smiling face but is very cruel, will definitely become a big man in the future. Fortunately, the other party did not care about his arrogance, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Afterwards, Cai Wenjie and the others sat around the table and started chatting. Everyone talked about their own situation, such as the size of the zombie group and how to build defense facilities. Because the people present came from all over the world, everyone had a lot of feelings during the communication.

Especially those unique defense buildings, they were proud of them. When they talked excitedly, they had to draw those defense buildings, but these rough guys didn't have the skills to draw, so they could only draw an abstract painting that no one could understand. Of course, it was fake.

How can an officer not draw? Or, if one cannot draw, he is not a qualified officer.

Soon, everyone drew the unique defensive buildings of their gathering place, and specially marked all the functions and detailed introductions.

In general, they can effectively defend against the attacks of zombies and various mutant animals. For example, the defensive building drawn by Liu Zhi can be said to be a turret. This kind of turret can be equipped with heavy weapons, such as heavy machine guns, mortars, etc., and a squad of soldiers can be stationed there all year round.

There are all kinds of food and drinks inside, and a supply truck will come to supply supplies every half a month, so there is no need to worry about any supply problems.

And the special thing about this turret is the turret on the top. This turret is nothing else but removed from the 59 tank and then installed on the top of the turret.

The 100mm unit main gun of the 59 tank can effectively eliminate all mutant zombies or huge mutant animals, and because it is a fixed defensive equipment, the reserve of shells is very large, and there is no need to worry about the embarrassing scene of finding no shells halfway through shooting.

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