My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 379 Abnormal

Just when everyone was doing their own thing, he suddenly felt a sense of disobedience, and he always felt that something was wrong.

There was a mysterious voice that kept ringing in his mind.

"Hujue... 12... Hui Bao... Qing Frame..."

Although there was a voice in his mind all the time, he couldn't hear clearly what the voice in his mind was saying. He could only vaguely hear a few words.

Although he tried hard to understand what these words meant, the harder he tried to understand, the more painful his head became. This pain was like someone holding a hammer and knocking a bell in your ear. , making your head feel like tearing pain.

Finally, he held his head directly because of the severe pain.

fell to the ground.

Lao Gao, who was originally checking the edge not far away, saw his comrade holding his head and struggling on the ground in pain. He immediately put down the task in his hand and quickly came to him.

"Doctor! Doctor, come quickly!"

After Lao Gao came to him, he immediately called to the doctor standing not far away.

"Doctor, look what happened to him quickly"

Lao Gao's loud voice not only attracted the doctor's attention, but also attracted the attention of other people.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. Could it be that he was infected by the zombie virus?"

"Don't talk nonsense! If you were really infected with the zombie virus, you would have transformed into a zombie while taking the elevator. Humans only have one minute to mutate after being infected, and they would have mutated long ago."

"Looking at the way he is holding his head in pain, it seems he has a headache."

"It should be. I hope it's not a disease like cerebral hemorrhage. In the current situation, there is no way to perform surgery."

"How's it going? Still can't be contacted?"

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel! Armored Vehicle No. 12 has still not been able to contact the signal until now."

Cai Wenjie stood behind the correspondent, looking at the No. 12 armored vehicle inside the surveillance camera, and fell into deep thought.

Starting five minutes ago, Armored Car No. 12 suddenly stopped driving and attacking, and fell into silence. No matter what method was used, the crew of Armored Car No. 12 could not be contacted, and those who were originally in charge of Armored Car No. 12 The zombies in the area suddenly stopped moving, as if they were possessed by an evil spirit.

Even if the surrounding armored vehicles carried out indiscriminate attacks on these motionless zombies, they did not cause these zombies to make any other movements. They still stopped in place and remained motionless.

"There is no other way. Let the nearest armored vehicles No. 13 and No. 11 go to reconnoiter the situation and provide immediate rescue if possible."


The communication personnel responsible for communicating with each armored vehicle immediately began to call the No. 11 and No. 13 armored vehicles closest to No. 12.

"No. 011, 013 armored vehicle crew, please reply if you hear it!"

"011 Got it! Please speak!"

"013 Got it! Please speak!"

"011, 013, please go to the area where armored vehicle 012 is responsible immediately to rescue armored vehicle 012. Armored vehicle 012 is in an abnormal state, be careful!"


After receiving the order, the two armored vehicles immediately turned around and started heading to the area responsible for the No. 012 armored vehicle. As for the area responsible for these two vehicles, other armored vehicles took over.

As Armored Vehicles No. 011 and 013 approached Armored Vehicle No. 012, they immediately discovered that the crew inside the armored vehicle were staying in place with their eyes tightly closed and motionless.

"Report! We are close to the No. 012 armored vehicle. After preliminary observation, the crew of the No. 012 armored vehicle fell into an abnormal coma. Do you want to start the rescue?"

The crews of 011 and 013 armored vehicles did not start the rescue immediately. Instead, they first reported the situation at the scene and then asked for instructions to start the rescue.

After hearing the report, Cai Wenjie thought about it and asked:

"Besides the abnormal coma, are there any other conditions found? Are all the crew members of the No. 012 armored vehicle here?"

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel! All crew members of No. 012 are here, there is no shortage of people!"

"I understand. I immediately took the crew of the No. 012 armored vehicle and evacuated to the temporary medical station in the rear for inspection."


That's right, the crew of this armored vehicle No. 012 is the same armored vehicle he was in before, and his name is Zhou Xiao, and he is also the machine gunner in charge of the armored vehicle's on-board machine gun.

When the crews of No. 011 and No. 013 began to rescue the No. 012 armored vehicle, the zombies that had not moved at all began to move tremblingly.

And this situation was discovered immediately by the observer responsible for the vigilance.

"You all hurry up, the zombies seem to be waking up!"

"I know, I'll be fine soon"

Just as several people were preparing to carry away the crew members of armored vehicle No. 012 by carrying sacks, the crew members of armored vehicle No. 012, who were still in an abnormal state, suddenly opened their eyes.

Others who discovered this situation immediately began to report the situation to the headquarters, Cai Wenjie!

"Report to the Lieutenant Colonel! The crew of No. 012 has opened their eyes and is regaining consciousness, eh? Wait a minute, ah!!!!!!"

Cai Wenjie frowned when he heard the screams coming out of the radio. Then he turned on his system satellite without saying anything and aimed it at the area where the armored vehicle No. 012 was located. When the picture appeared in Cai Wenjie's mind, he immediately understood why they screamed.

A group of mutant zombies who appeared from nowhere were besieging the armored vehicle crews of No. 011 and No. 013. In order to save the crew of the armored vehicle No. 012, they did not carry too many guns, only a few pistols, and because they had to carry stretchers and other things, they did not have any other weapons or guns.

Several speed-type mutant zombies and claw zombies saw this opportunity and used their speed advantage to directly surround several crew members in the middle.

And while no one noticed them, they immediately killed the nearest person, who was the person who reported to Cai Wenjie.

"Hurry! Get back inside the armored vehicle. If you stay outside, you will be killed by several speed-type mutant zombies one by one. If you don't want to die, run!"


For the sake of safety, the three armored vehicles are far apart, about 50 meters apart, so if you want to rescue the crew of armored vehicle No. 012, you must run a distance, which also gives the speed-type mutant zombies a great opportunity to attack.

"No time to think, hurry up and get on armored vehicle No. 012"

Because armored vehicle No. 012 is closer, the crews of the other two vehicles immediately decided to get on the nearest armored vehicle.

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